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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 28



UUU. Protons

Physicists calculate proton’s pressure distribution for first time Neutron stars are among the densest-known objects in the universe, withstanding pressures so great that one teaspoon of a star’s material would equal about 15 times the weight of the moon. Yet as it turns out, protons—the fundamental particles that make up most of the visible matter in the universe—contain even higher pressures. Read more at:

Nassim Haramein has calculated a geometric solution for the gravitational field. In his latest paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” he describes gravity in a classical algebraic way by calculating the density of the space both within and on the outside of the event horizon of a proton.

The seemingly “empty” vacuum of space is actually a nearly infinitely dense super-fluid medium made of tiny tiny tiny little frothing bubbles of energy. Sometimes called the “quantum foam”, each of these miniscule vibrations represents a spherical wave form, or quanta, that is the diameter of the smallest possible measurable distance, the Planck length. Haramein calls these tiny spherical information bits Planck spherical units or PSUs. The PSUs on the interior of the proton’s event horizon pack together in a perfectly space-filling overlapping “3D” Flower of Life structure with each sphere’s center being connected by a tetrahedral lattice geometry. The PSUs within the proton volume holographically project on the proton surface event horizon as “flat” equatorial circles in a “2D” flower of life tiling pattern.

In this image, the first equation describes the ratio between the proton surface area and the surface Planck circles showing that the number of equatorial circles on the Proton surface equals 10↑40 (10 to the 40 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Planck length diameter circles)

The second equation shows the number of Planck spherical units contained within the proton, which is 10↑60. In the third equation, the external surface horizon is divided by the internal volume and then multiplied by the Planck mass to give the total value of the proton mass. With a simple classical geometric calculation, Haramein obtains the mass of the proton according to the standard model, as measured from the outside, in the laboratory: 10↑-24 gm.

Haramein then calculates the external Planck circles divided by the internal Planck spheres to obtain the gravitational mass of the proton, which equals 10↑14 which is the exact amount of mass needed for the proton to obey what is called the the Schwarzschild condition of a black hole.

Protons are quantum scale black holes.

Gravity is a ratio of volume to surface area.

Resonance Science Foundation • Resonance Science Foundation – Français • The Connected Universe • (post by Jamie Janover)

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory declared their support for protons, which will help them create the world’s most intense beam of neutrinos—particles too aloof to participate in the Smackdown themselves—for the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Protons also play a starring role at Brookhaven National Accelerator Laboratory, which collides them in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHIC. Clara Nellist explained that scientists use protons in the LHC because they have a magnetic charge, which scientists can use to steer them, and because they’re heavy enough not to lose most of their energy as they loop around the accelerator complex.

Mass of a Proton

Proton + Proton syncs (Accelerated Expansion)

Physicists make most precise measurement ever of the proton’s magnetic moment

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

Protons with Phenomena

Positron syncs with Antimatter and Tesla’s Aether (Miracle is a Proton, a Quanta, a Particle, 99.9999% energy) and Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem

1928 – Paul Dirac: The Dirac equation – The Dirac equation is one of the true glories of theoretical physics. In a single line that can be neatly stated on a cocktail napkin, it combines special relativity with quantum mechanics. But most surprisingly, it proposes a new form of matter – antimatter. Dirac found this implication of the equation so unsettling that for some time he assumed that the missing twin of the electron predicted by the theory must be a proton. But in 1932 Carl Anderson found the elusive positron in cosmic rays. Both Dirac and Anderson got well-deserved Nobel Prizes for prediction and discovery.

Surprises in Physics

Protons are lighter than thought, which may solve a big puzzle

Proton At CERN Have Shown Unexpected Phenomena

OLYMPUS experiment sheds light on structure of protons

Space itself is quantized into tiny vibrations called Planck spherical units. There are ten to the 60 (100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) of these minuscule vibrations within the volume of a single proton… The Planck spherical units can be thought of as the voxels (spherical pixels) that make up everything in the universe…

The Resonance Project • The connected universe • The Mind Unleashed • Science and Nonduality Conference • Physics Today • Physics World • Physics Central • (post by Jamie Janover)

Atoms with Noether’s Symmetry


K. Ernest Rutherford and 99.9999% Energy

Everything is, 99.99% Energy vibrating with the New School Quantum Atom and the man who discovered it

“Everything is…” syncs again

“Everything is Energy” syncs with Einstein, and this sync combined, literally creates Tesla’s Key of 3 of Frequency, Vibration, and Energy

Everything is energy vibrating in the structure of space: Cymatics

image: Ben Browne

The Resonance Project • Scientific Illustration for the Research Scientist | somersault18:24 • The Beauty of Science & Reality. • From Affinity: 2 Infinity and Bey0nd • Expanded Consciousness • (post by Jamie Janover)

Miracle #733

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” — Albert Einstein Thank you!

Noether’s Symmetry Theorem with Luminous True Nature, Light, 99.9% Energy, Miracle, the Miracle is an Aether Particle, a proton, a Quanta, an Atom, 99.99% Energy in Quantum Mechanics returns in 4 days

Noether’s Symmetry Theorem with Light, 99.9% Energy, Miracle, the Miracle is an Aether Particle, a proton, a Quanta, an Atom, 99.99% Energy in Quantum Mechanics syncs for the first time on The Miraculist

Symmetry and Miracles reprove and returns in 2 days

You are a miraculous being, you are a miracle, and you matter, with symmetry resyncs

Life is a miracle. YOU are a unique expression of this purposeful miracle. Think of how GREAT that makes you. Live big! You are not here to dwell within the basement of your potentiality.

You are a miracle

Reproving of Noether’s theorem

Symmetry with Neural Networks, Desiderata (Trees and Stars), Miracle, Quantum Physics, Wonderful/Mirari returns

“Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.” — Desiderata, Max Ehrmann

Mirari, definition for Miracles, is to Wonder or full of Wonder, Wonderful which is Symmetrical in Quantum Physics, the hidden theorem

Symmetry returns

Rotational Symmetry

What is SuperSymmetry?

Symmetry returns with the alphabet

Symmetry returns with Brain Cells and Universe, Food and Body


According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.

Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry

Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.

CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other

“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles

“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”

— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter

The Miracle, a Particle, a Proton, an atom, a quanta, a Quantum atom, 99.9999% energy with Quantum Indeterminacy, Tesla’s Aether and Tesla’s Key of 3 in Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Alchemy, Energy/Aether, Nature and Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language

The definitions of Miracle

1. Quantum Physics/Universal Spiritual Law/Law of Physics: Cause and Effect

2. Quantum Mechanics: Perception

3. Hermetic: As Above, So Below / Symmetry (Quantum Physics)

4. Mirari: Wonder, Awe, Awesome

5. Mirabilia: Marvel

6. Energy: Invisible Agent / Metaphysics (Hume)

7. Nature: St. Augustine

The Miracle as a Particle, a Proton, an atom, a quanta, 99.9999% energy

Atom, or quanta, returns with the Quantum Atom with Torus/Toroidal

Something as simple and common as a drop falling into liquid can reveal the fundamental toroidal structure of everything from atoms to galaxies: Torus

Nassim Haramein • THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • The Resonance Project – Polska • The Resonance Project – Romania

“In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”…/black-holes-are-nothing-…

Atoms sync and return with the Atomic Model

“We have begun to contemplate our origins: starstuff pondering the stars; organized assemblages of ten billion billion billion atoms considering the evolution of atoms”

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Atomic Model


K. Ernest Rutherford and 99.9999% Energy

Everything is, 99.99% Energy vibrating with the New School Quantum Atom and the man who discovered it

“Everything is…” syncs again

“Everything is Energy” syncs with Einstein, and this sync combined, literally creates Tesla’s Key of 3 of Frequency, Vibration, and Energy

Everything is energy vibrating in the structure of space: Cymatics

image: Ben Browne

The Resonance Project • Scientific Illustration for the Research Scientist | somersault18:24 • The Beauty of Science & Reality. • From Affinity: 2 Infinity and Bey0nd • Expanded Consciousness • (post by Jamie Janover)

Miracle #733

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” — Albert Einstein Thank you!

We are from the dust of stars, literally…

The human being means has approximately 100 trillion cells, and each of them is About 100 trillions of atoms, which were originally created in Within a star.

The atoms of your hand may very well have been created in another star, those of your foot , therefore, by definition, we are of the galactic beings since the same structures that make up our bodies come Everywhere in the universe…

The Resonance Project ~ The Resonance Project – Página Oficial Hispana ~ The Resonance Project em Português ~ Galactic Resonance ~ Multivers ~ Univers ~ Superamas de galaxies ~ Amas Local ~ Galaxie ~ Planète extra-solaire ~ Planète extragalactique ~ Planète tellurique ~ Planète ~ Planète géante ~ Système solaire ~ Biologie ~ Conscience ~ Cosmometry ~ Métaphysique ~ Physique ~ Cosmologie ~ Espace (cosmologie) ~ Trou noir ~ Trou de ver

The Miracle as an Aether particle, a proton with Quantum Indeterminacy (Quantum Mechanics) with Light as a Vibration particle travels on Frequency Waves (Tesla’s Key of 3)

Quantum Indeterminacy (Liebert)

In quantum mechanics, however, indeterminacy is of a much more fundamental nature, having nothing to do with errors or disturbance.

Quantum indeterminacy can also be illustrated in terms of a particle with a definitely measured momentum for which there must be a fundamental limit to how precisely its location can be specified

The Miracle as Aether/Energy/Spirit, a particle, a proton with Tesla’s Key of 3, Physics, Metaphysics, and Alchemy

Metaphysics explains the Miracle as a particle of Aether, a proton with Noumenon and Phenomenon, but as Haramein says, it’s Quantum Physics with Quanta as atom/particle/cell/molecule in Vibration and Frequency of Energy (Tesla’s Key of 3 and Einstein on matching Frequency), where Light was Photographed as both a Particle and a Wave. Part of the theory is that the great writers, thinkers, scientists, physicists, philosophers and mathematicians were Metaphysicians and Channelers. Channeling is normal has synced, and Tesla says, I’m a receiver, which is a Channeler. Channeling is the inspiration, in the discussion. The receiver is Feminine Energy, in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Feedback on the question of Miracles as an Aether unit, a particle (Alchemy Spirit/Energy) was received, part of Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics with Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle. There’s so much rhetoric on the miracle and the attachment to Reward/Punishment thinking. What if, the miracle is just a particle, a positive aether unit, a proton? What if Reward and Punishment is its own paradigm, obviously one not adhered to here in The Miraculist, and the miracle is part of Nature (Alchemy and Physics with Aether, part of Tesla’s work, with Tesla’s Key of 3), and not rhetoric? Since Nature is Abundant, and Nature is abundant in Energy, then Miracles are abundant in Nature with energy.

Miracles as an Aether unit of Energy, a vibration in frequency in Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle and meta connects with the Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy embodied

I AM Renewable Energy syncs

Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another, from chemical energy to kinetic energy.

Universal Law

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

2 very long definitions of Miracle, from Greek and Latin roots, Miraculum and Mirari, to Wonder, from Amazing thing, but also included are Nature and Cause and Effect. Any sacred text is a story showing the power of the experience of one person, but what’s the source of it? Energy and the innate ability of a person to have the experience in alignment with the Laws of Physics and the Universal Spiritual Laws.

Most gloss over The Law of Cause and Effect and Nature in these two definitions.

What is Divine Intervention? Alignment in Energy with the Universal Spiritual Laws and the Laws of Physics

Miracle #13517

What is a miracle?

From latin miraculum, Prodigy: amazing thing, amazing thing, wonder, that is worth to be seen.

Middle of the 11th century, religious word: ‘Is not explained by natural causes and that is attributed to divine intervention’ (Alexis, ed. C. Storey, 559) Hey, a very advanced science is not a natural cause.

And divine intervention, involves the intervention of an external cause to produce the effect.

Miracle #6659


(Latin miraculum, from mirari, “to wonder”).

In general, a wonderful thing, the word being so used in classical Latin; in a specific sense, the Latin Vulgate designates by miracula wonders of a peculiar kind, expressed more clearly in the Greek text by the terms terata, dynameis, semeia, i.e., wonders performed by supernatural power as signs of some special mission or gift and explicitly ascribed to God.


The wonder of the miracle is due to the fact that its cause is hidden, and an effect is expected other than what actually takes place. Hence, by comparison with the ordinary course of things, the miracle is called extraordinary.

Metaphysics returns with Hume on Metaphysics, with “invisible agent” which is the unseen, or Aether/Spirit/Energy in Physics with Alchemy’s 5th element, more classicly known as Noumenon part of Phenomenon and Noumenon from Kant. To add to Noumenon and Phenomenon, which syncs with Plato and Aristotle on Ontology and Epistemology is Haramein on Metaphysics:

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” – Nassim Haramein

Noumenon and Phenomenon

Miracles, Nature, and Understanding posted by a Partner Player

According to the philosopher David Hume , a miracle is “a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent”.

Of Miracles

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding…/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Unde…

Metaphysics with Fuller, Einstein, Newton, and Shelley (Sublime) in support of the idea that the greatest thinkers, writers, scientists, mathematicians, and physicists were all Metaphysicians

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” – Nassim Haramein

“Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery. The adventure is a metaphysical one: it is a way of approaching life indirectly, of acquiring a total rather than a partial view of the universe. The writer lives between the upper and lower worlds: he takes the path in order eventually to become that path himself.” — Henry Miller


The true nature of anything is the highest that it can become.


Metaphysics: Ontology and Epistemology

Ontology: The branch of metaphysics (philosophy concerning the overall nature of what things are) is concerned with identifying, in the most general terms, the kinds of things that actually exist. In other words addressing the question: What is existence? and What is the nature of existence? When we ask deep questions about “what is the nature of the universe?” or “Is there a god?” or “What happens to us when we die?” or “What principles govern the properties of matter?” we are asking inherently ontological questions.

