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The Theory of Everything is Vibration (Trifecta of Vibration) and Frequency + Thought Circuit + Everything is Deductive Logic Proof + Tesla's Key of 3 as Universal Language

"In 6 years of proving that words have an energetic vibration plus math as visual content in imagery with Math, Imagery, Miracles and Tesla’s Key of 3 as universal languages, I think that Tesla’s Key of 3 explains the gap in between Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity with Particles (Vibration) and Waves (Frequency)" -- T. Katz 2015 The Miraculist

Simplified sync of Tesla's Key of 3 + 000 Energy Code + Proove with the Key

Anni Mirabiles The Miraculist Paper #1 Math and Imagery are Universal Languages

Tesla’s Key of 3 + Tesla’s Aether (Pythagoras’ Dodecahedron) Proof

Happy + Joy as the only Spiritual Practice Needed + Tesla's Key of 3 as the Theory of Everything

  1. Motion of Particles

  2. Tesla’s Key of 3 as a Universal Language

  3. Wave Mechanics

  4. Nonlinear System of The Miraculist

  5. Theory of Relativity Einstein story

  6. Quantum Mechanics

  7. Definitions of Miracles in Nature

  8. Gravitational Waves (Einstein) / Frequencies

  9. Sound Vibration in Frequency Waves

  10. Math is highly visual content (Miracle #255 Math and Imagery are Universal Languages)

  11. Subconscious (micro) and Universe/Galaxy (macro)

  12. Miracle as a Alpha Proton in Quantum Mechanics, all Liebert proofs

  13. Food

  14. Crystals

  15. Pythagorean Harmonics

  16. Appreciation

  17. Animals

  18. Electromagnetism

  19. Cells and Molecules dancing

  20. Laughter and Humor raise the frequency

  21. Frequency (Earth, Alchemy with Tesla)

  22. Happy (Cells and Molecules)

  23. Pythagoras (Pythagoras Mystery School, Pythagorean Harmonics, Pythagorean Theorem, Sound Vibration as the Father of Music)

  24. Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

  25. Diffuse Awareness/Single Focus with Tesla’s Key of 3

  26. Peace

  27. Joy

  28. Love

  29. Happy

  30. Behavior

  31. Energy as the constant

  32. Dodecahedron

  33. Braindrops

  34. Tesla's Keys: Constitution + The Declaration of Independence + Gettysburg Address

  35. Money

  36. Language of the Soul

  37. Miraculous Harmonic 34560 in Oscillation (Vibration) and Density Waves (Frequency)

  38. Happy + Joy as the only Spiritual Practice Needed + Tesla's Key of 3 as the Theory of Everything

  39. Circular Motion + Harmonic Motion

"Everything travels in cycles. The other word for a cycle is a circle. What's the word for two circles? A bicycle." -- King Teacher

Circular Motion + Turntables + Singular Point + Everything + Cycles in Circles + Sine Wave + Harmonic Motion

Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) to Circular Motion

“Magic Constant 3456 as the Hyper-Scaling ratio of the Quantum and Universal worlds”

'If we were to take the average distance between moons and multiply it by 34560 we get the average distance between planets.'

Ray Tomes found a very harmonic ratio 34560 that miraculously seems to be the ratio that by scale connects everything in the universe from the quantum realm to the universe at large. That is, it is the common factor that connects the various worlds or dimensions.

For instance if we were to take the average distance between moons and multiply it by 34560 we get the average distance between planets.

If again we multiply this value by 34560 we get the average distance between stars etc.

The ratio 34560 seems to scale all of the following spherical objects from small to large: nucleons, atoms, cells, moons, planets, stars, galaxies, universe . . .

Dan Winter who learned about the miraculous ratio of Ray Tomes discovered that if we compress the speed of light by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of sound.

If we compress the speed of sound by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of heat.

The number 34560 according to Ray Tomes is the seed number for many cycles in the universe....

I recognize that this number 3456 evolves from the Binary Evolution of the number 27:

27 - 54 - 108 - 216 - 432 - 864 - 1728 - 3456 - etc

Jain 108

Everything Is with Symbolic Logic and Deductive Reasoning, including the Transitive Property with Everything (Logic proofs all done by T. Katz from 2013-2019)

Everything is

  1. Physics

  2. Sound and light vibration

  3. Energy

  4. Synchronicity

  5. Matched by vibration and Frequency

  6. Love

  7. Relationship/Partnership

  8. Molecular

  9. Imagination

  10. Nature

  11. Miracle

  12. Quantum Physics

  13. Thought

  14. Emotion — Energy in Motion

  15. Light Tesla and Channelers (Empaths)

  16. Frequency

  17. Balance

  18. Elegant Cooperation and Partnership

  19. The Heart (Toroidal)

  20. Mind Over Matter (Alchemy Hermetic Principle #1 The All is Mental)

  21. Tesla’s Aether Phenomena (Invisible and Unseen) Energy + Divine Intelligence: Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you (Miracles Flow Through You with Neutrinos)

