The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 38
Loop Quantum Gravity + Tesla’s Key of 3 + Tesla’s Aether (Pythagoras’ Dodecahedron) Proof
Is Physics the next guru?
According to Einstein, gravity is not a force – it is a property of spacetime itself. Loop quantum gravity is an attempt to develop a quantum theory of gravity based directly on Einstein's geometric formulation.
To do this, in LQG theory space and time are quantized, analogously to the way quantities like energy and momentum are quantized in quantum mechanics. The theory gives a physical picture of spacetime where space and time are granular and discrete directly because of quantization just like photons in the quantum theory of electromagnetism and the discrete energy levels of atoms. A minimum distance exists.
Space's structure prefers an extremely fine fabric or network woven of finite loops. These networks of loops are called spin networks. The evolution of a spin network, or spin foam, has a scale on the order of a Planck length, approximately 10−35 metres, and smaller scales do not exist. Consequently, not just matter, but space itself, prefers an atomic structure.
Something similar could be said of Carlo Rovelli’s pet idea. Author of last year’s bestseller Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, Rovelli is a leading light in loop quantum gravity, a theoretical endeavour which, after string theory, is the second most popular route to reconciling quantum theory and general relativity.…/2114398-physics-may-be-a-s…/…
Miracle #29850
Infinite Loop Space Theory JP May 1977 Thank you!
Loop Quantum Gravity, which syncs in Tesla’s Key of 3
Miracle #29872
Loop Quantum Gravity — Albert Einstein
In 1986, Abhay Ashtekar reformulated Einstein’s general relativity in a language closer to that of the rest of fundamental physics. Shortly after, Ted Jacobson and Lee Smolin realized that the formal equation of quantum gravity, called the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, admitted solutions labelled by loops, when rewritten in the new Ashtekar variables, and Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin defined a nonperturbative and background-independent quantum theory of gravity in terms of these loop solutions. Jorge Pullin and Jerzy Lewandowski understood that the intersections of the loops are essential for the consistency of the theory, and the theory should be formulated in terms of intersecting loops, or graphs.
In 1994, Rovelli and Smolin showed that the quantum operators of the theory associated to area and volume have a discrete spectrum. That is, geometry is quantized. This result defines an explicit basis of states of quantum geometry, which turned out to be labelled by Roger Penrose‘s spin networks, which are graphs labelled by spins.
The canonical version of the dynamics was put on firm ground by Thomas Thiemann, who defined an anomaly-free Hamiltonian operator, showing the existence of a mathematically consistent background-independent theory. The covariant or spinfoam version of the dynamics developed during several decades, and crystallized in 2008, from the joint work of research groups in France, Canada, UK, Poland, and Germany, lead to the definition of a family of transition amplitudes, which in the classical limit can be shown to be related to a family of truncations of general relativity.[2] The finiteness of these amplitudes was proven in 2011.[3][4] It requires the existence of a positive cosmological constant, and this is consistent with observed acceleration in the expansion of the Universe.
Thank you!
The Unified Whole Consciousness Is Circular Loop from Cells, Humans and the Universe |- our article in Neuroquatology
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Mind and Consciousness 38650 views, 2015-03-30 Our cells and the Universal Mind cooperate with our consciousness, forming a circular loop: from cells to human consciousness to universal consciousness to cell’s consciousness…and so on:
care of Deepak Chopra
“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.” ~ Pythagoras
Understanding Focus in Male and Female Brain as to how Energy Particles are in Motion (Tesla’s Key of 3 as Particle is Vibration and Waves are Frequencies)
Single Focus (Male OS)
Particle and a Wave
Diffuse Awareness (Female OS)
Sum of all Motions…/tumblr_n5c2x76XHn1rpco88o2_400…
“Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water
This is the future of maths: highly Visual content.
Miracle #255
“Math and Imagery are the Universal languages Thank you!” — T. Katz
Motion of Particle Physics (Vibration) and Frequency Waves with Quantum Levitation on The Miraculist simplified (Nonlinear System) returns with
Original Vision Intention #11, Tesla’s Key of 3 as Vibration and Frequency with First Ever Photographed Light as both Particle (Vibration) and Wave (Frequency)
Version 6 Liebert Particle #3 Proof
1. Sum of all motion
2. Rotational Symmetry
3. Toroidal Code
4. Toroidal Flow
5. Harmonic Ondulator (Pythagorean Harmonics)
6. Particles in Dodecahedron (Pythagorean Harmonics)
7. Neural Networks in the Brain
8. Tesla’s Key of 3
9. Harmonics
The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave
Torus Motion…/2a/51282af45556a53a182565466cd25121.…
Wave Mechanics
Waves in motion within the article
A recent breakthrough in wave localization could have immediate practical effects.
