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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 31

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Logic Proof

Deductive Reason and Logic with Transitive Property of Equality returns in 9 days

Miracles = Alpha Protons = Light

Light (Miracles)

Miracles as Alpha Protons, 99.9999% Energy, a quanta, a particle

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Good + Good

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Light + Light = Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton

Light + Light = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Good + Good = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Good + Good = Light + Light

Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 Vibration Frequency = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 Vibration Frequency

+ Kind Mind / Brain / Physiological

Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3

There is something so unbelievably refreshing about meeting someone who is on the same life frequency as you. Everything feels effortless and natural. You just vibe, it’s beautiful.


Tesla’s Key of 9


Jewel of Quantum Physics


God Particle

Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem

Alpha Proton + Alpha Proton = Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Proton + Proton syncs (Accelerated Expansion) return in 5 days

Nassim Haramein has calculated a geometric solution for the gravitational field. In his latest paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” he describes gravity in a classical algebraic way by calculating the density of the space both within and on the outside of the event horizon of a proton.

The seemingly “empty” vacuum of space is actually a nearly infinitely dense super-fluid medium made of tiny tiny tiny little frothing bubbles of energy. Sometimes called the “quantum foam”, each of these miniscule vibrations represents a spherical wave form, or quanta, that is the diameter of the smallest possible measurable distance, the Planck length. Haramein calls these tiny spherical information bits Planck spherical units or PSUs. The PSUs on the interior of the proton’s event horizon pack together in a perfectly space-filling overlapping “3D” Flower of Life structure with each sphere’s center being connected by a tetrahedral lattice geometry. The PSUs within the proton volume holographically project on the proton surface event horizon as “flat” equatorial circles in a “2D” flower of life tiling pattern.

In this image, the first equation describes the ratio between the proton surface area and the surface Planck circles showing that the number of equatorial circles on the Proton surface equals 10↑40 (10 to the 40 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Planck length diameter circles)

The second equation shows the number of Planck spherical units contained within the proton, which is 10↑60. In the third equation, the external surface horizon is divided by the internal volume and then multiplied by the Planck mass to give the total value of the proton mass. With a simple classical geometric calculation, Haramein obtains the mass of the proton according to the standard model, as measured from the outside, in the laboratory: 10↑-24 gm.

Haramein then calculates the external Planck circles divided by the internal Planck spheres to obtain the gravitational mass of the proton, which equals 10↑14 which is the exact amount of mass needed for the proton to obey what is called the the Schwarzschild condition of a black hole.

Protons are quantum scale black holes.

Gravity is a ratio of volume to surface area.

Resonance Science Foundation • Resonance Science Foundation – Français • The Connected Universe • (post by Jamie Janover)

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory declared their support for protons, which will help them create the world’s most intense beam of neutrinos—particles too aloof to participate in the Smackdown themselves—for the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Protons also play a starring role at Brookhaven National Accelerator Laboratory, which collides them in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC. Clara Nellist explained that scientists use protons in the LHC because they have a magnetic charge, which scientists can use to steer them, and because they’re heavy enough not to lose most of their energy as they loop around the accelerator complex.

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

Corpus Callosum explains focus with bridge of right and left hemispheres. Supports PAX Partnership on single focus vs. diffuse awareness, in physiological, plus women naturally make connections (PAX Partnership)

Roughly speaking, the back of the brain handles perception and the front of the brain handles action; the left hemisphere of the brain is the seat of logical thinking, while the right side of the brain begets intuitive thinking. The findings lend support to the view that males may excel at motor skills, while women may be better at integrating analysis and intuitive thinkin

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

Accelerating light beams in curved apace

From Technion, Harvard and CfA via “Accelerating light beams in curved space”

By shining a laser along the inside shell of an incandescent light bulb, physicists have performed the first experimental demonstration of an accelerating light beam in curved space. Rather than moving along a geodesic trajectory (the shortest path on a curved surface), the accelerating beam bends away from the geodesic trajectory as a result of its acceleration.

Previously, accelerating light beams have been demonstrated on flat surfaces, on which their acceleration causes them to follow curved trajectories rather than straight lines. Extending accelerating beams to curved surfaces opens the doors to additional possibilities, such as emulating general relativity phenomena (for example, gravitational lensing) with optical devices in the lab.

