The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 13
Olympic Games return with Opening Ceremony with Humor
Loop with Ice Skating 1952
Mirai Nagasu’s Epic Olympic Triple Axel Was a Triumph of Physics
“The faster you spin, the harder it is to breathe because there is so much force, and you have to stay controlled.”
Chloe Kim’s Father Proves That Dads and Their Signs Deserve Their Own Olympic Event
Olympic values
1. Excellence
2. Friendship
3. Respect
“Miracles…. Miracles” — Olympic Games announcer commentary
“Miracles” — Opening Ceremony
“Nothing short of Miraculous” — Snowboarding
Olympics were restarted in the spirit of World Peace. Stories of different styles including race, gay, and women are included.
“In 1896, after a 1500 year lapse, in the spirit of World Peace, [Pierre de Coubertin] restarted the games” — R. Steves’ Europe
If someone were to ask for the recipe for “becoming Olympic”, I would say that the first prerequisite is to be joyful.
Pierre de Coubertin
Winter Olympic Games return with Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
Married Couple to take the ice
“Do you believe in Miracles? YES!” — Miracle, the hockey film 1980
One of my favorite stories is that of Rebecca Soni in 2012 Olympics in London. She swims breast stroke. She had her own style. She tried to relearn the traditional style, but it didn’t work. She went back to swimming breast stroke in her own way. She beat the World time record in trials. Then again, she beat her own record to Win the Gold in the finals.
Swim your own style. Do life your way.