Boundaries are established and have been since the beginning. They are right at the top. You're probably just too lazy to read. They were established primarily for those who cannot discern reality from virtual. Python has For and While Loops, and for that, they are built in a Virtual environment. Feedback loops are real in energy. I've known about loops in dev code for a very long time, tho I figured most could discern the different between Feedback Loops in the body and brain as fundamentally different than dev code in a simulated environment. Nevertheless, here are the boundaries, and if you're spending hours playing Final Fantasy, this isn't for you. Gamers are prohibited too, since you can't discern the difference between Win Win Win Win Win Win in an Infinite Game versus you just winning in a Finite Game. Furthermore, you are financially responsible for any damages that you cause. Just to note, you will get turned in, because I don't play.
Liebert Proof Boundaries + Liebert Little #1 Proof + Energy
Boundaries apply all day, every day, every second of the day.
My final answer is and will always be NO. There’s nothing you can do to change my mind.
Backdoor tactics are unkind, noncooperative, and illegal.
1. NO Trolling
2. NO Hacking
3. NO Spoofing
5. NO Stalking
6. NO doxing (don’t post my work on a page and post awful shit about me on it)
7. NO geofencing
9. NO fake accounts
10. NO backdoor tactics whatsoever
11. NO gamers
12. NO mind games
13. NO narcissists
14. NO space invaders
15. NO Transmission of Energy without permission or consent
Any behavior displayed that’s within DSM cannot be here. That’s nonnegotiable. 401-39 if you’re creating alter egos, or avatars, you can’t be here. Your vibrational frequency never changes (that’s verified by me, the empath over 4 years of your bullshit lies). Any complicit activities by the friends of said schizophrenic will be the responsibility of the schizophrenic and his narcissistic lies on fake accounts on every channel. You’re DSM and you can’t be here. Stay out of my life, channels, pages, equipment, and my friend’s lives. Stop with the fake everything, no one gave you consent or permission.
Setting Healthy Boundaries with Space Invaders
This is in response to fake accounts and disrespect of technology: NO.
Backdoor tactics are unkind, noncooperative, and illegal.
NO: Fake accounts, rude comments, trolling, junk links, and other tactics are mind games. Since you can’t handle positive, safe, constructive play, and you don’t understand no and stop. This applies to me, all of my pages and equipment or my friends — at ALL times, in ALL ways. Apparently I have to be this clear. Stop sending fake accounts to any of my pages, and to my friends as well. This includes obsession to mind control, strict religion and misogyny as part of boundaries on a list of tactics. There is zero tolerance for bullying.
Adding DSM on Cluster B and logic
DSM on Cluster B from an MD, for all the empaths here like me. Set strong boundaries helps.
Subset: brain scans
What is an energy vampire and are you a target? In this video, Dr. Christiane Northrup shares some of the traits to look out for and why it’s important to protect yourself.
To be even more logical…
Fake accounts or any behavior that is backdoor are logical fallacies, making up crap usually with an agenda. This is why it’s in the Boundaries.
Adding to
Making up crap fallacies
Making crap up fallacies
Ad hoc fallacy
Circular logic fallacy
Fallacy of the false dilemma
Inflation of conflict fallacy
No true Scotsman fallacy
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy
Slippery slope fallacy
Straw man fallacy
Question begging fallacy
The more you do this, the more you prove this. If you create fake accounts and other tactics, you need to be in the care of a psychiatrist. That’s nonnegotiable.
My realm, my rules
More boundaries sync with Elegant Cooperation and Partnership
2. You become a better friend and partner.
1. You set boundaries
DSM / Video Game vs. Infinite Game (an Infinite Game is completely different, as in how many times can the post “Always Believe that Something Wonderful is about to Happen” comes through and how fast in the energy) which is nothing like a Video Game
Video gaming disorder to be officially recognised for first time
For help with this behavior, see Clinical Triad and Behaviors.
“Self-care means setting boundaries with others as well. As we grow more adept at taking care of ourselves, we become clearer about our needs and about the things that feel, and don’t feel, okay with us. Speak them. If it’s not okay for strangers to rub your bald head like it’s a magic eight ball, say it. (Sorry, that example may be a touch specific to me.) If your friend’s teasing feels more hurtful than funny, tell her. If you need more alone time in your relationship, let your partner know. Sure, some people may judge your clarity as difficult or unfriendly, but the majority will appreciate knowing what works for you. Most of us don’t take joy in overstepping each other’s boundaries; we often don’t even know we’re doing it. We foster healthier, more honest relationships with others, and in turn take better care of ourselves, when we’re willing to communicate our boundaries clearly. With clear boundaries, we can bypass the resentment that comes with feeling taken for granted and get down to the important business of loving.
Love is our most important business, and any love we give ourselves is love that serves us all. Selfishness, supported by love, acts as a healer, too.”
Wisdom Play of the Week #18 (Clinical Triad)
Trolls, because it’s now a thing
In the pioneering of the new, the discussion has become around trolls and bullies. It’s now a developed thing among psychiatrists, and has its own treatments. They have layers, including a triad of behavior.
