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"Happy Genius" coined by T. Katz in 2013 with Happy as inseparable from clean, decent behavior, therefore Genius within Happy Genius should adhere to same

Happy Genius with Tesla, 3 Keys, Einstein, Nature, and Cultivate

“Nature is full of genius, full of divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Majestatis naturæ by ingenium”

(Genius equal to the majesty of nature)

―inscription on the statue of the Comte de Buffon

Genius and Miraculous return with Miller

Like Henry Miller said, “The task of genius is to keep the miracle alive, to live always in the miracle, to make the miracle more and more miraculous, to swear allegiance to nothing, but live only miraculously, think only miraculously....” And there is nothing more miraculous than the ability to hold the tension between opposites and to flourish while doing so.”

Genius in one form is high IQ, with photographic or eidetic memory with faster/different processing mechanisms in different areas the brain, as confirmed by actual physical differences in Einstein’s Brain. The discussion of Focus can be questioned with Single Focus (male) compared to Diffuse Awareness (female) focuses in genius (Nonlinear and Motion of Energy moves in Diffuse Awareness, not linearly. Happy Genius is different in that it’s our unique gift, with love and passion for what we do, thus genius. It’s result is in making us happy.

What made Leonardo a genius?

Einstein True Genius

Genius is a Continuum

Neuroscientist Joy Hirsch explains genius as being a physical continuation of humanity’s pioneering spirit.

3 Keys to Cultivating Genius

Genius with Tesla, Newton, Noether, and Einstein


“Nature is full of genius, full of divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Majestatis naturæ by ingenium”

(Genius equal to the majesty of nature)

―inscription on the statue of the Comte de Buffon

Genius returns in Partnership

“What if every man is a genius? Women often think men are stupid. What if they just have a different kind of intelligence?”

– Alison Armstrong

Ladies, what is your man a genius at? Men, what are some things you’re a genius at (no need to be humble here!)? Thanks for sharing!

Einstein noted that Noether (a woman Physicist) was a genius

Balance with Happy Genius with Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Galileo, Plato, Jobs, Wright Brothers, Hypatia, Marie Curie, Noether, Lamarr, et al.

Happy Genius, a phrase I coined, synced on The Miraculist to rewrite it all perceptions to the positive

Miracle #33362

Happy birthday to Emmy Noether. Einstein described her as “the most important woman in the history of mathematics”. Image by the Perimeter Institute – Outreach. Thank you!

Miracle #33407

Happy birthday to Emmy Noether. Einstein described her as “the most important woman in the history of mathematics”. Image by the Perimeter Institute – Outreach. Thank you!

Miracle #33363

Emmy Noether was one of the most brilliant and important mathematicians of the 20th century. She altered the course of modern physics. Einstein called her a genius. Yet today, almost nobody knows who she is. Thank you!


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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