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Digital Packet Analyzer

Digital in Recording Engineering

Digital goes to distortion faster in headroom

Analog Frequency waves in Sine and Cosine

Version 12 Liebert Particle #3 Proof

Quantum Particles of Light + Einstein's The Light Quantum

The Light Quantum by Einstein, on Tesla’s Key of 3 of Vibration, Frequency, and Energy

This was adapted by Albert Einstein, who referred to discrete “wave packets” of light as das Lichtquant or “the light quantum” (see paper, in German).

Einstein and the Quantum

He helped invent the concept

His new theory would also give us the curious concept of energy quanta: at the atomic level, matter absorbs and emits energy only in discrete “chunks”—not to a continuous degree as classical physics had always assured. Needless to say, Planck and others were hesitant to fully embrace this aspect of his new theory. However, Einstein would do so immediately and run with it for almost 20 years.

“We are slowed down sound and light waves,

a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the music of the cosmos,

we are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments,

and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”

~ Albert Einstein

Quantum Particles of Light return in 2 days with Quantum Particles, MRI, Light Quantum Particles, Circadian Rhythm, Mechanism and Synchronicity

Protons are lighter than thought, which may solve a big puzzle

A Quantized Column: Quantum particles are so different from classical particles that they need a new name.

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

***Reverse Neurodegenerative with Light

Brain Regeneration: can the brain reverse neurodegenerative diseases with infrared light?

The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version #10

Accelerated (Quantum) Particles of Light with Curved Time Space Continuum (Accelerated Expansion/Expand Theory/The Doppler Effect and Proton + Proton, Alpha Proton Particles of Light/Miracles) returns in 8 days

Proton + Proton syncs (Accelerated Expansion) return

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

Accelerating light beams in curved space”…/from-technion-harva…/

From Technion, Harvard and CfA via “Accelerating light beams in curved space”

By shining a laser along the inside shell of an incandescent light bulb, physicists have performed the first experimental demonstration of an accelerating light beam in curved space. Rather than moving along a geodesic trajectory (the shortest path on a curved surface), the accelerating beam bends away from the geodesic trajectory as a result of its acceleration.

Previously, accelerating light beams have been demonstrated on flat surfaces, on which their acceleration causes them to follow curved trajectories rather than straight lines. Extending accelerating beams to curved surfaces opens the doors to additional possibilities, such as emulating general relativity phenomena (for example, gravitational lensing) with optical devices in the lab.

The physicists, Anatoly Patsyk, Miguel A. Bandres, and Mordechai Segev at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, along with Rivka Bekenstein at Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, have published a paper on the accelerating light beams in curved space in a recent issue of Physical Review X.…/abstra…/10.1103/PhysRevX.8.011001

“This work opens the doors to a new avenue of study in the field of accelerating beams,” Patsyk told “Thus far, accelerating beams were studied only in a medium with a flat geometry, such as flat free space or slab waveguides. In the current work, optical beams follow curved trajectories in a curved medium.”

The accelerating light beam propagates on a nongeodesic trajectory, rather than the geodesic trajectory taken by a non-accelerating beam. Credit: Patsyk et al. ©2018 American Physical Society

Quantum Particles of Light with Dodecahedral Language of Light, Circadian Rhythm, Mechanism and Synchronicity return in 16 days

Rare Blue

Simultaneous reflection and refraction of light in real life…

Researchers discover how plants respond to Light at the molecular level

Brain Regeneration: can the brain reverse neurodegenerative diseases with infrared light?

Carefully Crafted Light Pulses Neuron

Sound Vibration + Quantum Light Particles with Nonlinear Physics and Quantum Waves with Linguistis

Researchers discover how plants respond to Light at the molecular level

Scientists Have Managed To Store Light As Sound For The First Time

This is the first time anyone has ever achieved this.

Quantum Waves with Patterns of Light and Gravity sync today

Subset: Wave Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Particles of Light

For their experiments, the scientists fired extremely short laser pulses with specially engineered waveforms onto graphene. When these light waves hit the graphene, the electrons inside were hurled in one direction, like a whiplash. “Under intense optical fields, a current was generated within a fraction of an optical cycle—a half-femtosecond. It was surprising that despite these enormous forces, quantum mechanics still plays a key role,” explains Dr. Takuya Higuchi from the Chair of Laser Physics, the first author of the publication.