The physicists, Anatoly Patsyk, Miguel A. Bandres, and Mordechai Segev at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, along with Rivka Bekenstein at Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, have published a paper on the accelerating light beams in curved space in a recent issue of Physical Review X.

“This work opens the doors to a new avenue of study in the field of accelerating beams,” Patsyk told “Thus far, accelerating beams were studied only in a medium with a flat geometry, such as flat free space or slab waveguides. In the current work, optical beams follow curved trajectories in a curved medium.”

The accelerating light beam propagates on a nongeodesic trajectory, rather than the geodesic trajectory taken by a non-accelerating beam. Credit: Patsyk et al. ©2018 American Physical Society

Light (Miracles are Protons, Quanta, Alpha Particles, 99.9999% Energy) Forces Electrons to Follow Curve with the Walter Russell Photoelectric Effect returns in 2 months

Bending Light

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

Electron wave

Researchers discover how plants respond to light at molecular level

The Most Common Uses of All the Greek Letters in Science, Maths and Engineering

Electrons flowing like liquid in graphene start a new wave of physics

Compton’s discovery (light can behave as a particle as well as a wave) was one of the pivotal revelations that led physicists to deduce that objects once thought to be particles can behave like waves and objects once thought to be waves can behave like particles.

Quantum world tells us that an electron is both a particle and a wave and you can never be certain what it will do. Relativity tells us that clocks aren’t absolute, distances depend on the observer, and that energy can be converted into matter and back again. And this just the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. All particles and atoms vibrate at various degrees and each has consciousness.

A Quantized Column: Quantum particles are so different from classical particles that they need a new name.

The particles that make up the Standard Model — like electrons or the Higgs boson — can fit into larger groups that correspond to different grand unified theories:

Particle Physicists on a quest for “new physics”

The most basic constituents of matter appear to come in three generations, each heavier than the last. Learn more:

Alpha Women return

True Empowerment in Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

Empower in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

Empower returns with No Competition

Self- Empower from the Gentlemen

Alpha Women syncs with Empowerment, and Elegant Cooperation and Partnership


The alpha woman is not styled by anyone other than herself and she knows what works for her and more important, what does not. She does not become swept up in other people’s expectations for her and is supremely comfortable in her own skin. Insecurity only serves to feed into the judgement of the world around her and she’s never driven to compete with other women.

You promote, support, and encourage other women. You realize you have nothing to gain by watching them fail, and everything to gain by helping them succeed.

Empowerment yield solutions with Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

No competition and Women Empower

When I replace competition with sisterhood, I truly empower myself.

Sidonie Bouchet

Kind (vibration and energy) + Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3 + Light (Proton, Miracle is an Alpha Proton 99.9999% energy, Particles, a quanta, an atom) + Neuroscience + Brain returns in 2 days

Your Mind Loves Being Kind = Be Kind to Your Mind in a perfect positive loop syncs in 1 year

Your Mind Loves Being Kind

Be Kind to your Mind

God Particle + Tesla’s Key of 9 + Root Harmonics + Symmetry

God Particle (Alpha Proton) with Tesla’s Key of 9 returns

(Universe syncs for 999th day consecutively)

Tesla’s Key of 9 syncs with Stages of Energy, Fibonacci, and 99.9999 Speed of Light with the God Particle

e 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

~ Tesla

From the archives: “The degree of efficiency is mind-boggling. You can easily do, on paper, computations that were infeasible even with a computer before.” — Jacob Bourjaily, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University and one of the researchers who developed the idea.

A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics


Physicists have discovered a jewel-shaped geometric object that challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental constituents of nature.


When you understand that Root 2 (the Square Root of 2 being 1.414…

because 1.414… x 1.414… = 2)

is the diagonal of the Unit Square,

and Root 3 (the Square Root of 3 being 1.732…

because 1.732… x 1.732… = 3)

is the height of the Equilateral Triangle

and Root 5 (the Square of Root of 5 being 2.236

because 2.236… x 2.236… = 5)

is the diagonal of the Double Square or 1×2 Rectangle

gives you enough basic information to understand the Universe.

