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The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 16

Frequency with Tesla and Hertz + Infinite

Pythagorean Harmonics Meditation (528Hz)

Earth Frequency 428Hz Pythagorean Harmonics Tesla’s Keys of 3, 6, 9



“Love Vibration”

In it’s essence,

Love is a Frequency, a Vibration,

it has an invisible component of Hertz (or cycles per second)

Even a “Thought” is a vibration,

so too is the palpitation of your Heart when you see someone you Love,

it has a mathematical underpinning

and a rich tapestry of numerical symmetries.

Jain 108

Image: by Rich Jarvis . Welcome to the Golden PAge

A Megagon (or 1000000-gon) is a polygon with 1 million sides (mega-, from the Greek μέγας megas, meaning “great”).

Even if drawn at the size of the Earth, a regular megagon would be very difficult to distinguish from a circle.

Tesla’s Aether/5th Element in Alchemy + Dodecahedron + Pythagorean Harmonics + Light

Dodecahedron syncs and returns with Vibration, Pythagorean Harmonics, and Dodecahedral Language of Light

“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.” ~ Pythagoras


Shape stores Memory, like crystals.

The ultimate shape that embodies the Phi Code is the Dodecahedron,

whose Element, according to Pythagoras, is Spirit or Ether.

Having 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges,

it is the 3-dim form of the 2-dim Pentacle or 5 point star,

that defines the shape of all your proteins.

When this Dodecahedron is stellated (made into a Star)

it reaches a hyper-dimensional state,

such that when focussed light or laser beams are shined upon it,

it reveals a panoply of intelligent shadow forms

called the Language of Light, the a, b,c, the 1, 2 and 3.

“The symbolism of the hexagram and pentagram

relates to the dual human condition; the spiritual and physical selves.

This is mirrored within our living DNA molecules

that reveal the same constituent shapes carried within the genetic code.

If a chemist was to inspect these nucleic acid/proteins,

she/he would see two dimensional platelets

of two fused pairs of hexagons and pentagons ..

What is interesting here

is the mathematics of the rectangle linking the hexagons.

It is not just any rectangle. It is the Golden Phi Rectangle,

in fact there are 3 Phi Rectangles that act as axes,

the invisible skeletal structure that lives inside the Dodecahedron.

Jain 108

Pythagoras used intervals of harmonic ratios as a type of medicine for “dis-eases” of the body, the emotions, & the Soul. “He aligned Souls to their divine nature” and through music he performed what he called, “Soul Adjustments”. Pythagoras was able to discern the harmony and consonance of heavenly bodies: the “Music of the Spheres”…

The 5 Platonic Solids

In visible space, there exist only 5 regular solids,

5 blueprints of creation that can be constructed:

(the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron).

No other polyhedra exist in which all faces are identical.

The existence of these 5 anointed platonic solids defines an absolute limit on how finely and intelligently space can be divided in a perfectly symmetrical way.

This therefore, is the ideal stadium for coherent geometry

and these 5 platonic shapes are the god-actors of all atomic structure. Their secret is how they nest and embed, how they make love, one within the other!

Jain 108

Image: Cosmic Creations


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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