Its dual polyhedron is the rhombic dodecahedron.
Dodecahedron syncs in Rainbow
Dodecahedron Rainbow
Although these geometric shapes are different, swept by points, they draw harmonic figures.
Symmetry in Motion with Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem and Geometry…/13714366_112742644…
Harmonic ondulator…/tumblr_natm3qz4Sp1twrbr9o1_r1_…
Neurons in Neural Networks in Brain
Rotational Symmetry…/tumblr_np2c7whZsQ1sfkghmo1_500…
Sum of all Motions…/tumblr_n5c2x76XHn1rpco88o2_400…
Torus Motion…/e43872f3548c2bab5af1…
Toroidal Flow…/tumblr_o20kakzo3e1tl8u0ko1_40…
The torus is the queen of all sacred geometrical curvaceous or feminine configurations,
and the cuboctahedron is the king of all straight-lined male forms,
so this psycho-active diagram of the cubocta embedded inside the toroidal domain, is actually a fusion or indeed a marriage of the 2 most elite forces that define or shape all life.
Jain 108
Quantum Levitation
Quantum Levitation, with Harmonics, Cymatics, and Magnets
Cymatic droplet levitation
Magnet levitating on high-temperature superconductor, cooled with liquid nitrogen!
Via: Physics-Astronomy…/…/632628243559993/
Harmonics with Quantum Levitation
Quantum Levitation sync with 2 videos from Joy Play of the Week #1
Video 1
Video 2…/videos/770432906416853/
Quantum Locking video from March 22 syncs with Quantum Levitation video with the Meissner Effect
Israel syncs and returns (Partner Player)
The quantum levitation process becomes far more intriguing through the process of flux pinning, or quantum locking, as described by Tel Aviv University superconductor group in this way:
Superconductivity and magnetic field [sic] do not like each other. When possible, the superconductor will expel all the magnetic field from inside. This is the Meissner effect. In our case, since the superconductor is extremely thin, the magnetic field DOES penetrates. However, it does that in discrete quantities (this is quantum physics after all! ) called flux tubes. (Note: This is demonstrated in the graphic associated with this article.)
Inside each magnetic flux tube superconductivity is locally destroyed. The superconductor will try to keep the magnetic tubes pinned in weak areas (e.g. grain boundaries). Any spatial movement of the superconductor will cause the flux tubes to move. In order to prevent that the superconductor remains “trapped” in midair.…/quantump…/f/QuantumLevitation.htm
Harmonics with Quantum Levitations
WHAT YOU ARE SEEING: An ultrasonic standing wave is used to levitate a liquid drop. The drop is flattened into a disk by an increase in field strength. This flattened drop is then excited to create star drop patterns by exciting the drop at its resonance frequency. Different oscillatory modes are induced by varying the drop radius, fluid properties, and frequency at which the field strength is modulated.
WHAT YOU ARE HEARING: Water Bells – James Gyre & Robert Balotsky
Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
Joy Play of the Week #48 Part 1
Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
Quantum Information syncs in 4 years
“Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water
To build an operating quantum computer, you need to connect qubits — quantum bits of information — in a process called entanglement. But entangled qubits exist in a fragile state. They must be carefully shielded from any noise in the surrounding environment. Just one photon bumping into your qubit would be enough to make the entire system “decohere,” destroying the entanglement and wiping out the quantum properties of the system. It’s challenging enough to do quantum processing in a carefully controlled laboratory environment, never mind the warm, wet, complicated mess that is human biology, where maintaining coherence for sufficiently long periods of time is well nigh impossible.
Over the past decade, however, growing evidence suggests that certain biological systems might employ quantum mechanics. In photosynthesis, for example, quantum effects help plants turn sunlight into fuel. Scientists have also proposed that migratory birds have a “quantum compass” enabling them to exploit Earth’s magnetic fields for navigation, or that the human sense of smell could be rooted in quantum mechanics.
