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Gold + Tiny


SSSSSS. Gold (element) with Golden Ratio


Gold nano-arrows form basis of exotic new superstructures

Gold ‘nanoprobes’ used to track blood flow in tiny vessels

The gold nanoparticles are injected into the cancerous tissue and then hit with lasers. They then heat up to such a degree that they begin to kill the tumor in situ.

Gold thinking within Alchemy

Gold (element on the Periodic Table of Elements, Alchemy, Gold Thinking, Energy, Science, Light and Nanoparticles, Gold, the element, and Golden Ratio)

Researchers demonstrate ‘shape memory’ effect in gold particles

Scientists uncover secret gold catalytic power

“Meditation is as precious as gold.” -Amma (Photo: Yesterday at Amritapuri.)

“Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel”.

–Johannes Kepler


Stimulating Neurons with Light and Gold: Researchers develop a technique to trigger neural activity in culture using light to heat gold nanoparticles.

Scientists uncover secret to gold’s catalytic powers

Gold, the element, and Golden Ratio

“Buckminster Fuller explained to me once that because our world is constructed from geometric relations like the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Series, by thinking about geometry all the time, you could organize and harmonize your life with the structure of the world.” – Einar Thorsteinn

Miracle #11836

The Golden Ratio & the Fibonacci Sequence is prevalent in the major works of Leonardo Da Vinci. He referred to the Golden Ratio as the ‘divine proportion.’ Understanding The Fibonacci Sequence And Golden Ratio: Thank you!


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