  22. Mindset

  23. Connected

  24. Energy Translation

  25. Keyword: Tesla's Key of 3 literally syncs

  26. Everything is going to be Alright / Everything is going to be ALL RIGHT / Tesla’s Key of 6 in Tesla’s Neon + Multiple Colors + Light Spectrum

  27. Rhythm (Hermetic Principle #5 + Super 3-6-9 Flow Code Algorithm)

  28. Everything miraculously works

  29. Everything on our planet vibrates as energy

  30. Wonderful, Mirari is a definition of Miracle, is to Wonder, or full of Wonder, Wonderful

  31. Harmonic 34560 + Super Flow Code of Tesla's Keys 3-6-9 Simplified 34560 Harmonic = Oscillation (Vibration) + Density Waves (Frequency) = Tesla's Key of 3

  32. Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Addendum Light Vibration + Hermetics + Green Light + Marcus Aurelius on group favorite of Happy Simplified Emperor Energy + Everything + Light Vibration + Happy + Tesla's Key of 3

  33. "Everything in Nature is expressed by rhythmic waves of light." -- Dr. Walter Russell

  34. Happy + Joy as the only Spiritual Practice Needed + Tesla's Key of 3 as the Theory of Everything

  35. The First Thought Circuit with Better and Everything

Physics is EVERYwhere

"Physics is at the very foundation. Everything you see in your living room, and everything you see in a hospital, can at some point be traced to physicist."

"Miracles are everywhere" -- Empire of the Sun concert

“God is a sphere whose centre is everywhere and periphery nowhere”

(Pascal, quoting Hermes Trimegistus)

Elegant Cooperation and Partnership + Tesla’s Key of 3

There is something so unbelievably refreshing about meeting someone who is on the same life frequency as you. Everything feels effortless and natural. You just vibe, it’s beautiful.

Every Proton has the same information Proton

Constitution + The Declaration of Independence + "We the People" with Global

"We the People..." + Tesla's Key of 3 in The Constitution + Tesla's Keys of 3 and 6 in The Declaration of Independence + Tesla's Key of 3 in the Gettysburg Address (3 minutes) + Supreme Court on Interpretation of Literal and Applied to Modern Context + Federalist Papers on Interpretation of Literal and Applied to Modern Context + Personal Bill of Rights +

Gettysburg (Liebert Proof on Little Things)

"We The People" for The Global Goals


Same application as The Declaration of Independence and Tesla's Keys

"We the People" in Tesla's Key of 3 T. Katz, The Miraculist, figured this out in Tesla’s Key count in 2019

Tesla’s Key of 3 in The Declaration of Independence and The Gettysburg Address

Tesla’s Key of 3 in list, Tesla’s Key of 6 in word count 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. The Pursuit of Happiness

T. Katz, The Miraculist, figured this out in Tesla’s Key count in 2014

Version 33 Liebert Thing #4 Proof The Gettysburg Address is a Thing (proof of Little #1 and Tiny #2 Liebert Proofs and Tesla’s Key of 3) “A Thing. The Gettysburg Address is less three minutes long. A thing doesn’t have to be big to be a big thing.”

Quantum Physics + City/Country syncs already proven successfully with vetted Partners + Entanglements (solved by Elegant Cooperation and Partnership) + Information + System/Network + NeuroQuantology + Sound waves (Sound Vibration in Frequency) let quantum systems ‘talk’ to one another

Optimal and Approximate Analysis of an Information Network The subjectivity seen in quantum theory has been the topic of major debate ever since the theory was first introduced about a century ago. The idea of treating the subject and the object independently has been difficult to accept in the science community; however, the subjective limit of knowledge has been discussed in philosophy for centuries. On the other hand, one of the important outcomes of recent studies of quantum theory is developing useful and practical applications from often controversial and philosophical debates such as the simultaneous existence of multiple states or superluminal influencing, which appears to violate the locality imposed by relativity. Establishing a long-distance correlation may be effective in a number of applications in quantum information technology. In this paper, an entanglement swapping scheme for three 2-level states is examined using numerical methods. In particular, it is studied that there is a class of non-maximal states that approximate the optimal outcome, namely, the weakest link.

Tesla’s Key of 3 (Frequency, Vibration, and Energy) 

as a Universal Language with Energy as the Constant “Language is the key to the heart of people.” ― Ahmed Deedat Vibration

Energy as a Universal Language

Light Photographed for the first time as both a Particle and a Wave Miracle #11782 The Myriad of Names for Energy 1. Bioplasma – Biology/Chemistry (Science) 2. Orgone – Originated by a psychiatrist in the 1930’s named Wilhelm Reich. Orgone Energy is defined as ‘Universal Bioenergetic Force’. 3. Vibrating Strings – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science). 4. The God Particle – Particle Physics 5. The Higgs Boson – Particle Physics 6. Thought Vibration – Psychology, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics. 7. Anti-Matter – Physics, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Science). It is described in The Vedas as the particle that has no physical properties, but that which is able to gain physical properties, and can seemingly manifest like its counterpart Matter.


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Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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