Fisher’s notion of quantum processing in the brain broadly fits into this emerging field of quantum biology. Call it quantum neuroscience.
ICYMI: Quantum effects might indeed play some role in human cognition.
Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language with Energy as the Constant, with The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop returns in 4 days
“Language is the key to the heart of people.” ― Ahmed Deedat
Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language, with Energy in The Theory of Relativity and Synchronicity/Symmetry
Tesla’s Key of 3 literally as a Universal Language with Miracles in Energy, Vibration and Frequency with the Miracle as an Aether unit, a Proton
Miracle #11782 The Myriad of Names for Energy
1. Bioplasma – Biology/Chemistry (Science)
2. Orgone – Originated by a psychiatrist in the 1930’s named Wilhelm Reich. Orgone Energy is defined as ‘Universal Bioenergetic Force’.
3. Vibrating Strings – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science).
4. The God Particle – Particle Physics
5. The Higgs Boson – Particle Physics
6. Thought Vibration – Psychology, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics.
7. Anti-Matter – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science). It is described in The Vedas as the particle that has no physical properties, but that which is able to gain physical properties, and can seemingly manifest like its counterpart Matter.
Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 1027th day consecutively
Cells vibration
Cells and Molecules dancing
Image of the Day: To study microenvironments, scientists have developed “micropatterning” techniques, which involve creating protein patterns to cultivate living cells.
Cell mitosis under a microscope
Heart Symmetry
Heart with Sound Vibration, Toroidal, Roses, Pascal, Neurons, reason, the first Quantum Computer, the 10 ounce Toroidal Tetrahedron Miracle
Confirmation of Neural Networks as a Nonlinear Physics System with Efficiency in Elegant Cooperation and Partnership and Diffuse Awareness matching Sum of All Motion, Toroidal Code and Flow, and Rotational Symmetry
Neural Networks are a Nonlinear Physics System. Application of the Energy in The Miraculist model is a Nonlinear System, Regenerative/Generate Energy with the Sum of All Particle Motion, Toroidal Code and Flow, and Rotational Symmetry. Regeneration of Neural Networks now in the physical Mechanics. Reprove of Brain/Galaxy Symmetry in Micro/Macro. Original Vision Intention.
The Theory of Everything is Vibration (Trifecta of Vibration) and Frequency + Thought Circuit + Everything is Deductive Logic Proof + Tesla's Key of 3 as Universal Language
"In 6 years of proving that words have an energetic vibration plus math as visual content in imagery with Math, Imagery, Miracles and Tesla’s Key of 3 as universal languages, I think that Tesla’s Key of 3 explains the gap in between Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity with Particles (Vibration) and Waves (Frequency)" -- T. Katz 2015 The Miraculist
Tesla’s Key of 3 + Tesla’s Aether (Pythagoras’ Dodecahedron) Proof
Motion of Particles
Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language
Wave Mechanics
Nonlinear System of The Miraculist
Theory of Relativity Einstein story
Quantum Mechanics
Definitions of Miracles in Nature
Gravitational Waves (Einstein) / Frequencies
Sound Vibration in Frequency Waves
Math is highly visual content (Miracle #255 Math and Imagery are Universal Languages)
Subconscious (micro) and Universe/Galaxy (macro)
Miracle as a Alpha Proton in Quantum Mechanics, all Liebert proofs
Pythagorean Harmonics
Cells and Molecules dancing
Laughter and Humor raise the frequency
Frequency (Earth, Alchemy with Tesla)
Happy (Cells and Molecules)
Pythagoras (Pythagoras Mystery School, Pythagorean Harmonics, Pythagorean Theorem, Sound Vibration as the Father of Music)
Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
Diffuse Awareness/Single Focus with Tesla’s Key of 3
Energy as the constant
Tesla's Keys: Constitution + The Declaration of Independence + Gettysburg Address
Language of the Soul
Everything Is with Symbolic Logic and Deductive Reasoning, including the Transitive Property with Everything (Logic proofs all done by T. Katz from 2013-2019)
Everything is
Sound and light vibration
Matched by vibration and Frequency
Quantum Physics
Emotion — Energy in Motion
Light Tesla and Channelers (Empaths)
Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
The Heart (Toroidal)
Mind Over Matter (Alchemy Hermetic Principle #1 The All is Mental)
Tesla’s Aether Phenomena (Invisible and Unseen) Energy + Divine Intelligence: Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you (Miracles Flow Through You with Neutrinos)
Energy Translation
Keyword: Tesla's Key of 3 literally syncs
Everything is going to be Alright / Everything is going to be ALL RIGHT / Tesla’s Key of 6 in Tesla’s Neon + Multiple Colors + Light Spectrum
Rhythm (Hermetic Principle #5 + Super 3-6-9 Flow Code Algorithm)
Everything miraculously works
Physics is EVERYwhere
"Physics is at the very foundation. Everything you see in your living room, and everything you see in a hospital, can at some point be traced to physicist."
