The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 44
Tesla 3, 6, 9 Code with TESLA – Wheels Within Wheels of 24
Harmonic Code 3-6-9
Simplified Super Flow 3-6-9 Tesla's Keys Algorithm + Focus + AC + Tesla's Aether
Simplified Super Flow Code 3-6-9 + Elegant Cooperation and Partnership in Divine Masculine + Feminine
Simplified Pythagorean Harmonic Code 3-6-9 + Sound + Light Vibration + Tesla's Aether + Tesla's Keys
Addendum Dodecahedron = Tesla's Aether Alchemy (Pythagoras' Holy Decah + Dodecahedral Light)
Simplified Tesla's Key of 9 + Alchemy Key
Tesla's Key of 3-6-9 in Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine in ECP
Addendum Numbers + Symmetry
Addendum Tesla's Key of 9 + 99.9999% + The God Particle + Alchemy Key + Light
A Correctional Code Based on the [Universal] Hexagram and Phi
by JAIN 108
This sequence of 6 digits “3-6-9 Repeated” is another Jain Discovery Linked To Phi, specifically the 24 Repeating Fibonacci Code.
Let me introduce two characters based on the [Universal] Hexagram. One is upright (Hexa, male) and the other is a 90 degree tilt angle (Hexi, female).
Did you know, that this topic of drawing the [Universal] Hexagram, is actually a puzzle for 5 to 12 year old children, being a chapter in my workbook and eCourse called: “Mathemagics For Starkidz”
In this video, I show how the smooth and elegant [Universal] Hexagram traces the natural pathway of 3-6-9-3-6-9 in the Wheel of 24 (that actually sums up to Sri 108) and is thus superior to the connection of 3-6-9 shown as 2 separate or fragmented triangles traditionally known as the Star of David. It is for this reason that I believe that this 369369 pathway attributed to Tesla is a a Correctional Code of the highest order and therefore has future applications in quantum physics and nano-technology.
Jain 108
Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 617th day consecutively with Tesla’s Keys of 3, 6, and 9… Tesla’s Key of 6 (2+4=6)
TESLA – Wheels Within Wheels of 24
Simply by the fact that this invention is based on the cosmic rings
or double Wheels of 24, suggests that it is workable,
and in tune with the Intuitive Laws of Nature,
for 24 is the Key that unlocks the Mysteries,
24 is the God of Numbers.
The next ingredient, is beyond numeracy,
it is based on Consciousness,
an invention is only as good as the Consciousness of the Inventor.
We know that Tesla was indeed an EcoSophical Humanitarian
of the Highest Order, a fearless warrior of change,
though his inventions were shut down,
his Spirit lives on in the DNA of the upcoming
and uprising, uplifting BiMillennial Crystal Children.
Jain 108
Tesla’s Keys of 3, 6, and 9 with Geometry
ROOT 3: Geometry of Creation
The First Form or closed shaped in the Universe of Possibilities
that can be created is the humble Equilateral TriAngle.
Since Creation is birthed via Unity Consciousness,
the Triangle inscribed within The Circle whose Radius is 1 unit,
gives a primal value of Root 3
(aka Square Root of 3 or 1.732, meaning that 1.732 x 1.732 = 3).
This is an Expression of the Holy Trinity.
Root 3 is also visible in the Cube’s spatial diagonals of 2 opposing corners,
Root 3 is also manifest in the Vesica Pisces,
Root 3 also appears mysteriously
in the Pythagorean Right-Angled Triangle whose two shorter sides
are Phi (1.618…) and Phe (.618),
and Root 3 is clearly visible in the vertical height of the Hexagon.
Root 3, a God-Element, is thus a candidate for the BluePrint of Creation.
Jain 108
27 HOURS IN A DAY – Cosmic Time
In Hindu astrology, the nakshatras are divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes starting from zero Aries and ending at 30 degrees of Pisces, 13.20 divided into the 12 signs is 27. The nakshatras are referred to as the lunar mansions because the Moon moves approximately 13.20 per day, therefore, resides in one nakshatra per day. A nakshatra is one of 27 (sometimes also 28) sectors along the ecliptic (the path of the sun and the planets as they move from East to West).
Since 27 in this context refers to Time, there has been revealed some amazing research by Bruce Cathie (the New Zealand commercial pilot who gaves us the maths and geometry of Leylines surrounding the Earth) who states that Cosmic Time is based on 27 hrs per day rather than Earth Time which is 24.
Cathie said the Atom-Builders used this knowledge of 27 hrs to make precise calculations when a nuclear bomb could detonate, he said you cant just drop a bomb and it goes off, it has to obey the 27 hr clock and be dropped at a nodal point on the Earth Grid… that is why nuclear threats is a lie or a distortion to create fear, because they actually can be predicted in advance, when that special geometric time and place opens like a door.
27 is indeed one of the many anointed numbers. It is the famous and fascinating Rubik’s Cube!
Pythagoras revered 27, as I also do, it is 3 cubed and perhaps we should have 27 letters in our English now Universal Alphabet.
Scientists are now studying the circadian or bio-rhythms of insects or their biological clock, and have concluded that the 27 hr cycle is part of Nature’s natural constitution.
Jain 108
PUZZLE – The Answer Always Equals 3
Think of a Number from 1 to 10 or any number under a 100
Double that Number.
Add 6 to that Number.
Half that Result.
Subtract from this, the Original Number you began with.
The Number you were originally thinking of is 3.
In fact, the Answer will always be “3”.
Read on if you would like to learn the simple algebraic steps
to solve this algebraic enigma:
Let the unknown number be represented by “x”
By Doubling it, it becomes:
= “2x”
By Adding 6, it becomes:
= “2x + 6”
By halving that result it becomes:
= (2x + 6) / 2
Subtracting the Original Number you began with gives:
= [(2x + 6) / 2] − x
If we choose, we can call the final answer another letter of the alphabet called “y”. Thus:
y = [(2x + 6) / 2] − x
At this point, we need to simply the equation or the right hand side.