Epistemology: The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge itself, its possibility, scope, and general basis. More broadly: How do we go about knowing things? or How do we separate true ideas from false ideas? or How do we know what is true? or “How can we be confident when we have located ‘truth’?” “What are the systematic ways we can determine when something is good or bad?”

So ontology is about what is true and epistemology then is about methods of figuring out those truths.

The split between Plato and Aristotle is both ontological and epistemic. The split between religion and science is both ontological and epistemic. For example, religion and science offer two very different ontologies (theories about what is out there) and epistemology (ways to figure out what is out there). And the split between Plato and Aristotle matches exactly the split between religion and science…and you should leave this class understanding why and how! See Plato vs. Aristotle

“Love is metaphysical gravity.”

-Buckminster Fuller

Einstein on the Metaphysics of Relativity with reference to Newton

Miracle #31102

“Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended (as fields). In this way the concept ’empty space’ loses its meaning… The field thus becomes an irreducible element of physical description, irreducible in the same sense as the concept of matter (particles) in the theory of Newton. The physical reality of space is represented by a field whose components are continuous functions of four independent variables — the co-ordinates of space and time. Since the theory of general relativity implies the representation of physical reality by a continuous field, the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part, nor can the concept of motion. The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high.” – Albert Einstein, Metaphysics of Relativity, 1950

The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high.”

– Albert Einstein, Metaphysics of Relativity, 1950

Percy Shelley’s Sublime (the Metaphysical connection to the Divine/Infinite Intelligence through Nature)

Metaphysics syncs by Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn. Hermes Trismegistus is the father of Alchemy. Catherine Ponder is the modern day Florence Scovel Shinn.

“There should be a chair of metaphysics in all colleges. Metaphysics is the wisdom of the ages. It is the ancient wisdom taught all through the centuries in India and Egypt and Greece. Hermes Trismegistus was a great teacher of Egypt. His teachings were closely guarded and have come down to us over ten centuries. He lived in Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy. But if you read the “Kybalion” carefully, you will find that he taught just what we are teaching today. He said that all mental states were accompanied by vibrations. You combine with what you vibrate to, so let us all now vibrate to success, happiness and abundance.” — Florence Scovel Shinn, The Long Arm of God, The Secret Door to Success

Catherine Ponder Books

Don’t let the word “metaphysical” disturb you. It simply means that which is beyond the physical – it refers to the mental, emotional, and spiritual phases of man’s nature. You are metaphysical. Every time you use your mind to think and your emotions to feel, you are using that which lies “beyond the physical” realm of your five senses, and you are being metaphysical. Since you are constantly thinking and feeling, both consciously and subconsciously, you are constantly functioning metaphysically. – Prosperity Secrets of the Ages

The Miracle as a Particle, a Proton with Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language with the definitions of Miracle in Nature: Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Alchemy, Tesla’s Aether/Energy, and Nature

The definitions of Miracle

1. Quantum Physics/Universal Spiritual Law/Law of Physics: Cause and Effect

2. Quantum Mechanics: Perception

3. Hermetic: As Above, So Below / Symmetry (Quantum Physics)

4. Mirari: Wonder, Awe, Awesome

5. Mirabilia: Marvel

6. Energy: Invisible Agent / Metaphysics (Hume)

7. Nature: St. Augustine

Mirari, definition for Miracles, is to Wonder or full of Wonder, Wonderful which is Symmetrical in Quantum Physics, the hidden theorem

Nature’s Miracles return

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” – Saint Augustine

“Miracle is a shift in perception.” Quantum Mechanics and Perception

Miracles sync for 500th day consecutively


doctrine of the miraculous origin of life


description of natural wonders


worship of miracles or wonders


study of miracles


performing of miracles

Mirabilia — marvels, miracles

Citations for mirabilia

… I shall like still better to sing it with you when we meet. That that is to be so soon, and under circumstances joyful, are among the mirabilia of this changing world. To see and re-see such a cluster of not indifferent persons as the programme for the wedding gives, will be almost too large a bonne-bouche.

George Eliot to Sara Hennell, September 16, 1843, in George Eliot’s Life as Related in Her Letters and Journals, 1885

The legends of a later time abandoned political implications and made of Alexander a supernatural hero and a wizard to whom all the conceivable mirabilia could be ascribed.

George Sarton, Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece, 1952

Origin of mirabilia

Mirabilia entered English in the early 1800s from Latin.

