The Ladybug is the most Comprehensive Proof on Mechanism and Mechanics
The most comprehensive Liebert Proof with one piece on Ladybugs
Ladybug with Liebert Proofs of Tiny, Little, Thing, Mechanism and Micro/Non-Religious with Water Drops (Alchemy) in Tesla’s Key of 3
Liebert Proof #21 Ladybug with Tiny + Little + Thing + Mechanism
Version 13 Liebert Tiny #2 Proof + Version 15 Liebert Little #1 Proof Tiny + Little Ladybug Ladybug “Life is a series of tiny little miracles. Notice them.”Liebert Proof #7 Ladybug with Mechanism, Consciousness, Liebert Little (#1) Proof, Liebert Thing (#4) Proof, Mechanism, and Positive Loop Liebert #1 Little Proof Liebert #4 Thing Proof Liebert Proof #20 (non-religious, microscopic) and The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 52
Mechanism Proof with Loop Quantum Gravity Consciousness Mechanism, Memory, Ladybugs, and Body Clocks with Liebert Proof #7
Memory Mechanism
Mechanism with Ladybug
Miracle Body Clocks
Mechanism and Mechanics
Loop Quantum Gravity with The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 50 with Consciousness
Mechanics and Mechanisms of Cell Division with Circuit with The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop and Macro/Micro with Tesla, Nature, Ladybug, Enlightenment, Animals, Light Pair and Music
"Nature makes nature. It is its own integrated feedback iteration mechanism. It made itself that way, naturally, according to its own ‘options’.” (The Resonance Project)
“Whatever makes nature must have some kind of feedback information iteration structure.” – Nassim Haramein
Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings
The basic mechanisms of consciousness can be found in creatures of an enormous variety
“There is no subject more captivating, more worthy of study, than nature. To understand this great mechanism, to discover the forces which are active, and the laws which govern them, is the highest aim of the intellect of man.” ~ Nikola Tesla
Mechanism with memory formation
Mechanical forces — not genetics or chemistry — direct the folding of embryonic tissues into 3-D shapes. A new study shows how.
A pair of satellites teamed up with a CubeSat to pinpoint the mechanism that kicks high-energy electrons into our atmosphere. New research using data from our Van Allen Probes mission and FIREBIRD II CubeSat has shown that a common plasma wave in space is likely responsible. Learn more:
Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter for motivation, focus and productivity. Learn the symptoms of dopamine deficiency and natural ways to increase dopamine levels ……/how-to-increase-dopamine-the-mo…/
Parkinson’s, Rewriting, Dopamine (Happy) with Habits, Behaviors, Motivation, Intention and Inspiration The brain’s own mechanisms for dealing with the loss of dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s disease may be a source of the disorder’s abnormal movement, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Neuron.
The study suggests the loss of dopamine may cause the brain to rewire in a maladaptive manner, contributing to impaired movement in Parkinson’s disease. These findings also suggest that there are fundamental problems with scientists’ traditional model of Parkinson’s disease, said senior author Mark Bevan, PhD, professor of Physiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Brain Rewiring in Parkinson’s Disease May Contribute to Abnormal Movement
Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings…/2017-05-unfolding-mechanism-ladybug-wing…
The basic mechanisms of consciousness can be found in creatures of an enormous variety
Scientists have discovered a new mechanism involved in the creation of paired light particles, which could have significant impact on the study of quantum physics. Read more at:…
Nature makes nature. It is its own integrated feedback iteration mechanism. It made itself that way, naturally, according to its own ‘options’.” (The Resonance Project) “Whatever makes nature must have some kind of feedback information iteration structure.” – Nassim Haramein
Scientists discover mechanism that causes cancer cells to self-destruct March 27, 2017…/2017-03-scientists-mechanism-ca…
CELL DIVISION – Biology Versus Electronic Its interesting that the very doubling-sequence of 8 Cell Division, from the moment of your conception, when the 1 became 2 became 4 became 8 Original Cells or a cube or a Star-Tetrahedron, is the same geometry as our current electronic Technology which is based on the cubic crystal of quartz. The Cube of Space is really the Flower Of Life hexagonal pattern, that which underpins and blueprints all the geometry of Creation. It appears that we, as an evolving species, need to integrate, make peace and accept that there is indeed a tangible connection between both the Biological and the Mechanical/Electronical aspects of our Lives. Jain 108
Ladybug Mechanism
Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings
Researchers develop stretchable, touch-sensitive electronics
Ladybug Mechanism
Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings
The basic mechanisms of consciousness can be found in creatures of an enormous variety
Ladybug Wings
Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings