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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop Version 6

Behavior Quantified

Toroidal Neural Networks match Nonlinear Physics System with the Sum of All Motion in Energy Particles, Toroidal Code and Flow, Rotational Symmetry, Fluidity with Circuits

Behavior Quantified (Math and Physics) returns in 1 day with Neural Networks and Circuitry

Neural Networks Circuitry with Social Behavior

Stay alert! Don’t let someone’s words blind you from their behavior.

They can say all the right things, they can make you feel things you’ve never felt before but don’t be fooled; their actions will reveal their true character, desires, and priorities.

Behavior speaks; pay attention to what it tells you. Behavior is math; pay attention to what it reveals.

– Steve Maraboli

Circuit in the body (Brain and Heart), with Trees, Dirac (Thought), Biological Feedback Loop, Toroidal Blueprint with the Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop (with a sync to Generate and Regenerative) with Soul returns in 39 days with Neural Networks, Brain Circuit and Pleasure

Neural Networks Circuitry with Social Behavior

“The Heart Does Not Pump Blood!”

Research from Frank Chester, (Chesterhedron with 7 equal square areas), discovered from his research and interest with Rudolf Steiner, that the Human Heart is not a pump, because the amount of pressure of blood would damage thin chamber tissues, but rather it is a Vortex Regulator or Geometrical Wave Guide, somewhat like a coursing river. This understanding of the Platonic Forms of the Geometry of the Heart has shocked the medical world and the debate continues.

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Over the last 17 years, scientists and engineers have developed synthetic gene circuits that can program the functionality, performance, and behavior of living cells. Analogous to integrated circuits that underlie myriad electronic products, engineered gene circuits can be used to generate defined dynamics, rewire endogenous networks, sense environmental stimuli, and produce valuable biomolecules.

Read more at:

Brain Circuit Dedicated to Retrieving Memories Discovered at MIT

Paul Dirac: The man who conjured laws of nature from pure thought

Circuit in Trees sync with Quantum Physics and the Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop

Quantum Economics returns with Tree and Physics

“…the fundamental principle of physics that underlies the evolution of flow systems as they change in design over time to increase flow access. It reveals that “branching tree-shaped” flow patterns govern the structure of the entire universe—most clearly evident within rivers, neural networks, lightning bolts, electrical circuitry and trees.”

Read more at:

TREES: Do Trees Have Emotions?

According to the HeartMath Institute of California

who monitor trees by measuring their “electrical potential”

trees are social beings, that they connect with humans,

they respond to human emotions especially positive ones, and conclude

that when we are in the presence of a tree’s Biofield,

it has an uplifting effect on us.

More research and funding is being done to understand questions like –

Can trees triggers an emotional outpouring in large numbers of people?

Do trees communicate energetically among themselves in a forest or over large distances?

And can trees warn us about earthquakes?

One scientist’s theory is that rocks deep in the earth act as batteries

when stressed by tectonic forces that precede an earthquake. In turn,

trees pick up electrically on these forces acting on the rocks and such changes

in the trees electrical activity could help scientists predict earthquakes.

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(For more info go to of California)

Uncovering Functions of Circular RNAs

“In order to be self-aware, you have to have feedback. Consciousness is a feedback between the external world and the internal world. That’s fundamental to ALL things. So then ALL things are conscious. All things are feeding information to the vacuum and the vacuum is feeding it back. The amount that you are able to feed into the system, is related directly to your amount of resistance, in how much information can come in.”

– Nassim Haramein

Atomic discovery opens door to greener, faster, smaller electronic circuitry

Circular RNA biogenesis occurs when RNA fragments are bent into closed loops of one or more exons and/or introns.

Scientists borrow from electronics to build circuits in living cells

Amygdala syncs in Tesla’s Key of 3 with Brain Circuit

Brain Circuit That Drives Pleasure Inducing Behavior Identified

Happiness and Empathy

Amazingly, psychologists William Cunningham at the University of Toronto and Alexander Todorov at Princeton University discovered a new amygdala that’s identified with human connection, compassion and happiness. Their study recorded MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) activity in participants’ amygdala while they viewed images that were either negative, positive, or neutral. Positive images also caused activity, contrary to what neuroscientists previously held true.

Brain Symmetry, with Symmetry in Physics returning

From a Partner Player, an older article on MRIs taken, which shows that Gay Men’s Brains are like Lady Brains, and Straight Men’s Brains are like that of Lesbian Brains, most importantly, the amydala

Quantum Economics returns with Tree and Physics

“…the fundamental principle of physics that underlies the evolution of flow systems as they change in design over time to increase flow access. It reveals that “branching tree-shaped” flow patterns govern the structure of the entire universe—most clearly evident within rivers, neural networks, lightning bolts, electrical circuitry and trees.”

Read more at:

“Nature makes nature. It is its own integrated feedback iteration mechanism. It made itself that way, naturally, according to its own ‘options’.”

“Whatever makes nature must have some kind of feedback information iteration structure.” – Nassim Haramein

CELL DIVISION – Biology Versus Electronic

Its interesting that the very doubling-sequence of 8 Cell Division,

from the moment of your conception,

when the 1 became 2 became 4 became 8 Original Cells

or a cube or a Star-Tetrahedron,

is the same geometry as our current electronic Technology

which is based on the cubic crystal of quartz.

The Cube of Space is really the Flower Of Life hexagonal pattern,

that which underpins and blueprints all the geometry of Creation.

It appears that we, as an evolving species,

need to integrate, make peace and accept

that there is indeed a tangible connection

between both the Biological and the Mechanical/Electronical

aspects of our Lives.

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Blueprint returns in 1 week with Toroidal Circuit, Toroidal, the BluePrint of Creation, and DNA

Toroidal, the first word sync on The Miraculist (January 2014), as the Blueprint of Creation

TORUS: BluePrint of Creation

We, as Human Beings,

are made in the image of the Earth.

Both Man-Woman and the Earth-Grid are Toroidal,

no different than the shape of an Apple,

or the curved torus-lens of the Iris of your Eye,

same as the Sun, it too is a Torus,

even our blood or red-blood cell platelets are flattened tori,

for the Torus or Doughnut is the BluePrint for all intelligent forms.

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Here’s the original Toroidal sync from 1.3.2014

“Toroidal” synchronizes. Wow, utterly unbelievable in less than 12 hours.

Toroidal crest via Visual Alchemy

Thank you!

If you are unhappy with your life and the state of the world, the best place to start changing things is within yourself. Sometimes your evolution involves changing your behaviors and habits, but more often the essential changes that need to be made are merely with your own attitudes. Your attitudes lie at the heart of any possibility for changing your life. Your attitudes are literally seeds for the growing of your future self. Your attitudes contain your future. Attitudes are like the DNA of your future life — they are the blueprints for assembling the person you will become.

— Bryant McGill


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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