“10,000 love letters” –

Love letters between great Writers sync and Keats is already on The Miraculist

Henry Miller and Anais Nin

Love letters by Einstein, Henry Miller, and John Keats

Einstein died on this day in 1955. He left us some of the most significant science of all time and, unbeknownst to many, some of the most beautiful love letters – read them here:

“Last night I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield of someone I’m smitten with. After some consideration I decided not to since we had only been on one date, the night previous. Don’t want to come off too strong, right? Anyway, I grabbed the flower on my way out this morning with the intention to give it to someone on my way to work so it didn’t die alone. What happened next has left me changed in ways I don’t even have words for yet.

While I was sitting and drinking my morning joe at the coffee shop (which I typically take to go), I saw a woman reading something with tears quietly and quickly sliding down her pale face. It was like there was a magnet in the sunflower that was being drawn to her, because I knew in that moment she was who I was going to give the sunflower to; she was who I had to give it to.

When I got to her table I said, ‘hey, pardon me. I have this sunflower that I was hoping to give to someone special and that someone I had in mind didn’t work out, but I can feel that you’re special too, so I want you to have it.’

Before I could even hand her the sunflower, this complete stranger flew into my arms with tears flowing, and gratitude spewing, as if I was someone she once loved, and lost. It’s what she said next that I’m still trying to grip.

She was crying because her fiancé had died the week before, just months before they were going to get married. On their first date he brought her a sunflower and from then on, got her sunflowers, never roses, because she was the light of his life.

Today, through me, he was able to show her that she’ll always be the light of his life and how we as humans have a message to carry that goes far beyond words.

I’m shaken, awaken and feeling raw. You never know how much a simple gesture of giving someone a $5 flower will change their life, as well as yours. Life is about giving and being of service to others. I challenge you all to find a way to make someone else’s life just a little bit brighter today and be of service. You never know the impact you could have.”

For our best love stories, subscribe to our free email newsletter: 🙂

A Love What Matters Original Story

Submitted by Danny Wakefield

Cause and Effect, in Alchemy, with Hermetics, in Physics, the Laws of Physics and Metaphysics, Universal Spiritual Law, and Cause and Effect within the definitions of Miracle

Principle #6 — Cause and Effect, in the definitions of Miracles (Laws of Physics and Universal Spiritual Laws) Principle 6 in Hermetics, with Hermes Trismegistus the Father of Alchemy. The Emerald tablet speaks of Miracles with As below, So Above. Symmetry.

Miracles as an Aether unit of Energy, a vibration in frequency in Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle and meta connects with the Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy embodied

I AM Renewable Energy syncs

Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another, from chemical energy to kinetic energy.

Universal Law

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

2 very long definitions of Miracle, from Greek and Latin roots, Miraculum and Mirari, to Wonder, from Amazing thing, but also included are Nature and Cause and Effect. Any sacred text is a story showing the power of the experience of one person, but what’s the source of it? Energy and the innate ability of a person to have the experience in alignment with the Laws of Physics and the Universal Spiritual Laws.

Most gloss over The Law of Cause and Effect and Nature in these two definitions.

What is Divine Intervention? Alignment in Energy with the Universal Spiritual Laws and the Laws of Physics

Miracle #13517

What is a miracle?

From latin miraculum, Prodigy: amazing thing, amazing thing, wonder, that is worth to be seen.

Middle of the 11th century, religious word: ‘Is not explained by natural causes and that is attributed to divine intervention’ (Alexis, ed. C. Storey, 559) Hey, a very advanced science is not a natural cause.

And divine intervention, involves the intervention of an external cause to produce the effect.

Miracle #6659


(Latin miraculum, from mirari, “to wonder”).

In general, a wonderful thing, the word being so used in classical Latin; in a specific sense, the Latin Vulgate designates by miracula wonders of a peculiar kind, expressed more clearly in the Greek text by the terms terata, dynameis, semeia, i.e., wonders performed by supernatural power as signs of some special mission or gift and explicitly ascribed to God.


The wonder of the miracle is due to the fact that its cause is hidden, and an effect is expected other than what actually takes place. Hence, by comparison with the ordinary course of things, the miracle is called extraordinary.

Alchemy syncs for 481st day consecutively with Hermes Trismegistus, the Father of Alchemy, with all of the Hermetic Principles

The Seven Hermetic Principles from the Kybalion

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding”

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:








Free PDF of Kybalion book:

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.” ― Hermes Trismegistus

“That which is above is unto that which is below, and that which is within is unto that which is without, to behold the miracle of the ONE thing.” — Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus with all of the Hermetic Principles returns. Hermes is the Father of Alchemy.

From the Father of Alchemy, the Hermetic Principles (Hermes Trismegistus)

Miracle #33798

“Listen within yourself and look into the infinitude of Space and Time. There can be heard the songs of the Constellations, the voices of the Numbers, and the harmonies of the Spheres. “ – Hermes Trismegistus

Miracles, Nature, and Understanding posted by a Partner Player

According to the philosopher David Hume , a miracle is “a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent”.

Of Miracles

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Nature’s Miracles return

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” – Saint Augustine

The Miracle as a Particle, a Proton

The Miracle as an Aether particle, a proton with Quantum Indeterminacy (Quantum Mechanics) with Light as a Vibration particle travels on Frequency Waves (Tesla’s Key of 3)

Quantum Indeterminacy (Liebert)

In quantum mechanics, however, indeterminacy is of a much more fundamental nature, having nothing to do with errors or disturbance.

Quantum indeterminacy can also be illustrated in terms of a particle with a definitely measured momentum for which there must be a fundamental limit to how precisely its location can be specified

The Miracle as Aether/Energy/Spirit, a particle, a proton with Tesla’s Key of 3, Physics, Metaphysics, and Alchemy

Metaphysics explains the Miracle as a particle of Aether, a proton with Noumenon and Phenomenon, but as Haramein says, it’s Quantum Physics with Quanta as atom/particle/cell/molecule in Vibration and Frequency of Energy (Tesla’s Key of 3 and Einstein on matching Frequency), where Light was Photographed as both a Particle and a Wave. Part of the theory is that the great writers, thinkers, scientists, physicists, philosophers and mathematicians were Metaphysicians and Channelers. Channeling is normal has synced, and Tesla says, I’m a receiver, which is a Channeler. Channeling is the inspiration, in the discussion. The receiver is Feminine Energy, in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Feedback on the question of Miracles as an Aether unit, a particle (Alchemy Spirit/Energy) was received, part of Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics with Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle. There’s so much rhetoric on the miracle and the attachment to Reward/Punishment thinking. What if, the miracle is just a particle, a positive aether unit, a proton? What if Reward and Punishment is its own paradigm, obviously one not adhered to here in The Miraculist, and the miracle is part of Nature (Alchemy and Physics with Aether, part of Tesla’s work, with Tesla’s Key of 3), and not rhetoric? Since Nature is Abundant, and Nature is abundant in Energy, then Miracles are abundant in Nature with energy.

Miracles as an Aether unit of Energy, a vibration in frequency in Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle and meta connects with the Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy embodied

I AM Renewable Energy syncs

Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another, from chemical energy to kinetic energy.

Universal Law

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

2 very long definitions of Miracle, from Greek and Latin roots, Miraculum and Mirari, to Wonder, from Amazing thing, but also included are Nature and Cause and Effect. Any sacred text is a story showing the power of the experience of one person, but what’s the source of it? Energy and the innate ability of a person to have the experience in alignment with the Laws of Physics and the Universal Spiritual Laws.

Most gloss over The Law of Cause and Effect and Nature in these two definitions.

What is Divine Intervention? Alignment in Energy with the Universal Spiritual Laws and the Laws of Physics

Miracle #13517

What is a miracle?

From latin miraculum, Prodigy: amazing thing, amazing thing, wonder, that is worth to be seen.

Middle of the 11th century, religious word: ‘Is not explained by natural causes and that is attributed to divine intervention’ (Alexis, ed. C. Storey, 559) Hey, a very advanced science is not a natural cause.

And divine intervention, involves the intervention of an external cause to produce the effect.

Miracle #6659


(Latin miraculum, from mirari, “to wonder”).

In general, a wonderful thing, the word being so used in classical Latin; in a specific sense, the Latin Vulgate designates by miracula wonders of a peculiar kind, expressed more clearly in the Greek text by the terms terata, dynameis, semeia, i.e., wonders performed by supernatural power as signs of some special mission or gift and explicitly ascribed to God.


The wonder of the miracle is due to the fact that its cause is hidden, and an effect is expected other than what actually takes place. Hence, by comparison with the ordinary course of things, the miracle is called extraordinary.

Metaphysics returns with Hume on Metaphysics, with “invisible agent” which is the unseen, or Aether/Spirit/Energy in Physics with Alchemy’s 5th element, more classicly known as Noumenon part of Phenomenon and Noumenon from Kant. To add to Noumenon and Phenomenon, which syncs with Plato and Aristotle on Ontology and Epistemology is Haramein on Metaphysics:

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” – Nassim Haramein

Noumenon and Phenomenon

Miracles, Nature, and Understanding posted by a Partner Player

According to the philosopher David Hume , a miracle is “a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent”.