The normal people who can’t understand this behavior, we are all consistently asking ourselves and each other the same question… why? 60% of us have encountered it. It’s a waste of time and energy. They can’t build anything constructive, and positive thinking is so far out of their depth, that work like mine on The Miraculist should be of zero resonance energetically. There’s no value. It’s all superficial junk. To discover what we’re discussing, follow Narcissistic Behavior Disorder page. The psychiatrists are the most vocal and leading this new topic.
Boundaries are imperative. Their behavior is now clinical DSM and nonnegotiable.
In Latin: “Primum Non Nocere”-“First, Do No Harm”
We live by a simple, best practice philosophy. Do you as you wish, so long as you don’t hurt yourself, don’t hurt others, don’t hurt animals, and don’t destroy other people’s property! Enjoy and work with the energy to manifest your heart’s desires!
Healthy boundaries aren’t walls or barbed wire fences. They are gates, portals that we selectively open when it is healthy to do so. Sometimes we have to wall others off- to heal, to get a taste of what it feels like to be protected- but eventually we come into a sacred balance. Here, we make conscious decisions as to when to open, when to close. I think of it as the art of selective attachment. Rather than responding from a patterned place- too open, or too closed- we look at each situation on its own merits. We keep the gate closed, when it is unsafe to open it. We unlatch the gate, if there is a healthy basis for connection. Healthy boundaries are situation specific, evolving and clarifying as we grow.
More boundaries return with Energy and (Infinite Game Play = Healthy) with Nash
NO: Fake accounts, junk links, and other tactics are mind games.
My realm, my rules
“Boundaries are not selfish. They aren’t overindulgent or evidence that you’re too sensitive, and they aren’t weakness. Boundaries are conditions that allow you to take care of yourself; conditions that give you the means to survive and keep from sinking. They’re circumstances that honor your needs and respect your feelings. Limits that YOU get to decide on; limits that are inherently valid, regardless of how they compare to anyone else’s.
You deserve to create a space for yourself that feels safe and supportive. You deserve to exist under terms that don’t harm you; terms that allow your best self to come through. Even if other people don’t understand; even if it makes them feel angry or rejected or sad — your boundaries are necessary and they matter. Their needs matter too, and its not wrong to want to make shifts to accommodate both — but the truth is that you can’t take care of anyone else if your own needs aren’t being met. You don’t have to explain your boundaries. You don’t have to justify them, and you don’t need anyone’s approval. You need to believe that you’re someone worth taking care of, and you need to trust that if anyone is entitled to your protection and care, it’s you.”
— Daniell Koepke
Clear Boundaries
If you act falsely, everything around you will be false. (Fake people create fake accounts, and then wonder why their life is fake)
I allow myself to set healthy boundaries. To say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does. Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me.
Nash: It’s what’s good for the individual and the group
In Latin: “Primum Non Nocere”-“First, Do No Harm”
We live by a simple, best practice philosophy. Do you as you wish, so long as you don’t hurt yourself, don’t hurt others, don’t hurt animals, and don’t destroy other people’s property! Enjoy and work with the energy to manifest your heart’s desires!
This is why there are boundaries. These are mind games, and traps. It’s the total opposite of Elegant Cooperation and Partnership. Thanks for the great example.
Boundaries: NO fake accounts, junk links, or other tactics. Zero tolerance of it. Always has been, always will be. It’s not just a pet peeve, it’s by far one of the most damaging behaviors that is ruining relationships and trust.
More boundaries
I set healthy boundaries for my life.
No one is allowed in my space unless I let them.
~Josefina Navarro
<3 Women Sublime ~ Josefina
Smart people often possess the innate ability to remain productive and effective. To this end, they’ll quickly mitigate any detectable threat that may affect that ability. Relatedly, when smart people detect toxic people, they’ll take swift and effective action.
How to Set Boundaries with Difficult People
Healthy Boundaries return in 7 hours with the Angels
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Boundaries + Yellow and Greenlight return
The play absolutely NOT encouraged on The Miraculist: Mind Games. Game Theory in an Infinite Game supports Partnership, not mind games. Fake accounts, junk links, and other tactics are mind games.
Boundaries are about strength and self-respect. Boundaries help us communicate what we want, and stand up for ourselves.
Boundaries help us be honest with others, and lead the lives we most want to lead.
Boundaries mean being able to state things clearly, and being able to respond rather than react.
Boundaries mean we can avoid resentment, and the feeling that anyone is trampling all over us. We can be lovingly firm and clear.
Boundaries can be drawn whenever we feel a sense of intrusion, injustice or anger rising.
Our boundaries tell the world what we will and won’t accept. They set us free to love.
We teach people how to treat us, so we have to learn how to treat ourselves incredibly well.
We have to be willing to speak up for what we want, to stand up for ourselves and to share our truth. With no expectation that others will fall in line with that.
Everyone else is free to act exactly as they wish to. But we can be clear about what does and doesn’t work for us, and on what we deserve.
We can be clear that we deserve only the best.
