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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 42

Version 5 Liebert Particle #3 Proof

Frequency Spirals Up (on Earth)

Frequency Spirals Up on Earth because of Gravity, it Spirals Out in the Space of the Universe

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 42

Frequency with Spiral, Frequency Moving Up, Loop

“Gratitude and positive thoughts build on each other, creating a positive, upward spiral.” – Nassim Haramein

Version 5 Liebert Particle #3 Proof returns in 5 days

Frequency spirals up

Ultimately, all wavelengths favour one specific pathway,

that of the Spiral,

the best way to conserve energy,

to move and cross through barriers,

in the macro and the micro, the spiral is self-intelligent.

1. Archimedes Spiral

2. The Miracle is a Proton, 99.999% Energy, a Quanta, a Particle, a Photon, an Atom

3. The Miracle is a Positive Thought

4. The Spiral of Positive Emotions

5. Kinetic Energy of Positive Spiral Up

6. Frequency Spirals Up


The Path of the Spiral speaks the Language of All Creation, defining the precise meaning of Existence and capturing the Essence of Inertial Form and Kinetic Movement. The Spiral Is therefore the underpinning of the Matrix of Potentiating Life.

Jain 108

8. Archimedes Principle

9. Euler Spiral

Amazing Archimedes Principle

Spiral, Frequency Moving Up, Positive Loop, Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking with Emotional Guidance Scale returns in 4 days with Spirals and Harmony (Pythagorean Harmonics)

Subset: The Miracle is a Proton

“Gratitude and positive thoughts build on each other, creating a positive, upward spiral.” – Nassim Haramein

The Emotional Guidance Scale from Abraham Hicks

1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love

2. Passion

3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

4. Positive Expectation/Belief

5. Optimism

6. Hopefulness

7. Contentment

Spiral Kinetic

Frequency spirals up

Ultimately, all wavelengths favour one specific pathway,

that of the Spiral,

the best way to conserve energy,

to move and cross through barriers,

in the macro and the micro, the spiral is self-intelligent.

Jain 108

(image is a sketch by Albrecht Durer,

great German artist, 1471-1528, Nuremberg).

Frequency in Motion


The Path of the Spiral speaks the Language of All Creation, defining the precise meaning of Existence and capturing the Essence of Inertial Form and Kinetic Movement. The Spiral Is therefore the underpinning of the Matrix of Potentiating Life.

Jain 108

Liebert Proof #3 Particle returns in 1 day with Archimedes

Liebert Proof #3 returns in 3 days with Archimedes sync on Particle and Spiral (Vibration is Particle and Wave is Frequency in Spiral in Tesla’s Key of 3)

7) Archimedes – Archimedes was a Greek philosopher, engineer, inventor and astronomer. He is also considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Though there isn’t a ton of documented information regarding his personal life, we do know that he has had a large impact on science and physics. Archimedes’ thoughts were clearly ahead of his time: not many would disagree that he was a genius.

Archimedes returns in 2 months with Spiral and Particle

Particles self assemble Archimedean tiling

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, version 60 Frequency Spirals Up + Hermann Hesse

““We have learned so much… There still remains much to learn. We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.” -- Hermann Hesse

Euler Spirals with the Principle of Rhythm, Cosine and Sine Wave Duality, Frequency moves in Toroidal Spiral Upwards

Euler Spirals

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 47

Spirals with Pythagorean Theorem, Phi in Nature, and Feedback Loops with Plants


LL. Spiral of Theodorus

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 42

Spirals Up on Earth (Gravity), in Space (just not up, there is no Up in Space) and in Feedback Loops (Plants)

Subset: Frequency Spirals Up

Similar to how the Fibonacci sequence over time approaches the golden ratio, the Spiral of Theodorus over time approaches the Archimedean spiral.

Spirals return with Andromeda with Fibonacci and Feedback Loop (syncs with the Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop)

Hubble sees spirals in Andromeda

Feedback loop behind spiral patterns in plants uncovered?


The Path of the Spiral speaks the Language of All Creation, defining the precise meaning of Existence and capturing the Essence of Inertial Form and Kinetic Movement. The Spiral Is therefore the underpinning of the Matrix of Potentiating Life. Jain 108

Φ The Golden Spiral appears in the many dimensions, not just in the human, or crystal or the celestial, but in the aqua worlds, in all forms and bizarre proportions. The spiral is the carrier of information, it builds our homes, our bodies and Consciousness.

Ultimately, all wavelengths favour one specific pathway, that of the Spiral,

the best way to conserve energy, to move and cross through barriers,

in the macro and the micro, the spiral is self-intelligent.

Jain 108


When we copy and comprehend Nature,

utilizing the counter-rotating fields evident in many plants and seeds,

we create maximum efficiency and

highly intelligent pathways towards smarter,

ecosophical inventions.

