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Foundation for Paper #5

Original Vision Intention #10 + Version 6 Liebert Thing Proof #4

The Trifecta simplified (Original Vision Intention from 4 years ago)

Win Win Win with Infinite Game, Liebert # Proof, Miracles in Quantum Mechanics, and Miracle Symmetry Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem

Subset: Math in Statistics and Probability

Version 6 Liebert Thing Proof #4

Positive Feedback in 6 months

Today’s question and deeper think on alignment

Think about all the events, or “things” (Liebert Thing Proof) that aligned for you to be conceived (Liebert Particle Proof) and born (Miracles are Natural).

Your parents met. How did they meet? Where’s your name from? Why is that your name?

Keep going…

Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem and Miracles, Conception, As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without (Alchemy)

The beginnings of a life under the microscope. This can’t be called anything but a miracle.


The world created you too…

Share this with someone you think is fantastic

Miracle #120

“Euclid’s first common notion is this: Things which are equal to the same things are equal to each other. That’s a rule of mathematical reasoning and it’s true because it works – has done and always will do. In his book Euclid says this is self evident. You see there it is even in that 2000 year old book of mechanical law it is the self evident truth that things which are equal to the same things are equal to each other.” — Lincoln

Thank you!

***If I have to lose for you to win, that's a Finite Game, not an Infinite Game. This includes Mind Games in all forms (Dark Triad Behavior). Narcissism focuses on only the individual win, unlike Governing Dynamics, which says, what is good for the individual and the group.

Infinite Game returns and syncs with Generate and Regenerative, E & P Theory (Internally motivated)

***An Infinite Game is focused on how many posts can come through, as in how many times can "Always Believe that Something Wonderful is about to Happen" as a piece return on The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, with Infinite Positive Possibilities. Please do not infer that this is in jest, as portions of articles are used specifically, as in Vision is a yes, as well as generating time. There is seriousness to the construction of an Infinite Game, as it says in the original texts, "he who must play, cannot play." This is in reference to an Infinite Game, is the foundation for Cooperation, as it is more elegant than a Finite Game, which is focused only on Lose/Win in competition. Please read the original text to understand (James Carse, Infinite and Finite Games).

5.) You play to generate time instead of consume it

Original Vision Intention #10

The Trifecta simplified (Original Vision Intention from 4 years ago)

Win Win Win with Infinite Game, Liebert # Proof, Miracles in Quantum Mechanics, and Miracle Symmetry Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem

Subset: Math in Statistics and Probability

Infinite Game (Love) Win-Win

Elegant Cooperation and Partnership Win-Win

Quantum Economics Win-Win

Today’s Declaration: I create long-term win-win relationships.

Miracle #9027

The Universe is Win Win Win Win Win

From Marianne Williamson’s live speech

Infinite Game with Love, Game Strategy, Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

The 4 components that create a successful Infinite Game with the Universe of The Miraculist for the Universe’s Win Win Win Win Win Win

1. Florence Scovel Shinn’s The Game of Life and How to Play It

2. James Carse’s Infinite and Finite Games

3. Game Theory by John Nash

4. Glass Bead Game

5. Tetris

6. Infinite and Finite Game in Love

7. Game Theory, the science of strategic thinking syncs with Infinite Game as applied to family dynamics

8. Elegant Cooperation and Partnership


NNNN. Comte and Positivism and Natural Phenomena

Positivism is a philosophical theory stating that positive[clarification needed] knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic, forms the exclusive source of all authoritative[clarification needed] knowledge.[1] Positivism holds that valid knowledge (certitude or truth) is found only in this derived knowledge[clarification needed].[2]

Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage – Auguste Comte

Study unravels long-held Fermi puzzle tied to nonlinear systems

A Partner Player recently had an interesting idea on Tetris. If it’s put into the context of an Infinite Game, as in playing Tetris with the Universe or Computer, which is the design of The Miraculist, within Partnership and Win Win Win Win Win Win, the pieces are received (feminine energy of receptivity) organically, Organic Infinite Feedback Circuit Loop. This idea of Tetris is that the Universe provides the information, and it shows up in the proofs of feedback, such as Frequency Spirals Up, or the build on Cooperation. The Miraculist is Tetris, the Glass Bead Game, an Infinite Game, Game Theory by John Nash, and Florence Scovel Shinn. Most games are Finite, which is why the construct build of an Infinite Game which supports Partnership is new. The Universe synced Toroidal as the first word sync of The Miraculist. Then Toroidal is the code, so energy flows in, in a torus, so it’s not linear, but a loop.


In all my time engaging the game, I’ve found:

-pieces that I need, show up.

-there may be a misplaced piece leaving a hole, but eventually it works out (see #1 above)

-often interesting patterns or designs emerge.

-its exciting when things fit.

-as it speeds up, the thrill increases.

-when a row is complete (lessons learned) they go away.

“Every man has this boy inside of him. Is it safe for your man to come out and play? To be silly? To be joyful? Can he be that without being criticized or patronized?”

– Alison Armstrong

Hermann Hesse’s Glass Bead Game returns, and syncs with an Infinite Game, which is about manifesting and creating, but with expansion of knowledge, for understanding.

It also syncs with Information.…/physicists-information-is-th…/

Miracle #26237

The Glass Bead Game — Herman Hesse

Thank you!

Nash, Carse, Hesse, and Shinn are Game Theorists

Game Theory, the science of strategic thinking syncs with Infinite Game as applied to family dynamic

Cooperation returns, an evolve of Partnership

Cooperation emerges when groups are small and memories are long, study finds…/2016-06-cooperation-emerges-groups-small-…

The Game Theory of Life An insight borrowed from computer science suggests that evolution values both fitness and diversity.

Game Theory, the science of strategic thinking syncs with Infinite Game as applied to family dynamics (syncs with Infinite Game, and Elegant Cooperation/Partnership are the solutions)

Infinite Game returns and syncs with Generate and Regenerative, E & P Theory (Internally motivated)

5.) You play to generate time instead of consume it                    Read more at:…/6-signs-you-may-be-an-in… |

Infinite Game with Learning and Brain

Cooperation with Game Theory syncs with Infinite Game Our latest puzzle asks readers to consider the nature of game theory. How do two siblings in a cake-themed prisoner’s dilemma maximize the size of their slice? How does natural selection force alleles to “cooperate”? What does game theory’s focus on competition say about the field as a whole?

The two main branches of game theory as it relates to human interaction are: 1) Cooperative, which is all about humans working together to achieve a common goal.

2) Noncooperative, which is what we face when one party is aiming to come out ahead of the other. In effect, opposing goals.…/how-to-buy-a-car-using-game-theory-2…

The Miraculist is an Infinite Game: Infinite Game with Love and James Carse syncs

6 Signs You May Be an Infinite Player syncs with Infinite Game on The Miraculist, and cites Carse’s book, Finite and Infinite Games


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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