These 3 essential Root Harmonics are likened to Tesla’s 3-6-9 code,

that by registering that the Trinity we observe

in all of the Creation that surrounds us and internalizes us,

helps us to make visible the invisible threads of Cosmic Pattern and Symmetry.

Jain 108

Image: Welcome to the Golden PAge

TIME: Nine In Time. Relationship to the Number 9.

There are 1,440 Minutes in a Day and 1+4+4+0 = 9.

There are 86,400 Seconds in a Day and 8+6+4+0+0=9.

There are 10,080 Minutes in a Week and 1+0+0+8+0=9.

There are 525,600 Minutes in a Year and 5+2+5+6+0+0 =9.

It appears that minutes and seconds in a day, week, month, year,

will always reduce digitally to 9.

Jain 108

(for more in-depth info on this topic, watch the fascinating youtube clip:

from based on Vortex Mathematics)

(numbers added to the single digits, in alternating sequences)

Divide the number 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 into 1 and express the result as a decimal expansion, and you’ll find the Fibonacci sequence presented in tidy 24-digit strings:

Note: the …998 is not a typo, without the 8 there, there would be no revelation of the fibonacci numbers. its Perfect as it is. Its truly one of the most special mathematical gems I have ever seen, but need the grunt force of the computer technology to reveal this hidden fact. ~ Jain 108

Via Math Addicts

“Is there a connection between Phi and the Number 9”?

ie: “Is there a Phi and Nonagon (Enneagram) Relationship?”

or “Does there Exist a Phi Harmonic Hidden in the Nonagon?

The Answer is Yes!

When Nonagon’s edge length is set to 1 unit,

the Square Area is 6.182

which approximates to the Reciprocal of Phi or 1 divided by Phi (1.618033…)

which equals .618033…

In Harmonic Mathematics, we drop all zeroes, drop the decimal point

or we can float the decimal point to the left or to the right,

and we also can round off numbers like .618033 to .618.

This means that .618 has an affinity or harmonic-ness to 6.18

which is the square area of the nonagon.

Thus phi is embedded within 9ness.

Jain 108

Image ~

Alchemy in Tesla’s Key of 9

1. Earth

2. Air

3. Fire

4. Water

5. Aether < 6. Spirit

7. Energy < 8. Frequency

9. Vibration

Tesla’s Key of 9 syncs with Einstein on Inspiration (Channel and 99% energy)

Noether’s Symmetry Theorem with Fibonacci, Numbers and with Tesla’s Key of 9 returns in 6 days

The 11th number in the Fibonacci sequence is 89. Zero is not a number but a placeholder for numeric expansion and contraction. Interestingly 89 is 11 less than one hundred, but even more interesting is its reciprocal, which is 1/89.

The decimal expansion of 1/89 is the Fibonacci series, added together in this manner. Cody Birsner figured this out working on his Fibonacci term paper at the University of Oklahoma in 1994. One divided by the eleventh number in the sequence creates the sequence itself through self-similar decimal expansion.

TIME: Nine In Time. Relationship to the Number 9.

There are 1,440 Minutes in a Day and 1+4+4+0 = 9.

There are 86,400 Seconds in a Day and 8+6+4+0+0=9.

There are 10,080 Minutes in a Week and 1+0+0+8+0=9.

There are 525,600 Minutes in a Year and 5+2+5+6+0+0 =9.

It appears that minutes and seconds in a day, week, month, year,

will always reduce digitally to 9.

Jain 108

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

All 3 Symmetries including Rotational sync and Super Symmetry, for Tesla’s Key of 3

Symmetry returns

Rotational Symmetry

What is SuperSymmetry?

Symmetry returns with the alphabet

Symmetry returns with Brain Cells and Universe, Food and Body


According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.

Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry

Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.

CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other

“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles

“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”

— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter

“6 & 9 as Complementary Energy Spirals”

“If 6 was 9”

is a lyrical hint that the only forms that can contain such counter-rotating spirals

appear in Nature like pine cones, sunflowers, rainforest vines, DNA twin helices

and simultaneously implosive-explosive tori,

6 and 9 can definitely be digital candidates or numerical ambassadors for the Language of Life and Light.

Jain 108


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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