The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 66
I Feel Pretty, the Film
E & P Theory: E (Introvert) Behavior => P (Extrovert) Behavior
Loop in the Dialogue: "This hallway loops around, and I’ll let you know when they’re ready"
Miracle 2x in the Dialogue:
"I’ll just pray for a miracle."
"Are you ready?
All right, y’all, I don’t know
what you came
in here for today,
but what I do know is that
the miracle is already here.
You just have to open
your heart and receive it.
I want you
to look in the mirror
and visualize the change
you came in here for.
Is it spiritual?
Is it physical?
Is it emotional?
Today I want you
to look in the mirror.
You’re not going to see
what you normally see.
Today you’re going to see
what you’ve
always wanted to be.
So, you ready
to get your life?"