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Version 3 Liebert Tiny #2 Proof Tiny + Cell + Sound Vibration + Alchemy Rhythm + Roses + Habits + Neurons + Mitochondria + Generate and Regenerative + Tiny Positive Habits + Positive Loops (The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop), and Dopamine

Nerdvana A. Leeuwenhoek



ZZZZZZZZZZ. Sound Vibration Cells and the Brain

Selecting sounds: How the brain knows what to listen to

Researchers Identify First Brain Cells That Respond to Sound

Neurons + Hermetic Principle of Rhythm

Brain Cells Supports Communication in Brain Network for Language

Proves original vision intention #1 (Miracle + Regenerate)

Stem Cells with Regenerative sync for the first time on The Miraculist (infusion and conversion)

Fat cells converted into Stem Cells “Which can be used to regenerate any damaged tissue in the body”

Blood cells that teach neurons damaged by Parkinson’s disease to heal themselves

Scientist at the University of North Carolina have created ‘smart’ white blood cells that teach neurons damaged by Parkinson’s disease to heal themselves. In the work published in PLoS ONE, the researchers genetically altered disease-fighting macrophages to produce glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in tiny bubbles called exosomes (pictured: red) that they then delivered to the brain, where they can heal damaged neurons (pictured: green and yellow). Previous work had shown that GDNF can stimulate healing in damaged neurons, and the engineered macrophages have the advantage of being able to cross the blood-brain barrier, unlike most medications. The ultimate goal of this study is to teach the body how to heal itself for a variety of neurodegenerative conditions, not just Parkinson’s. Read more:

Journal article: GDNF-Transfected Macrophages Produce Potent Neuroprotective Effects in Parkinson’s Disease Mouse Model. PLOS ONE, 2015. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106867 Image credit: Elena Batrakova/UNC Eshelman School Of Pharmacy

Rosehip Neuron + “Studying the differences at the level of cells and circuits is a good place to start, and now we have new tools to do just that.”

A reconstruction of a newly discovered type of human neuron. The researchers who identified the new cell type dubbed it a ‘rosehip neuron’ for its compact, budlike shape. Image courtesy of Boldog, et al.; Nature Neuroscience.

ICYMI: The effects of genes are so intertwined, it’s almost impossible to delete more than one without hurting a cell’s fitness in unforeseen ways.

Loop back on card “One surprising observation was that cells sometimes start off developing in different ways but then “loop back” to end up as the same type of cell.

Radical Findings Show Mitochondrial DNA Can Be Inherited From Dads

“This upends entire fields based on genetics.”

Mitochondria age differently depending upon whether they’re located in the liver, heart, or kidney, scientists find in flies and mice.

To add to Microbiology/Nano thread, cells, atoms, molecules, and now mitochondria

Mitochondria are found in every cell of every multi-celled life form on the planet – and do far more than you learned in biology class.


Researchers pinpoint the neurons responsible for orchestrating habitual behavior

Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter for motivation, focus and productivity. Learn the symptoms of dopamine deficiency and natural ways to increase dopamine levels …

How to form a good habit

15 Tiny Positive Habits

Habit Loop (2012) syncs with the Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop

The Power of Habit (Habit Loop, Chapter 1 2012)


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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