The fastest light-driven current source

Read more at:

Gravity may be created by strange flashes in the quantum realm

A model of how wave forms of quantum systems collapse reveals a way they could create gravitational fields, and perhaps even reconcile two pillars of physics

Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation of patterns of light

Nonlinear returns

Nonlinear physics bridges thought to sound

Using synthetic birdsongs, Mindlin and his collaborators were able to recreate much of the neural response in zebra finches that was measured when using recordings of their real songs. These neural signatures, and how they relate to the sound production, offer a lot of insight to the neurobiology of language production as well as, perhaps surprisingly, to more purely fundamental physics.

“The interesting thing is that it opens many question for the physics community, how to go from a neuron to the collective activities of muscle fibers and the microscopic control of the biomechanics. It’s an open question for out of equilibrium statistical mechanics,” Mindlin said.

Read more at:

Gravity may be created by strange flashes in the quantum realm

A model of how wave forms of quantum systems collapse reveals a way they could create gravitational fields, and perhaps even reconcile two pillars of physics

Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation of patterns of light

Compton’s discovery (light can behave as a particle as well as a wave) was one of the pivotal revelations that led physicists to deduce that objects once thought to be particles can behave like waves and objects once thought to be waves can behave like particles.

A Quantized Column: Quantum particles are so different from classical particles that they need a new name.

Researchers propose how the universe became filled with light

New Breakthrough Allows Scientists to Create “Liquid Light” with Ease

“Gravity divides, multiplies and balances Light and Sound.”

~ Walter Russell

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

Light returns with MRI, Electromagnetism, Maxwell’s Equation, and Blue, Green, and Yellow

Multicolor MRIs aid on disease prevention

Thousands of neurons in the brain, self-reflected under white, red, and violet light.

Light syncs with Molecules and Neurons

Blue light allows for making carbon-nitrogen bonds without ‘energetically unfavorable’ reactions

German Scientists Discover Light

Scientists use light to control the logic networks of a cell

Bright prospects: Repairing neurons with light

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

Quantum Particles Seen Distorting Light from a Neutron Star

How Light Travels

Neutron Star returns with Quantum Particles of Light travels in Quantum Physics simplified with Light Photographed as Wave and Particle (Frequency and Vibration), and “Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water

Particles in Neutron Star are distorted because of density

Particles and Waves with Tesla’s Key of 3 and Quantum Physics and Light simplified

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

The particle on a wave in the ocean

“Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water

Quantum Particles Seen Distorting Light from a Neutron Star

Greenlight syncs and returns in 3 years, Go Within was unknown greenlighting solution 3 years ago. Fake accounts, junk links, and other tactics are the opposite of greenlighting.

Greenlighting: the unknown antidote

You have a green light to follow the path to your dreams. Don’t let your fears, anything, or anyone stop you. Go for it!

This exhibit uses thousands of threads to make a rainbow

Sound Vibration + Quantum Light Particles with Nonlinear Physics and Quantum Waves

Quantum Waves with Patterns of Light and Gravity sync today

Subset: Wave Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Particles of Light


Shape stores Memory, like crystals.

The ultimate shape that embodies the Phi Code is the Dodecahedron,

whose Element, according to Pythagoras, is Spirit or Ether.

Having 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges,

it is the 3-dim form of the 2-dim Pentacle or 5 point star,

that defines the shape of all your proteins.

When this Dodecahedron is stellated (made into a Star)

it reaches a hyper-dimensional state,

such that when focussed light or laser beams are shined upon it,

it reveals a panoply of intelligent shadow forms

called the Language of Light, the a, b,c, the 1, 2 and 3.

“The symbolism of the hexagram and pentagram

relates to the dual human condition; the spiritual and physical selves.

This is mirrored within our living DNA molecules

that reveal the same constituent shapes carried within the genetic code.

If a chemist was to inspect these nucleic acid/proteins,

she/he would see two dimensional platelets

of two fused pairs of hexagons and pentagons ..

What is interesting here

is the mathematics of the rectangle linking the hexagons.