We need our denominator to extend along the whole of the right hand side:
y = (2x + 6 − 2x) / 2
The “x”s cancel out and it leaves:
y = 6 / 2
y = 3
Easy. This is a great way to introduce young students to the world of algebra.
Jain 108
Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 530th day consecutively with Vesica Piscis
VESICA PISCES: Trinitization
2 Circles, intersecting thru one anothers centre creates Ying Yang,
duality, and the Flower of Life Blueprint.
Though, almost magically, when we either add another smaller circle
inside the Eye,
the Phi Ratio appears, the mathematics of flowers and crystals,
the 8:13 ratio is born,
or add another same-sized circle in the middle of the geometry,
which is the 2 Becoming the 3,
the same 8:13 Pine Code ratio is born.
This is the Trinitization of the dual primal forces of Creation,
without The 3, there is no Life, no Soul.
This can be confirmed via use of Leonardo da Vinci’s favourite tool:
the Golden Calipers or Phi Compass,
the Dividers with 3 Legs, riveted and set to the anointed 8:13.
Jain 108
Image: Cosmic Creations .
Tesla’s Keys of 3, 6, and 9
“6 & 9 as Complementary Energy Spirals”
“If 6 was 9”
is a lyrical hint that the only forms that can contain such counter-rotating spirals
appear in Nature like pine cones, sunflowers, rainforest vines, DNA twin helices
and simultaneously implosive-explosive tori,
6 and 9 can definitely be digital candidates or numerical ambassadors for the Language of Life and Light.
Jain 108
3, 6, 9, Code
“The Connection Between the Fibonacci Numbers and the Doubling Sequence”
I am continually amazed by this Wheel of 24 Repeating Fibonnaci Pattern or Phi Code 108
that I independently cracked 2 decades ago…
The 24 outer numbers have been punctuated with all the occurrences of 3 and 6 and 9
forming a double triangle or the obvious Star of David.
If we now shift our focus, away from the 3-6-9 code,
and only inspect the data between all the 3s and 6s and 9s,
you will see that there are always 3 numbers spaced between them.
Lets start adding all these triplets of data residing in the spaces between the 3-6-9 triangles.
We could start anywhere, but for this instance, lets start at the 16th number of the Wheel of 24
(1-1-2-3-5-8-4-3-7-1-8-9-8-8-7-6-4-1-5-6-2-8-1-9) which is the “6”
because a surprising development will soon be revealed.
To see this new discovery in this Wheel of 24,
we might as well just delete all the 3s and 6s and 9s
then add up and digitally compress all the 6 set of triplets that are shown:
(1-1-2- -5-8-4- -7-1-8- -8-8-7- -4-1-5- -2-8-1- )
4 8 16 23 10 11
4 8 7 5 1 2
Are these 6 sums or numbers familiar to you?
Starting from the number 1, you could read this infinite Wheel of 6 as:
1-2-4-8-7-5 (as stated before, this sequence begins at the 16th number of the Wheel of 24).
This is the Binary Code.
For your reference, the Doubling Sequence is 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048- etc
but when we digitally compress this to single digits (which is really the continued subtraction of 9)
we get the famous Binary Code (1-2-4-8-7-5) shown as the Hexagon within the Circle.
How amazing that the Binary Code is hidden in the triplet spaces of the Phi Code.
This is a clear indication that Nature chooses 3 codes to weave her magic threads.
She uses the infinite addition of the Fibonacci Numbers,
She uses the infinite doubling of the Binary Code or 2x Table of Multiplication, and
She uses the triangular 3-6-9 code that Tesla adored,
which somehow acts as a 3rd component to 2 counter-opposing forces like Electric and Magnetic fields,
creating a space or a forum for their union and polarity.
What we learn from this mathematical exposay
is that the Fibonacci Numbers are a window into the deepest of mysteries,
a veritable portal or universe of coded Higher Knowledge.
Jain 108
Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 553rd day consecutively with Tesla’s Keys and Infinite (Global Infinite Possibilities Day), with the Sun’s rotation for a year creates infinite, 365 days, that has Tesla’s Keys of 3 and 6
Symmetry with Tesla’s Key of 9
TIME: Nine In Time. Relationship to the Number 9.
There are 1,440 Minutes in a Day and 1+4+4+0 = 9.
There are 86,400 Seconds in a Day and 8+6+4+0+0=9.
There are 10,080 Minutes in a Week and 1+0+0+8+0=9.
There are 525,600 Minutes in a Year and 5+2+5+6+0+0 =9.
It appears that minutes and seconds in a day, week, month, year,
will always reduce digitally to 9.
Jain 108
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
All 3 Symmetries including Rotational sync and Super Symmetry, for Tesla’s Key of 3
Symmetry returns
Rotational Symmetry
What is SuperSymmetry?
Symmetry returns with the alphabet
Symmetry returns with Brain Cells and Universe, Food and Body
According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.
Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry
Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.
CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other
“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles
“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”
— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter
Alchemy in Tesla’s Key of 9
1. Earth
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water
5. Aether < 6. Spirit
7. Energy < 8. Frequency
9. Vibration
“6 & 9 as Complementary Energy Spirals”
“If 6 was 9”
is a lyrical hint that the only forms that can contain such counter-rotating spirals
appear in Nature like pine cones, sunflowers, rainforest vines, DNA twin helices
and simultaneously implosive-explosive tori,
6 and 9 can definitely be digital candidates or numerical ambassadors for the Language of Life and Light.
Jain 108