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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 32

Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 1154th day consecutively

So, I received the Aquamantra bottle on Quantum Physics while at a workshop 6 years ago. Last week, I received the water bottle with Flow (2017) and Alpha Proton Imagery. A perfect positive loop.

Einstein syncs for 846th day consecutively and Tesla’s Key of 3 literally syncs for 1059th day consecutively

Core of The Miraculist (reverse engineer with Miracle is a Proton, a particle, 99.999% energy, a quanta, an atom, on a miraculous frequency wave) with Tesla’s Key of 3

Quantum Physics Light Particle Wave (Tesla’s Key of 3 with Particle = Vibration and Wave = Frequency)

Quantum Physics simplified syncs

“Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 31

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Universe syncs for 1156th day consecutively and Miracles sync for 1016th day consecutively

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Deductive Reason and Logic with Transitive Property of Equality returns in 19 days

Miracles = Alpha Protons = Light

Light (Miracles)

Miracles as Alpha Protons, 99.9999% Energy, a quanta, a particle

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Good + Good

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Light + Light = Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton

Light + Light = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Good + Good = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Good + Good = Light + Light

+ Kind Mind / Brain / Physiological

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Proton + Proton syncs (Accelerated Expansion) return in 4 days

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory declared their support for protons, which will help them create the world’s most intense beam of neutrinos—particles too aloof to participate in the Smackdown themselves—for the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Protons also play a starring role at Brookhaven National Accelerator Laboratory, which collides them in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC. Clara Nellist explained that scientists use protons in the LHC because they have a magnetic charge, which scientists can use to steer them, and because they’re heavy enough not to lose most of their energy as they loop around the accelerator complex.

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

Corpus Callosum explains focus with bridge of right and left hemispheres. Supports PAX Partnership on single focus vs. diffuse awareness, in physiological, plus women naturally make connections (PAX Partnership)

Roughly speaking, the back of the brain handles perception and the front of the brain handles action; the left hemisphere of the brain is the seat of logical thinking, while the right side of the brain begets intuitive thinking. The findings lend support to the view that males may excel at motor skills, while women may be better at integrating analysis and intuitive thinking.

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

Accelerating light beams in curved apace

From Technion, Harvard and CfA via “Accelerating light beams in curved space”

By shining a laser along the inside shell of an incandescent light bulb, physicists have performed the first experimental demonstration of an accelerating light beam in curved space. Rather than moving along a geodesic trajectory (the shortest path on a curved surface), the accelerating beam bends away from the geodesic trajectory as a result of its acceleration.

Previously, accelerating light beams have been demonstrated on flat surfaces, on which their acceleration causes them to follow curved trajectories rather than straight lines. Extending accelerating beams to curved surfaces opens the doors to additional possibilities, such as emulating general relativity phenomena (for example, gravitational lensing) with optical devices in the lab.

The physicists, Anatoly Patsyk, Miguel A. Bandres, and Mordechai Segev at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, along with Rivka Bekenstein at Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, have published a paper on the accelerating light beams in curved space in a recent issue of Physical Review X.

“This work opens the doors to a new avenue of study in the field of accelerating beams,” Patsyk told “Thus far, accelerating beams were studied only in a medium with a flat geometry, such as flat free space or slab waveguides. In the current work, optical beams follow curved trajectories in a curved medium.”

The accelerating light beam propagates on a nongeodesic trajectory, rather than the geodesic trajectory taken by a non-accelerating beam. Credit: Patsyk et al. ©2018 American Physical Society

Alpha + Alpha/Proton + Proton => Liebert/Einstein Everything Miracle => Attraction (Accelerated Expansion + Doppler Effect)

Physics/Universal/Spiritual/Metaphysics of Attraction with Proton + Proton

Proton + Proton

The Most Common Uses of All the Greek Letters in Science, Maths and Engineering

Light (Miracles are Protons, Quanta, Alpha Particles, 99.9999% Energy) Forces Electrons to Follow Curve with the Walter Russell Photoelectric Effect returns in 2 months

Bending Light

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

Electron wave

Researchers discover how plants respond to light at molecular level

The Most Common Uses of All the Greek Letters in Science, Maths and Engineering

Electrons flowing like liquid in graphene start a new wave of physics

Compton’s discovery (light can behave as a particle as well as a wave) was one of the pivotal revelations that led physicists to deduce that objects once thought to be particles can behave like waves and objects once thought to be waves can behave like particles.

Quantum world tells us that an electron is both a particle and a wave and you can never be certain what it will do. Relativity tells us that clocks aren’t absolute, distances depend on the observer, and that energy can be converted into matter and back again. And this just the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. All particles and atoms vibrate at various degrees and each has consciousness.

A Quantized Column: Quantum particles are so different from classical particles that they need a new name.

The particles that make up the Standard Model — like electrons or the Higgs boson — can fit into larger groups that correspond to different grand unified theories:

Particle Physicists on a quest for “new physics”

The most basic constituents of matter appear to come in three generations, each heavier than the last. Learn more:

Alpha Women return

True Empowerment in Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Empower in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

Empower returns with No Competition

Self- Empower from the Gentlemen

Alpha Women syncs with Empowerment, and Elegant Cooperation and Partnership


The alpha woman is not styled by anyone other than herself and she knows what works for her and more important, what does not. She does not become swept up in other people’s expectations for her and is supremely comfortable in her own skin. Insecurity only serves to feed into the judgement of the world around her and she’s never driven to compete with other women.

You promote, support, and encourage other women. You realize you have nothing to gain by watching them fail, and everything to gain by helping them succeed.

Empowerment yield solutions with Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

No competition and Women Empower

"When I replace competition with sisterhood, I truly empower myself."

Sidonie Bouchet

Kind (vibration and energy) + Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 + Light (Proton, Miracle is an Alpha Proton 99.9999% energy, Particles, a quanta, an atom) + Neuroscience + Brain returns in 2 days

Your Mind Loves Being Kind = Be Kind to Your Mind in a perfect positive loop syncs in 1 year

Your Mind Loves Being Kind


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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