It is not just any rectangle. It is the Golden Phi Rectangle,

in fact there are 3 Phi Rectangles that act as axes,

the invisible skeletal structure that lives inside the Dodecahedron.

Jain 108

Image: Rafael Araujo

The trio identified genes that regulate the clock, and the mechanism by which light can synchronise it.

Gravity may be created by strange flashes in the quantum realm

A model of how wave forms of quantum systems collapse reveals a way they could create gravitational fields, and perhaps even reconcile two pillars of physics

Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation of patterns of light

The second part of the quote builds a frequency

Einstein + Liebert + Miracles in Quantum Mechanics + Vibration + Frequency + Proton

The second part of the saying, everything is a miracle generates Proton + Proton as Miracles as Alpha Protons, 99.9999% energy, Alpha Particles in the energy pattern (vibrational frequency/Tesla’s Key of 3) with Expansion (the Universe is expanding/the Doppler Effect)

Sunset: Reason and Logic Everything is Proof

Miracles are Alpha Protons

Think Positive like a Proton


JJJJJJJJJJ. Light Wave with Huygens and Einstein’s the Light Quantum

Einstein’s “The Light Quantum” Quantum Particles of Light with Dodecahedral Language of Light, Circadian Rhythm, Mechanism and Synchronicity return in 58 days

Bending Light

Rare Blue

Simultaneous reflection and refraction of light in real life…

Researchers discover how plants respond to Light at the molecular level

Brain Regeneration: can the brain reverse neurodegenerative diseases with infrared light?

Carefully Crafted Light Pulses Neuron

This exhibit uses thousands of threads to make a rainbow 🌈

Sound Vibration + Quantum Light Particles with Nonlinear Physics and Quantum Waves

Quantum Waves with Patterns of Light and Gravity sync today

Subset: Wave Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Particles of Light


Shape stores Memory, like crystals.

The ultimate shape that embodies the Phi Code is the Dodecahedron,

whose Element, according to Pythagoras, is Spirit or Ether.

Having 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges,

it is the 3-dim form of the 2-dim Pentacle or 5 point star,

that defines the shape of all your proteins.

When this Dodecahedron is stellated (made into a Star)

it reaches a hyper-dimensional state,

such that when focussed light or laser beams are shined upon it,

it reveals a panoply of intelligent shadow forms

called the Language of Light, the a, b,c, the 1, 2 and 3.

“The symbolism of the hexagram and pentagram

relates to the dual human condition; the spiritual and physical selves.

This is mirrored within our living DNA molecules

that reveal the same constituent shapes carried within the genetic code.

If a chemist was to inspect these nucleic acid/proteins,

she/he would see two dimensional platelets

of two fused pairs of hexagons and pentagons ..

What is interesting here

is the mathematics of the rectangle linking the hexagons.

It is not just any rectangle. It is the Golden Phi Rectangle,

in fact there are 3 Phi Rectangles that act as axes,

the invisible skeletal structure that lives inside the Dodecahedron.

Jain 108

Image: Rafael Araujo

The trio identified genes that regulate the clock, and the mechanism by which light can synchronise it.

Gravity may be created by strange flashes in the quantum realm

A model of how wave forms of quantum systems collapse reveals a way they could create gravitational fields, and perhaps even reconcile two pillars of physics

Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation of patterns of light

Nonlinear returns

Nonlinear physics bridges thought to sound

Using synthetic birdsongs, Mindlin and his collaborators were able to recreate much of the neural response in zebra finches that was measured when using recordings of their real songs. These neural signatures, and how they relate to the sound production, offer a lot of insight to the neurobiology of language production as well as, perhaps surprisingly, to more purely fundamental physics.

“The interesting thing is that it opens many question for the physics community, how to go from a neuron to the collective activities of muscle fibers and the microscopic control of the biomechanics. It’s an open question for out of equilibrium statistical mechanics,” Mindlin said.

Read more at:

Scientists Have Managed To Store Light As Sound For The First Time

This is the first time anyone has ever achieved this.

Version 12 Liebert Particle #3 Proof

Quantum Particles of Light return in 9 days with Quantum Particles, MRI and Light

A Quantized Column: Quantum particles are so different from classical particles that they need a new name.