Jain 108

“All motion is curved and all curvature is spiral.” — Walter Russell

Positive Thinking

The Emotional Guidance Scale from Abraham Hicks

1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love

2. Passion

3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

4. Positive Expectation/Belief

5. Optimism

6. Hopefulness

7. Contentment

Ultimately, all wavelengths favour one specific pathway,

that of the Spiral,

the best way to conserve energy,

to move and cross through barriers,

in the macro and the micro, the spiral is self-intelligent.

Jain 108

(image is a sketch by Albrecht Durer,

great German artist, 1471-1528, Nuremberg).

Nature approaches infinity using Phi scaling to create Fibonacci spirals that reflect the dynamics of the curling of space-time toward singularity…

The Resonance Project • Fibonacci • The connected universe • Jain 108 Mathemagics • (post by Jamie Janover)

“Fractal Phi Spirals”

Multi-dimensional Heart view show’s its ability for its spirallic form to be of any size across the dimensions,

meaning that it doesnt matter whether it is an infinitesimally small golden spiral,

or whether it be the size of a birthing galaxy,

suggesting that humanity as a collective is waking up to the bigger picture,

and ironically to the smaller picture;

we are becoming whole-graphic in our expanding world view,

and fractalized in our emerging and implosive depth of perception.

Jain 108

Image ~


In a previous post I showed how the components of our solar system are contained by two 3,4,5 Pythagorean triangles folded into a 5,12,13 one.

One of accepted scientific views is that galaxies formed after the big bang in a spiralling motion, which can be understood by the unfolding of Pythagorean triangles (see diagram), when several sets of Pythagorean numbers are used to link to a previously formed triangle

Our solar system, a member of the galaxy and many light years from the centre, is shown like an arm protruding from the second turn of a spiral.

Perhaps the Universe spiralled out in the beginning starting with the formation of our solar system by the unfolding of Pythagorean triangles, the blueprint for manifestation.

Our solar system would not be expected to be at the centre of the Universe, since a spiral is formed when a point moves at an ever-increasing distance from the starting position as it moves around it.

Perceptual dimensions are achievable by the means of a solar factor explained in earlier posts. A spiralling is noticeable and it continues from any spur on the triangles formed, as indicated, providing that the rule according to the theorem of Pythagoras’ right-angled triangles is obeyed, utilising whole numbers only.

Pythagoras’ Theorem: The square of the length of the longer side (diagonal) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two shorter sides.

For example, 5×5 (25) equals 4×4 (16) plus 3×3(9).

Thus 3, 4, 5 is a suitable triangle.

Sometimes there is more than one set of Pythagorean numbers, as in the case of 84, which can link to the spur of the previously formed triangle as shown. In these cases directional changes are possible from a single line into three-dimensional space, above or below the plane.

Thus the spiralling could continue, branching out, with even more protrusions emerging on to infinity.

In a previous post I explained how our solar system was contrived by the folding of two 3, 4, 5 Pythagorean triangles into a 5, 12, 13 one.

The suitable sets have to obey the rule of fadic 3 or 3 mod9, such as 3, 4, 5 (contains a THREE). Its ‘5’ will be able link to a ‘5’ contained in the next triad 5, 12, 13, appropriate because 12 is a fadic 3 or 3 mod9.

The subsequent set is 13, 84, 85; 13 the next link AND 84 is fadic3 or 3 mod9.

The first triads, which obey the rule for the unfolding of the Universe is 3, 4, 5, and 5, 12, 13, followed by 13, 84, 85 and so on.

The subsequent solar system could be investigated by the folding in of two 5, 12, 13 triangles into any of the triads containing 84, starting with 13, 84, 85 to obtain the divine values there. By using the corresponding factor for that solar system, the values can be converted to perceptual dimension.

Each of the above sets exhibit the THREE principle (cf Light).

I suspect that a fadic THREE(3) is indicative of a Sun or Star.

When subsequent triads of numbers are obtained which fit Pythagoras’ law, they can be examined for the possession of a fadic three.

If fadic 3 is not present within the set then the trio is rejected.

There will be an infinite number of triads of numbers, which fit the rules explained above.

I wrote a short basic program to generate a few triads:

3 4 5

5 12 13

12 35 37

13 84 85

21 20 29

23 264 265

31 480 481

39 52 65

84 91 35

84 105 63

84 116 80

84 140 112

84 189 135

84 187 205

84 259 245

84 288 300

84 445 437

84 585 591

300 400 500

300 435 315

300 925 875

300 125 325

300 160 340

300 225 375

300 315 435

300 545 455

300 661 589

435 533 308

435 725 580


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Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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