Version 2 Liebert Particle #3 Proof
Higgs Boson, Tesla’s Key of 9, The Miracle is 99.9999% Energy, The Oh-My-God Particle, Tesla’s Aether, Metaphysics, Alchemy
Miracles as Proton Particles, Photons with Einstein… Protons, Aether Particles, Quanta, 99.9999% Energy with Higgs Boson and Circuit
Particles return with Wave Mechanics, Circuits
Physicists group all the fundamental particles in nature into two categories, fermions and bosons, according to a property called spin. The fermions, in turn, have three types: Dirac, Majorana, and Weyl. Dirac fermions include the electrons in regular metals such as copper or gold. The other two are unconventional particles that can give rise to strange and fundamentally new physics, which potentially can be used to build more efficient circuits and other devices.
Read more at:
Quantum Mechanics: Higgs Boson, Holy Grail, Tesla’s Key of 3, how the Universe started, Tesla’s Key of 9, 99.9999% Energy (The Miracle as a Proton with Higgs Boson and the Oh-My-God Particle), Tesla’s Aether, Alchemy, Metaphysics
JJJJJ. Peter Higgs and The Oh-My-God Particle
Higgs Boson, also the Oh-My-God Particle returns in 12 days with Higgs and the beginning of the Universe
The Higgs doesn’t quite fit in with the other particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.
In a rare interview, the Nobel laureate who predicted the Higgs boson talks about the search for new physics and why we need knowledge for knowledge’s sake
EEEEE. Photon with Einstein
Photon syncs with Particle, Wave, Quantum, Circuit, Light, Electromagnetic returns in 2 days
First quantum photonic circuit with an electrically driven light source
The Miracle as a Proton, a Quanta, an Atom, an Aether Particle, 99.999% Energy returns in 9 days with Phenomena/Metaphysics, Schwarzschild Radius, Circle, Planck and Rutherford with Yellow and Green
Protons, 99.999% energy sync with Tesla’s Key of 9 and Fibonacci
UUU. Protons
Protons with Phenomena
OLYMPUS experiment sheds light on structure of protons
Space itself is quantized into tiny vibrations called Planck spherical units. There are ten to the 60 (100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) of these minuscule vibrations within the volume of a single proton… The Planck spherical units can be thought of as the voxels (spherical pixels) that make up everything in the universe…
The Resonance Project
Simplified Frequency Spirals Up with Tangible in Divine Feminine and Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
Frequency with Spiral, Frequency Moving Up, Loop
“Gratitude and positive thoughts build on each other, creating a positive, upward spiral.” – Nassim Haramein
Ultimately, all wavelengths favour one specific pathway,that of the Spiral,the best way to conserve energy,to move and cross through barriers,in the macro and the micro, the spiral is self-intelligent. Jain 108 (image is a sketch by Albrecht Durer,