Pythagoras’ Dodecahedron syncs with Language of Light, and Earth Electromagnetism
UUUUUUUU. Dodecahedron (Pythagoras, Platonic Solids, Alchemy, Tesla’s Aether)
Dodecahedron with Da Vinci, Pythagoras’ Mystery School, and Dodecahedron floating returns in 28 days
Dodecahedron (Pythagorean Harmonics + Pythagoras’ Holy Decah + Sacred Geometry in Alchemy) dates 100 million years in Evolution and Anthropology (5D to 12D) in Nature + Dodecahedral Language of Light + Loop Quantum Gravity
Pythagorean Harmonics in Meditation:
Harmonic Code 3-6-9
Simplified Super Flow 3-6-9 Tesla's Keys Algorithm + Focus + AC + Tesla's Aether
Simplified Super Flow Code 3-6-9 + Elegant Cooperation and Partnership in Divine Masculine + Feminine
A Correctional Code Based on the [Universal] Hexagram and Phi
by JAIN 108
This sequence of 6 digits “3-6-9 Repeated” is another Jain Discovery Linked To Phi, specifically the 24 Repeating Fibonacci Code.
Let me introduce two characters based on the [Universal] Hexagram. One is upright (Hexa, male) and the other is a 90 degree tilt angle (Hexi, female).
Did you know, that this topic of drawing the [Universal] Hexagram, is actually a puzzle for 5 to 12 year old children, being a chapter in my workbook and eCourse called: “Mathemagics For Starkidz”
In this video, I show how the smooth and elegant [Universal] Hexagram traces the natural pathway of 3-6-9-3-6-9 in the Wheel of 24 (that actually sums up to Sri 108) and is thus superior to the connection of 3-6-9 shown as 2 separate or fragmented triangles traditionally known as the Star of David. It is for this reason that I believe that this 369369 pathway attributed to Tesla is a a Correctional Code of the highest order and therefore has future applications in quantum physics and nano-technology.
Jain 108
Geometry in Nature.
This is a Dodecahedron expressed as a living organism! Technically, it is a coastal PhytoPlanktonic algae, and its fossil record dates back to 100 million years ago. It is so small, its diameter would be a few microns
(A micron is a unit of measure in the metric system equal to 1 millionth of a meter in length, about 39 millionths of an inch. The average cross-section of a human hair is 50 microns. The human eye cannot see anything smaller than 40 microns in size).
For further research, this dodecahedral living geometry has a latin name of “Braarudosphaera Bigelowii”.
Jain 108
Shape stores Memory, like crystals.The ultimate shape that embodies the Phi Code is the Dodecahedron,whose Element, according to Pythagoras, is Spirit or Ether.Having 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges,it is the 3-dim form of the 2-dim Pentacle or 5 point star,that defines the shape of all your proteins. When this Dodecahedron is stellated (made into a Star)it reaches a hyper-dimensional state,such that when focussed light or laser beams are shined upon it,it reveals a panoply of intelligent shadow formscalled the Language of Light, the a, b,c, the 1, 2 and 3. “The symbolism of the hexagram and pentagramrelates to the dual human condition; the spiritual and physical selves. This is mirrored within our living DNA moleculesthat reveal the same constituent shapes carried within the genetic code.If a chemist was to inspect these nucleic acid/proteins,she/he would see two dimensional plateletsof two fused pairs of hexagons and pentagons .. What is interesting hereis the mathematics of the rectangle linking the hexagons.It is not just any rectangle. It is the Golden Phi Rectangle,in fact there are 3 Phi Rectangles that act as axes,the invisible skeletal structure that lives inside the Dodecahedron. Jain 108
Einstein syncs for 966th day consecutively
4D syncs for the first time on The Miraculist with Einstein and Pythagoras’ Dodecahedron
The 120-cell is one of my favorite shapes. It’s the 4d version of a dodecahedron. This animation starts off just showing it rotating in 3d space, and then goes into a 4d movement that is bizarre and beautiful…
The 5 Platonic Solids
In visible space, there exist only 5 regular solids,
5 blueprints of creation that can be constructed:
(the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and the icosahedron).
No other polyhedra exist in which all faces are identical.
The existence of these 5 anointed platonic solids defines an absolute limit on how finely and intelligently space can be divided in a perfectly symmetrical way.