Of Miracles

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding…/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Unde…

Metaphysics with Fuller, Einstein, Newton, and Shelley (Sublime) in support of the idea that the greatest thinkers, writers, scientists, mathematicians, and physicists were all Metaphysicians

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” – Nassim Haramein

“Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery. The adventure is a metaphysical one: it is a way of approaching life indirectly, of acquiring a total rather than a partial view of the universe. The writer lives between the upper and lower worlds: he takes the path in order eventually to become that path himself.” — Henry Miller


The true nature of anything is the highest that it can become.


Metaphysics: Ontology and Epistemology

Ontology: The branch of metaphysics (philosophy concerning the overall nature of what things are) is concerned with identifying, in the most general terms, the kinds of things that actually exist. In other words addressing the question: What is existence? and What is the nature of existence? When we ask deep questions about “what is the nature of the universe?” or “Is there a god?” or “What happens to us when we die?” or “What principles govern the properties of matter?” we are asking inherently ontological questions.

Epistemology: The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge itself, its possibility, scope, and general basis. More broadly: How do we go about knowing things? or How do we separate true ideas from false ideas? or How do we know what is true? or “How can we be confident when we have located ‘truth’?” “What are the systematic ways we can determine when something is good or bad?”

So ontology is about what is true and epistemology then is about methods of figuring out those truths.

The split between Plato and Aristotle is both ontological and epistemic. The split between religion and science is both ontological and epistemic. For example, religion and science offer two very different ontologies (theories about what is out there) and epistemology (ways to figure out what is out there). And the split between Plato and Aristotle matches exactly the split between religion and science…and you should leave this class understanding why and how! See Plato vs. Aristotle

“Love is metaphysical gravity.”

-Buckminster Fuller

Einstein on the Metaphysics of Relativity with reference to Newton

Miracle #31102

“Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended (as fields). In this way the concept ’empty space’ loses its meaning… The field thus becomes an irreducible element of physical description, irreducible in the same sense as the concept of matter (particles) in the theory of Newton. The physical reality of space is represented by a field whose components are continuous functions of four independent variables — the co-ordinates of space and time. Since the theory of general relativity implies the representation of physical reality by a continuous field, the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part, nor can the concept of motion. The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high.” – Albert Einstein, Metaphysics of Relativity, 1950

The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high.”

– Albert Einstein, Metaphysics of Relativity, 1950

Percy Shelley’s Sublime (the Metaphysical connection to the Divine/Infinite Intelligence through Nature)

Metaphysics syncs by Catherine Ponder and Florence Scovel Shinn. Hermes Trismegistus is the father of Alchemy. Catherine Ponder is the modern day Florence Scovel Shinn.

“There should be a chair of metaphysics in all colleges. Metaphysics is the wisdom of the ages. It is the ancient wisdom taught all through the centuries in India and Egypt and Greece. Hermes Trismegistus was a great teacher of Egypt. His teachings were closely guarded and have come down to us over ten centuries. He lived in Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy. But if you read the “Kybalion” carefully, you will find that he taught just what we are teaching today. He said that all mental states were accompanied by vibrations. You combine with what you vibrate to, so let us all now vibrate to success, happiness and abundance.” — Florence Scovel Shinn, The Long Arm of God, The Secret Door to Success

Catherine Ponder Books

Don’t let the word “metaphysical” disturb you. It simply means that which is beyond the physical – it refers to the mental, emotional, and spiritual phases of man’s nature. You are metaphysical. Every time you use your mind to think and your emotions to feel, you are using that which lies “beyond the physical” realm of your five senses, and you are being metaphysical. Since you are constantly thinking and feeling, both consciously and subconsciously, you are constantly functioning metaphysically. – Prosperity Secrets of the Ages

Tesla’s Key of 9 syncs with Stages of Energy, Fibonacci, and 99.9999 Speed of Light with the God Particle returns in 2 days

3, 6, 9, Code

“The Connection Between the Fibonacci Numbers and the Doubling Sequence”

I am continually amazed by this Wheel of 24 Repeating Fibonnaci Pattern or Phi Code 108

that I independently cracked 2 decades ago…

The 24 outer numbers have been punctuated with all the occurrences of 3 and 6 and 9

forming a double triangle or the obvious Star of David.

If we now shift our focus, away from the 3-6-9 code,

and only inspect the data between all the 3s and 6s and 9s,

you will see that there are always 3 numbers spaced between them.

Lets start adding all these triplets of data residing in the spaces between the 3-6-9 triangles.

We could start anywhere, but for this instance, lets start at the 16th number of the Wheel of 24

(1-1-2-3-5-8-4-3-7-1-8-9-8-8-7-6-4-1-5-6-2-8-1-9) which is the “6”

because a surprising development will soon be revealed.

