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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 58

Angular Momentum with Rotational Symmetry/Sum Motion of Particles/Toroidal Code and Flow

Energy is not the only thing Noether’s theorem applies to. Two other quantities we know are conserved are momentum (an object’s speed times its mass) and angular momentum, something similar to momentum for an object moving in a circle. Conservation of momentum is also illustrated by Newton’s cradle. Conservation of angular momentum is what you see when an ice skater who is spinning on the spot moves their limbs flat to their body or curls up in a ball (see video below). There is now less resistance to the skater’s motion, and since the energy is the same as before, the skater speeds up.

Noether’s result shows that conservation of momentum comes from a theory being the same in some place A as it is in any other place B. Conservation of angular momentum, so Noether showed, comes from the theory being the same whether you are facing East, West, North, South or anywhere in between. This invariance — under shifts in time and space or rotation — is what we would naively expect from nature. The associated conservation laws, however, aren’t quite so obvious. They weren’t properly discovered until the time of Newton and after.

What we have just described is just one of two results proved in Noether’s 1918 paper Invariante Variationsprobleme (“invariant variational problems”) — and it doesn’t apply to general relativity. The symmetries we alluded to above are global transformations in the sense that they do the same thing to every point in the space they act on. If you shift every point along by a fixed distance in a fixed direction, or rotate it through a fixed angle about a fixed axis, then every point experiences exactly the same thing. Noether’s first theorem only applies to theories whose symmetries are all global. If that’s the case, then each of the symmetries corresponds to a conservation law.

Symmetry and Conservation of Energy

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, version 40

Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem with the Law of Conservation of Energy

The Law of Conservation of Energy

The first law of Thermodynamics

Energy/Aether with the Laws of Physics, Metaphysical Laws and Universal Spiritual Laws

Conservation of energy can be rigorously proven by Noether’s theorem as a consequence of continuous time translation symmetry; that is, from the fact that the laws of physics do not change over time.


[You own your vibration] by rubbing in the good stuff. By finding a place that feels good and then just talking about how it feels good, and how much you like it, and how other things remind you of it. Because Law of Attraction not only encourages and supports, but increases the stability and momentum and power of a vibration. So when you find it and it feels good, just linger there longer.

-Abraham 03/21/2015

Olympic Skating

Loop with Ice Skating 1952

Symmetry and Noether

Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem returns in 15 days

Macro/Micro, Meta/Nano, As Above/So Below and As Within/So Without (Alchemy) with Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem


E. Noether and Symmetry

Rotational Symmetry…/tumblr_np2c7whZsQ1sfkghmo1_500…

What is SuperSymmetry?…/…

Emmy Noether and the power of symmetry

By Marianne Freiberger


According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.

Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry

Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.

CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other…/cern-symmetry-experiment-confir…

“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles…/surfing-antimatter-could-lead-b…

“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”

— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter

Miracle #33362

Happy birthday to Emmy Noether. Einstein described her as “the most important woman in the history of mathematics”. Image by the Perimeter Institute – Outreach. Thank you!

Miracle #33407

Happy birthday to Emmy Noether. Einstein described her as “the most important woman in the history of mathematics”. Image by the Perimeter Institute – Outreach. Thank you!

Miracle #33363

Emmy Noether was one of the most brilliant and important mathematicians of the 20th century. She altered the course of modern physics. Einstein called her a genius. Yet today, almost nobody knows who she is. Thank you!

To avoid the multiverse, Physicists propose a Symmetry of Scales…/…

Groundbreaking German mathematician Emmy Noether — one of the most influential mathematicians of modern times — was born on this day in 1882. Noether revolutionized the understanding of abstract algebra and made groundbreaking contributions to theoretical physics. Albert Einstein once commended her as the “the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began.” In physics, she explained the connection between symmetry and conservation laws in her Noether’s theorem and, in algebra, her influence is so far-reaching that numerous mathematical objects have been named in her honor.

The mathematician Norbert Wiener also lauded Noether as “the greatest woman mathematician who has ever lived; and the greatest woman scientist of any sort now living, and a scholar at least on the plane of Madame Curie.” Unfortunately, even given the scale of her contributions to the field, Emmy Noether is largely unknown today; a fate all too common to many female scientists and mathematicians of the past. As the New York Times observed in a tribute, “Scientists are a famously anonymous lot, but few can match in the depths of her perverse and unmerited obscurity the 20th-century mathematical genius Amalie Noether.”

To introduce Emmy Noether to a new generation, she is among the 50 female STEM trailblazers featured in the fantastic book, “Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World,” for ages 9 and up at

She is also one of the 52 female scientists profiled in the excellent book “Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science – and The World,” which is highly recommended for teens and adults alike at


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