This therefore, is the ideal stadium for coherent geometry
and these 5 platonic shapes are the god-actors of all atomic structure. Their secret is how they nest and embed, how they make love, one within the other!
Jain 108
Image: Cosmic Creations
Platonic Solids biology: dodecahedral plankton…
“Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent.”
~ Pythagoras
Pythagoras used intervals of harmonic ratios as a type of medicine for “dis-eases” of the body, the emotions, & the Soul. “He aligned Souls to their divine nature” and through music he performed what he called, “Soul Adjustments”. Pythagoras was able to discern the harmony and consonance of heavenly bodies: the “Music of the Spheres”.
Shape stores Memory, like crystals.
The ultimate shape that embodies the Phi Code is the Dodecahedron,
whose Element, according to Pythagoras, is Spirit or Ether.
Having 12 pentagonal faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges,
it is the 3-dim form of the 2-dim Pentacle or 5 point star,
that defines the shape of all your proteins.
When this Dodecahedron is stellated (made into a Star)
it reaches a hyper-dimensional state,
such that when focussed light or laser beams are shined upon it,
it reveals a panoply of intelligent shadow forms
called the Language of Light, the a, b,c, the 1, 2 and 3.
“The symbolism of the hexagram and pentagram
relates to the dual human condition; the spiritual and physical selves.
This is mirrored within our living DNA molecules
that reveal the same constituent shapes carried within the genetic code.
If a chemist was to inspect these nucleic acid/proteins,
she/he would see two dimensional platelets
of two fused pairs of hexagons and pentagons ..
What is interesting here
is the mathematics of the rectangle linking the hexagons.
It is not just any rectangle. It is the Golden Phi Rectangle,
in fact there are 3 Phi Rectangles that act as axes,
the invisible skeletal structure that lives inside the Dodecahedron.
Jain 108
Image: Rafael Araujo
Platonic Solids and Dodecahedron
DODECAHEDRON- The Shift From 4 to 5
Hidden within the Secret School of Crystals is an ancient mystery revealed.
The question that a neophyte, or someone on the Path would ask,
is how does the 1 become the 2, or the 2 become the 3 or in this case,
how does the 4 become 5.
Or where in Nature do we see revealed the progression
from 4-ness to 5-ness, or the shift from the Square to the Pentagon?
Or is it possible for the Square to be embedded within the Pentagon?
Yes it can, but the solution is hidden within a 3-dimensional object.
When you hold a quartz crystal and tilt it around very slowly and carefully,
there will come a moment, called a Critical Tilt Point or Shift,
when the Cube appears within the Dodecahedron (having 12 pentagonal faces,
and all vertices touch the sphere).
At first, the shape of the embedded Cube appears like a flat hexagon
at the centre of the Sphere,
but look carefully and you will see the full appearance of the Cube.
It is quite a remarkable observation when you first see this,
and then next time you attempt to locate the Cube it is done very quickly.
Another way to explain this is to imagine you have a Cube in your hand.
And you are going to tilt it in Space, 5 times, but there are a few conditions.
Firstly, the centre of the Cube will not shift or move.
Secondly, the amount of tilt is critical, you can only tilt the Cube at an angle of 32 degrees
(this is the angle of the long diagonal going through the Golden Phi Rectangle of your Credit Card -Mastercard)
thus 5 tilts of 32 degrees, without moving the centrepoint point in effect creates a 4th dimensional Cube,
but we are calling it a 3-dim Dodecahedron, whose element is traditional that of the Spirit Molecule.
Jain 108
“To comport oneself with perfect propriety in Polygonal society, one ought to be a Polygon oneself.”
— Edwin A. Abbott
“Origin of Alphabets”
The Flower of Life pattern
is not only “The BluePrint of Creation”
it is the “Origin of Alphabets”.
Our word for “English” originated from the word “Anglish”
which is the memory of how sacred shapes tilt in space,
whether it be the ram’s horn phi spiral or the edge of the dodecahedron,
same shape but viewed from many different angles,
creating an intelligent and sophisticated progression
from the first letter to the last letter,
that which we call the Alpha and the Omega,
the Alpha-Beta which is now called the “Alphabet”,
the key to how we communic8.
Jain 108
Dodecahedron Rainbow
Although these geometric shapes are different, swept by points, they draw harmonic figures.
The Dodecahedron, consisting of 12 sides-Pentagones, symbolizes according to Aristotle, the fifth element (after the water, fire, earth and air) Ether.