To see this new discovery in this Wheel of 24,

we might as well just delete all the 3s and 6s and 9s

then add up and digitally compress all the 6 set of triplets that are shown:

(1-1-2- -5-8-4- -7-1-8- -8-8-7- -4-1-5- -2-8-1- )

4 8 16 23 10 11

4 8 7 5 1 2

Are these 6 sums or numbers familiar to you?

Starting from the number 1, you could read this infinite Wheel of 6 as:

1-2-4-8-7-5 (as stated before, this sequence begins at the 16th number of the Wheel of 24).

This is the Binary Code.

For your reference, the Doubling Sequence is 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048- etc

but when we digitally compress this to single digits (which is really the continued subtraction of 9)

we get the famous Binary Code (1-2-4-8-7-5) shown as the Hexagon within the Circle.

How amazing that the Binary Code is hidden in the triplet spaces of the Phi Code.

This is a clear indication that Nature chooses 3 codes to weave her magic threads.

She uses the infinite addition of the Fibonacci Numbers,

She uses the infinite doubling of the Binary Code or 2x Table of Multiplication, and

She uses the triangular 3-6-9 code that Tesla adored,

which somehow acts as a 3rd component to 2 counter-opposing forces like Electric and Magnetic fields,

creating a space or a forum for their union and polarity.

What we learn from this mathematical exposay

is that the Fibonacci Numbers are a window into the deepest of mysteries,

a veritable portal or universe of coded Higher Knowledge.

Jain 108

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

~ Tesla

(numbers added to the single digits, in alternating sequences)

Divide the number 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 into 1 and express the result as a decimal expansion, and you’ll find the Fibonacci sequence presented in tidy 24-digit strings:

Note: the …998 is not a typo, without the 8 there, there would be no revelation of the fibonacci numbers. its Perfect as it is. Its truly one of the most special mathematical gems I have ever seen, but need the grunt force of the computer technology to reveal this hidden fact. ~ Jain 108

Via Math Addicts

“Is there a connection between Phi and the Number 9”?

ie: “Is there a Phi and Nonagon (Enneagram) Relationship?”

or “Does there Exist a Phi Harmonic Hidden in the Nonagon?

The Answer is Yes!

When Nonagon’s edge length is set to 1 unit,

the Square Area is 6.182

which approximates to the Reciprocal of Phi or 1 divided by Phi (1.618033…)

which equals .618033…

In Harmonic Mathematics, we drop all zeroes, drop the decimal point

or we can float the decimal point to the left or to the right,

and we also can round off numbers like .618033 to .618.

This means that .618 has an affinity or harmonic-ness to 6.18

which is the square area of the nonagon.

Thus phi is embedded within 9ness.

Jain 108

Image ~

Alchemy in Tesla’s Key of 9

1. Earth

2. Air

3. Fire

4. Water

5. Aether < 6. Spirit

7. Energy < 8. Frequency

9. Vibration

Tesla’s Key of 9 syncs with Einstein on Inspiration (Channel and 99% energy)

Noether’s Symmetry Theorem with Fibonacci, Numbers and with Tesla’s Key of 9 returns in 6 days

The 11th number in the Fibonacci sequence is 89. Zero is not a number but a placeholder for numeric expansion and contraction. Interestingly 89 is 11 less than one hundred, but even more interesting is its reciprocal, which is 1/89.

The decimal expansion of 1/89 is the Fibonacci series, added together in this manner. Cody Birsner figured this out working on his Fibonacci term paper at the University of Oklahoma in 1994. One divided by the eleventh number in the sequence creates the sequence itself through self-similar decimal expansion.

TIME: Nine In Time. Relationship to the Number 9.

There are 1,440 Minutes in a Day and 1+4+4+0 = 9.

There are 86,400 Seconds in a Day and 8+6+4+0+0=9.

There are 10,080 Minutes in a Week and 1+0+0+8+0=9.

There are 525,600 Minutes in a Year and 5+2+5+6+0+0 =9.

It appears that minutes and seconds in a day, week, month, year,

will always reduce digitally to 9.

Jain 108

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

All 3 Symmetries including Rotational sync and Super Symmetry, for Tesla’s Key of 3

Symmetry returns

Rotational Symmetry

What is SuperSymmetry?

Symmetry returns with the alphabet

Symmetry returns with Brain Cells and Universe, Food and Body


According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.

Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry

Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.

CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other

“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles

“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”

— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter

“6 & 9 as Complementary Energy Spirals”

“If 6 was 9”

is a lyrical hint that the only forms that can contain such counter-rotating spirals

appear in Nature like pine cones, sunflowers, rainforest vines, DNA twin helices

and simultaneously implosive-explosive tori,

6 and 9 can definitely be digital candidates or numerical ambassadors for the Language of Life and Light.

Jain 108


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Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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