Researchers propose how the universe became filled with light

New Breakthrough Allows Scientists to Create “Liquid Light” with Ease

“Gravity divides, multiplies and balances Light and Sound.”

~ Walter Russell

Light forces electrons to follow the curve

Light returns with MRI, Electromagnetism, Maxwell’s Equation, and Blue, Green, and Yellow

Multicolor MRIs aid on disease prevention

Thousands of neurons in the brain, self-reflected under white, red, and violet light.

Light syncs with Molecules and Neurons

Blue light allows for making carbon-nitrogen bonds without ‘energetically unfavorable’ reactions

German Scientists Discover Light

Scientists use light to control the logic networks of a cell

Bright prospects: Repairing neurons with light

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

Quantum Particles Seen Distorting Light from a Neutron Star

From Technion, Harvard and CfA via “Accelerating light beams in curved space”

By shining a laser along the inside shell of an incandescent light bulb, physicists have performed the first experimental demonstration of an accelerating light beam in curved space. Rather than moving along a geodesic trajectory (the shortest path on a curved surface), the accelerating beam bends away from the geodesic trajectory as a result of its acceleration.

Previously, accelerating light beams have been demonstrated on flat surfaces, on which their acceleration causes them to follow curved trajectories rather than straight lines. Extending accelerating beams to curved surfaces opens the doors to additional possibilities, such as emulating general relativity phenomena (for example, gravitational lensing) with optical devices in the lab.

The physicists, Anatoly Patsyk, Miguel A. Bandres, and Mordechai Segev at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, along with Rivka Bekenstein at Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, have published a paper on the accelerating light beams in curved space in a recent issue of Physical Review X.

“This work opens the doors to a new avenue of study in the field of accelerating beams,” Patsyk told “Thus far, accelerating beams were studied only in a medium with a flat geometry, such as flat free space or slab waveguides. In the current work, optical beams follow curved trajectories in a curved medium.”

The accelerating light beam propagates on a nongeodesic trajectory, rather than the geodesic trajectory taken by a non-accelerating beam. Credit: Patsyk et al. ©2018 American Physical Society

How Light Travels

Neutron Star returns with Quantum Particles of Light travels in Quantum Physics simplified with Light Photographed as Wave and Particle (Frequency and Vibration), and “Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water

Particles in Neutron Star are distorted because of density

Particles and Waves with Tesla’s Key of 3 and Quantum Physics and Light simplified

The First Ever Photographed Light as both a Particle and a Wave

The particle on a wave in the ocean

“Quantum Physics simply states that information travels on waves of energy. Everything has an energetic vibration, even words” — AquaMantra Water

Quantum Particles Seen Distorting Light from a Neutron Star

Greenlight syncs and returns in 3 years, Go Within was unknown greenlighting solution 3 years ago. Fake accounts, junk links, and other tactics are the opposite of greenlighting.

Greenlighting: the unknown antidote

You have a green light to follow the path to your dreams. Don’t let your fears, anything, or anyone stop you. Go for it!

Linguistics returns with Alphabet, all Alphabets are derived from Phonemes, the sounds we, as Human Beings, can make

Subset: Sound Vibration and Liebert Little Proof


CCCCC. Linguistics

Tolkien was a linguist. He created the Elvish language first, and then wrote the books.

Modeling Morphology

Moreover,” he adds, “the pattern of symmetry breaking that exists in solids means that these transitions are not only technologically important, but that there are a lot of them.


1. Phonemes

2. Morphology

3. Syntax

4. Semantics

Other Linguistic Functions

1. Insertion

Alphabet syncs

1. Physics

2. Symmetry

3. Origins

“Origin of Alphabets”

The Flower of Life pattern

is not only “The BluePrint of Creation”

it is the “Origin of Alphabets”.

Our word for “English” originated from the word “Anglish”

which is the memory of how sacred shapes tilt in space,

whether it be the ram’s horn phi spiral or the edge of the dodecahedron,

same shape but viewed from many different angles,

creating an intelligent and sophisticated progression

from the first letter to the last letter,

that which we call the Alpha and the Omega,

the Alpha-Beta which is now called the “Alphabet”,

the key to how we communic8.

Jain 108


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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