Jain 108 Mathemagics • Nassim Haramein • Resonance Science Foundation • sacred geometry & the flower of life
Dodeca or Dodecahedron
is the 5th Element,
that which alchemically combines the Fire, Earth, Air and Water
to claim its status as the Master of All Shapes.
Because the mathematics of its 12 pentagons (and 30 edges and 20 vertices) are aligned to the same proportions that designs our DNA,
the distances between between planetary bodies, and even the number of petals of a flower and tilt angles of crystals,
this makes Doddeca very tangible and sharing, a shape upon which our future bio-architectural constructions may be built and based upon.
Jain 108
Dodeca or Dodecahedron
is the 5th Element,
that which alchemically combines the Fire, Earth, Air and Water
to claim its status as the Master of All Shapes.
Because the mathematics of its 12 pentagons (and 30 edges and 20 vertices) are aligned to the same proportions that designs our DNA,
the distances between between planetary bodies, and even the number of petals of a flower and tilt angles of crystals,
this makes Doddeca very tangible and sharing, a shape upon which our future bio-architectural constructions may be built and based upon.
Jain 108
Dodecahedron, held in malleable negative
space, by structures that appear unrelated
to the finished manifestation
This animation shows how Leonardo composed illustrations of a dodecahedron: a solid composed of twelve pentagons – in other words, twelve identical, five-sided faces. He split it into segments in order to calculate its volume, sliced off its corners and built pyramids on the resulting faces.
The Workings of the Human Body are an Analogy for the Workings of the Universe.
-Leonardo da Vinci
That is why the Pythagorean Mystery School, 2,500 years ago,
adopted it as their badge and swore their oaths upon the Holy Dodeca,
attributing its sacred geometry to the Fifth Element of Spirit or Ether,
being a combination of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
Pythagoras used intervals of harmonic ratios as a type of medicine for “dis-eases” of the body, the emotions, & the Soul. “He aligned Souls to their divine nature” and through music he performed what he called, “Soul Adjustments”. Pythagoras was able to discern the harmony and consonance of heavenly bodies: the “Music of the Spheres”. – via gongsoundhealing
Nassim Haramein • The Sacred of Geometry • The Mind Unleashed • Collective Evolution • Thrive • Elevate • Cosmometry
DODECAHEDRON: Under Pressure
When the pure Sphere is compressed or squeezed,
when it is ready to burst or be destroyed,
to survive under pressure, it must shrink and adopt another form,
it shape-shifts masterfully to adopt 12 pentagons,
because each pentagon is based on the 8:13 pine cone ratio,
or the Golden Ratio 1:1.618…
the ideal non-destructive wavelength,
and only specific wavelength that guarantees survival of the fittest.
That is why the Pythagorean Mystery School, 2,500 years ago,
adopted it as their badge and swore their oaths upon the Holy Dodeca,
attributing its sacred geometry to the Fifth Element of Spirit or Ether,
being a combination of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
Jain 108
The Dodecahedron is the fourth in the series of the five Platonic Solid shapes. It contains 12 faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges, being the closest of the Platonic Solids to mimic the shape of the sphere.
Plato described the Dodecahedron as the shape, “… god used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven”.
Artwork: Geometry Daily
A dodecahedron contains 3 Golden Proportion intersecting rectangles, each made from the Fibonacci number spiral, the fundamental compression ratio of the fabric of space-time…
Check out The Resonance Project’s new 4 part video series –>
The Resonance Project • The Resonance Project – Traduction Française • The Resonance Project – Página Oficial Hispana • The connected universe • Jamie Janover • Cosmometry
OKRA: Pentacle Mathematics
Nature either shows you her secrets directly,
like water spiralling down the bath tub drain, is clearly and visibly a helical spiral,
and other times She hides it inside of cells, barks, grains and vegetables.
Here the transverse cut of Okra reveals the sacred Pentacle of 5 emanations,
the shape of every protein in your body.
In fact, your whole body is a conglomeration of the 5 Platonic Solids,
and the pentacle features in the Dodecahedron comprised of 12 Pentagonal faces.
To Love our Food and to recognize it’s hidden geometry as the handiwork of God,
by merely eating an organic dish laden with slimey okra,
is the Pagan prayer or blessing that honours the Creational Codes of Source and Being.
Jain 108
(image sourced from