"Miracles are everywhere" -- Empire of the Sun concert
“God is a sphere whose centre is everywhere and periphery nowhere”
(Pascal, quoting Hermes Trimegistus)
Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3
There is something so unbelievably refreshing about meeting someone who is on the same life frequency as you. Everything feels effortless and natural. You just vibe, it’s beautiful.
Every Proton has the same information Proton
Constitution + The Declaration of Independence + "We the People" with Global
"We the People..." + Tesla's Key of 3 in The Constitution + Tesla's Keys of 3 and 6 in The Declaration of Independence + Tesla's Key of 3 in the Gettysburg Address (3 minutes) + Supreme Court on Interpretation of Literal and Applied to Modern Context + Federalist Papers on Interpretation of Literal and Applied to Modern Context + Personal Bill of Rights +
Gettysburg (Liebert Proof on Little Things)
"We The People" for The Global Goals
Same application as The Declaration of Independence and Tesla's Keys
"We the People" in Tesla's Key of 3 T. Katz, The Miraculist, figured this out in Tesla’s Key count in 2019
Tesla’s Key of 3 in The Declaration of Independence and The Gettysburg Address
Tesla’s Key of 3 in list, Tesla’s Key of 6 in word count 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. The Pursuit of Happiness
T. Katz, The Miraculist, figured this out in Tesla’s Key count in 2014
Version 33 Liebert Thing #4 Proof The Gettysburg Address is a Thing (proof of Little #1 and Tiny #2 Liebert Proofs and Tesla’s Key of 3) “A Thing. The Gettysburg Address is less three minutes long. A thing doesn’t have to be big to be a big thing.”
Quantum Physics + City/Country syncs already proven successfully with vetted Partners + Entanglements (solved by Elegant Cooperation and Partnership) + Information + System/Network + NeuroQuantology + Sound waves (Sound Vibration in Frequency) let quantum systems ‘talk’ to one another
Optimal and Approximate Analysis of an Information Network The subjectivity seen in quantum theory has been the topic of major debate ever since the theory was first introduced about a century ago. The idea of treating the subject and the object independently has been difficult to accept in the science community; however, the subjective limit of knowledge has been discussed in philosophy for centuries. On the other hand, one of the important outcomes of recent studies of quantum theory is developing useful and practical applications from often controversial and philosophical debates such as the simultaneous existence of multiple states or superluminal influencing, which appears to violate the locality imposed by relativity. Establishing a long-distance correlation may be effective in a number of applications in quantum information technology. In this paper, an entanglement swapping scheme for three 2-level states is examined using numerical methods. In particular, it is studied that there is a class of non-maximal states that approximate the optimal outcome, namely, the weakest link.
Tesla’s Key of 3 (Frequency, Vibration, and Energy)
as a Universal Language with Energy as the Constant “Language is the key to the heart of people.” ― Ahmed Deedat Vibration
Energy as a Universal Language
Light Photographed for the first time as both a Particle and a Wave Miracle #11782 The Myriad of Names for Energy 1. Bioplasma – Biology/Chemistry (Science) 2. Orgone – Originated by a psychiatrist in the 1930’s named Wilhelm Reich. Orgone Energy is defined as ‘Universal Bioenergetic Force’. 3. Vibrating Strings – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science). 4. The God Particle – Particle Physics 5. The Higgs Boson – Particle Physics 6. Thought Vibration – Psychology, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics. 7. Anti-Matter – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science). It is described in The Vedas as the particle that has no physical properties, but that which is able to gain physical properties, and can seemingly manifest like its counterpart Matter.