The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 67
Wave Mechanics in Frequency with Particles in Tesla's Key of 3
Dr. Walter Russell with Wave Mechanics of Frequency, Wave Particle and Motion returns with his wife on Miracles (Elegant Cooperation and Partnership)
“The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.” – Walter Russell
Russell’s wife on Miracles
XXX. Walter Russell
Walter Russell and his wife on Frequency Wave Mechanics and Energy returns in 2 days
“The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.” – Walter Russell
“The universe exists solely of waves of motion. There exists nothing other than vibration.”
~ Walter Russell.
“Creation is but a swing of the Cosmic Pendulum from Inertia, through Energy, and back again to Inertia, forever and forever. It is but a series of opposing Pulsations of Action and Reaction, Integration and Disintegration, Gravitation and Radiation, Appearance and Disappearance.”
~ Walter Russell, 1926 . Dr. Walter Russell
“Gravity divides, multiplies and balances Light and Sound.”
~ Walter Russell
“The universe exists solely of waves of motion ..There exists nothing other than vibration.”
~ Walter Russell.
“The universe exists solely of waves of motion ..There exists nothing other than vibration.”
~ Walter Russell.
Image: Visual Harmonics
“The universe exists solely of waves of motion ..There exists nothing other than vibration.” ~ Walter Russell.
Image: Musical Tones depicted visually as Vibration over Frequency
“Nature divides all of her expressions of energy into octaves and tones of equal constants of unequal dimensions. The dimensional relations of octaves and tones vary in ratios which are absolute and universal.”
~ Dr. Walter Russell
Diagram showing the ten octaves of integrating light, one octave within the other. These ten octaves constitute one complete cycle of the transfer of the universal constant of energy into, and through, all of its dimensions in sequence.
By Walter Russell
“To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature.” – Walter Russell
“There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. The substance, or body, of God is light. The substance of all ‘created’ things is light. Light is the living substance of Mind in action. Life is the pulsing, electro-magnetic oscillation of thinking mind.” – “The Universal One”
“Magnetism is the still Light of God which centers everything as its equilibrium. Wherever you can locate the source of magnetic light, you locate a position where God is in evidence — as in the magnetic poles or the center of gravity of the earth — or the sun — or the center of a shaft in an engine. All power and force is in the stillness of the center, but the power and force are manifested by motion around the center. The center never moves, but is all power.” – Walter Russell
Walter Russell syncs for the first time on The Miraculist with the Mechanics of wave
Excerpts from Walter Russell’s A New Concept of the Universe” and “A Secret of Light”:
“For ages man has thought of matter as being substance. Posterity must learn to think of matter as motion only. Matter moves only to seek rest and balance.” – A New Concept of the Universe
“The omnipresent light is repeated wave field to wave field. All lights give to all other lights. All is truly one expressing itself in infinite diversity.
Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave field of space.
“The planes of zero curvature which bound all wave fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one field into another.
This sets up an appearance of light as traveling, which is pure illusion.” – A Secret of Light
“There are four magnetic poles in every wave-field.
“When a man breathes in he polarizes his body. He vitalizes it into wakeful action and an awareness of sensation. He charges his body with higher electrical potential. He manifests life.
“When a man breathes out he depolarizes his body. He devitalizes it into sleepy inaction and lessening awareness of sensation. He discharges his body by lowering its potential. He manifests death.
“Science has a separate theory for systems of atomic structure which does not apply to stellar systems. This is strange reasoning for science, for it conceded that large mass is but a multiple of small mass.
“Centripetal force is the condition of gravitation which compresses thought-waves into body forms.
“Centrifugal force is the condition of radiation which expands thought-waves to void form.
“Positive electricity produces the condition of gravity by compression – which means charging or generating.
Negative electricity produces the condition of radiation by expanding – which means discharging or degenerating.” – A New Concept of the Universe
“Gravitation is the male principle of Creation. Gravity refolds toward the seed.
Radiation is the female principle of Creation. Radiation unfolds from the seed.
The generating light of gravitation and the degenerative light of radiation are projected through each other from rest to rest in pulsing sequences to manifest idea by borning father-mother forms of idea through their voiding interchange. This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between father-mother lights of gravitation and radiation is fundamental in all creating things.
It is the principle of two-way equal giving which manifests the quality of Love in the Light of the One.” – A Secret of Light