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"The Miracle is a Proton" original discovery by Tova Katz in 2013

If all particles in the Universe are 99.99999% energy, then the Miracle is a Proton, 99.99999% Energy, and definitions of The Miracle are Nature or Science based

Rutherford's discovery of the Proton at 99.99999% energy is the most important aspect to understanding that the miracle is a proton. All particles are 99.9999% space. If everything is a particle oscillating or vibrating at a certain frequency, then the miracle, must then meet the same in a Universe/Multiverse governed by the Laws of Physics.

Logic: if the universal constant is Energy (Conservation of Energy in Physics), and everything is energy, then the Miracle must be the Alpha Proton, a Proton Particle, a quanta, an atom, 99.9999% energy.

Several proofs including Axions and Neutrinos (particles that work through us) focus on how the Miracle are quanta (light packet according to Einstein and Planck), atoms, particles at the subatomic level.

Higgs discovery of the Higgs Boson, or the "Oh My God" Particle matches the math of Tesla's Key of 9, as well as the requirements of being just that, a miracle.

If the Miracle is a Proton, then the positive thought (Thought Circuit) in connection to the word Miracle, or any word in its range of vibrational frequency) matches that vibrational frequency, adding to the Energy. Thus, Proton + Proton in positive thought. Furthermore, when it comes to Elegant Cooperation and Partnership, relationships in Harmony are then, Proton + Proton, in Expansion (Expand Theory).

Miracle Definitions

The definitions of Miracle in Nature, Science, and Physics 1. Quantum Physics/Universal Spiritual Law/Law of Physics: Cause and Effect 2. Quantum Mechanics: Perception 3. Hermetic: As Above, So Below / Symmetry (Quantum Physics) 4. Mirari: Wonder, Awe, Awesome 5. Mirabilia: Marvel 6. Energy: Invisible Agent / Metaphysics (Hume) 7. Nature: St. Augustine 8. Natural: A Course in Miracles 9. Event/Noun/Everyday occurrences: Chopra and definition 10. Love 11. Science 12. Light 13. Phenomena (Metaphysics/Quantum Physics/Tesla’s Aether/Alchemy 5th element) 14. Elegant Cooperation and Partnership 15. Natural Order 16. Energy is the Universal Constant 17. Divine Intercession in Thought 18. Event in Physics with the super addition of something not ordinarily in operation, definition written by a Physicist

19. Synchronicity

Miraculous and Wonder in Science

“It may be that the event which we call a miracle was brought on not by a suspension of the laws in ordinary operation, but by the super addition of something not ordinarily in operation.” Sir George Stokes, Physicist

A miracle is a divine intercession from a thought system beyond our own. Expanding our thinking about a problem expands our capacity to solve it.

Compton’s discovery (light can behave as a particle as well as a wave) was one of the pivotal revelations that led physicists to deduce that objects once thought to be particles can behave like waves and objects once thought to be waves can behave like particles.

Wonders of the Universe (Mirari, miracle is to Wonder)

“Soul is the catch in the throat when you look up at the Milky Way” — Richard Dawkins (Awe, Wonder)

The Science in the Soul

Miraculous WIMPs

Miracle definition syncs in Awe, with Pythagoras’ Mystery and Metaphysics; Invisible Agent (Hume), that is worth to be seen (Mirari)

But what exactly is awe and where does it come from? “It’s a subjective feeling rooted in the body,” according to psychologist and pioneering awe researcher Dacher Keltner at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2003, he and Jonathan Haidt, now at New York University, published the first scientific

Awesome and Awe Emotion


Noumena (Metaphysics) + Luminous (Light)?

Numinous /ˈnjuːmᵻnəs/ is an English adjective, derived from the Latin numen, meaning “arousing spiritual emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring”.

Miracles as an Aether unit of Energy, a vibration in frequency in Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect in the definition of Miracle and meta connects with the Universal Spiritual Law and Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy embodied

I AM Renewable Energy syncs

Law of Physics — Conservation of Energy

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another, from chemical energy to kinetic energy.

Universal Law

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

2 very long definitions of Miracle, from Greek and Latin roots, Miraculum and Mirari, to Wonder, from Amazing thing, but also included are Nature and Cause and Effect. Any sacred text is a story showing the power of the experience of one person, but what’s the source of it? Energy and the innate ability of a person to have the experience in alignment with the Laws of Physics and the Universal Spiritual Laws.

Most gloss over The Law of Cause and Effect and Nature in these two definitions.

What is Divine Intervention? Alignment in Energy with the Universal Spiritual Laws and the Laws of Physics

Miracle #13517

What is a miracle?

From latin miraculum, Prodigy: amazing thing, amazing thing, wonder, that is worth to be seen.

Middle of the 11th century, religious word: ‘Is not explained by natural causes and that is attributed to divine intervention’ (Alexis, ed. C. Storey, 559) Hey, a very advanced science is not a natural cause.

And divine intervention, involves the intervention of an external cause to produce the effect.

Miracle #6659


(Latin miraculum, from mirari, “to wonder”).

In general, a wonderful thing, the word being so used in classical Latin; in a specific sense, the Latin Vulgate designates by miracula wonders of a peculiar kind, expressed more clearly in the Greek text by the terms terata, dynameis, semeia, i.e., wonders performed by supernatural power as signs of some special mission or gift and explicitly ascribed to God.


The wonder of the miracle is due to the fact that its cause is hidden, and an effect is expected other than what actually takes place. Hence, by comparison with the ordinary course of things, the miracle is called extraordinary.

Metaphysics returns with Hume on Metaphysics, with “invisible agent” which is the unseen, or Aether/Spirit/Energy in Physics with Alchemy’s 5th element, more classicly known as Noumenon part of Phenomenon and Noumenon from Kant. To add to Noumenon and Phenomenon, which syncs with Plato and Aristotle on Ontology and Epistemology is Haramein on Metaphysics:

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” – Nassim Haramein

Noumenon and Phenomenon

Miracles, Nature, and Understanding posted by a Partner Player

According to the philosopher David Hume , a miracle is “a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent”.

Of Miracles

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding…/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Unde…

Metaphysics with Fuller, Einstein, Newton, and Shelley (Sublime) in support of the idea that the greatest thinkers, writers, scientists, mathematicians, and physicists were all Metaphysicians

Mirari, definition for Miracles, is to Wonder or full of Wonder, Wonderful which is Symmetrical in Quantum Physics, the hidden theorem

Nature’s Miracles return

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” – Saint Augustine

“Miracle is a shift in perception.” Quantum Mechanics and Perception


doctrine of the miraculous origin of life


description of natural wonders


worship of miracles or wonders


study of miracles


performing of miracles

Mirabilia — marvels, miracles

From Arielle Ford to sync the Miraculist’s definition of Mirari, to wonder, is the definition of Miracle, or full of wonder (confirmation) The word “miracle” comes from a Latin word meaning “something wonderful.” The common definitions of miracles include: “…a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” And also “…a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.” My favorite definitions come from A Course in Miracles which states that a miracle is simply ” a shift in perception” and “miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.” It also says that there is “no order of difficulty in miracles.”

Proton and Positive

Miracle #3325 “Think like a proton. Always positive.”


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Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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