We can learn to communicate our requests, preferences and desires. Other people may or may not meet them, or agree. But this isn’t our business. Our business is in being clear ourselves — on who we are, what we stand for, and what we want.
Sometimes it’s hard to say what we really want, for fear of rejection, backlash or abandonment. For fear we won’t be heard or met. But if we don’t speak our truth, then our desires and preferences start to wither inside of us. We wilt, shrink back and get smaller; our confidence plummets, and resentment starts to build.
So we need to cultivate that strength and voice within us. We need to practice saying how we really feel, what we really want, and build that like a muscle.
We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our own well-being, rather than placing it in anyone else’s hands.
We need to worry less about offending others, and more about being true to ourselves.
The clearer we get, and the clearer we are, the more our lives will come into alignment. The more we’ll attract the people and the experiences that meet us where we are. The more we’ll be able to stand in own truth, in our own surety, regardless of anyone else’s actions.
It feels good to know yourself this well. It feels good to be able to communicate what you want and what you need, and to feel that power rising.
It feels good to take responsibility for your part in any relationship or interaction, to own your 50%. No more, and no less.
It feels good to decide you will take no shit. And in knowing that, be able to relax.
It feels good to know your edges — what you will and won’t accept. To be clear in what you’re worth. So that you can stand in your strength, and then soften, loving others with a freedom and abandon that wasn’t there before.
~Kelly Burns
Players only play when they are playing.
You can not change them to be lovers. They are manifested out of fear that is why they are always running in fear.
When one tries to love they want to love but too much fear needs to be resolved as it is what they live. This attracts another fear to resolve the alignment.
When you are clear and realigned; let go and start fresh with no fear. Manifesting then comes from the heart and loving yourself, not to work out the fear.
We live by a simple, best practice philosophy. Do you as you wish, so long as you don’t hurt yourself, don’t hurt others, don’t hurt animals, and don’t destroy other people’s property! Enjoy and work with the energy to manifest your heart’s desires!
YES to Healthy Boundaries return
Why boundaries are a F*ck Yes
The boundaries set here are different in the community. It may not be understood why I’m setting certain ones, yet consider there’s a good reason for it.
Unbounded joy only in all directions of time and space
Healthy boundaries sync
Creating Boundaries: Why Putting Ourselves First is Necessary
Angel Card of the Day: Ishtar ~ Boundaries
“Love yourself enough to say no to others´ demands on your time and energy.”
Whenever we are in the midst of cultivating or manifesting something, we may be met with adversities that promote procrastination. Sometimes others will try to monopolize your time if they feel that you are pulling away from them. In some cases this is a defense mechanism used by the other person. Sometimes the people in your life might feel that as you blossom and move forward they might be forgotten. This can cause some people to act out in negative or even abusive ways. Exercise your right to set healthful boundaries by being more assertive. Don’t allow others to distract you from achieving your goals. When you are asked to help someone, make sure that you are giving of your time out of a desire to help and not from doing things from a sense of obligation or guilt.
Goddess significance: Ishtar is a Babylonian Warrior Goddess. She embodies the essences of the nurturing, protective mother and sensual yet wise woman. She is a multidimensional Goddess who can assist those who call on her for protection and assistance.
Healthy boundaries aren’t walls or barbed wire fences. They are gates, portals that we selectively open when it is healthy to do so. Sometimes we have to wall others off- to heal, to get a taste of what it feels like to be protected- but eventually we come into a sacred balance. Here, we make conscious decisions as to when to open, when to close. I think of it as the art of selective attachment. Rather than responding from a patterned place- too open, or too closed- we look at each situation on its own merits. We keep the gate closed, when it is unsafe to open it. We unlatch the gate, if there is a healthy basis for connection. Healthy boundaries are situation specific, evolving and clarifying as we grow.~
~Jeff Brown
We all encounter space invaders and they teach us about setting Healthy Boundaries for ourselves and others. Hopefully you are surrounded by people who respect and listen to you, but that isn’t always the case when we are pretending to be humans. Here is some advice from our angel friends to help us enlighten our way.
setting healthy boundariesIt is important for you to decide what is right and best for you and to follow your own code, no one else’s. Setting healthy boundaries and limits with those you love can be a bit of challenge at first. Especially if others are used to you doing so many things for everyone for a really long time. They may not see the gift in doing it for themselves right away. However it is important that you honour yourself and what is important to you as you have much that you want to accomplish.
When you set healthy boundaries with what is acceptable and what is not for you, it helps you to create a more balanced life. It helps you create a better perspective on life. It helps you to reprogram yourself so that you are taking care of you and no one does it better than you do. When you define what is acceptable to you and what is not, based on your own moral code and no one else’s, you will find that your creativity opens and increases, your senses become more sensitive and you can regain freedom from issues in the past that have affected the quality of your life.
Your angel guidance is to remember that saying no doesn’t mean you don’t care or love someone any less, it means that you know your limits and that it is okay to take time for you, your growth and your expansion. It is one of the best things you can do for you.
When you are feeling happy, grounded and centered in your own world, you then better able to be a human angel for those around you. Ask your angels to help you, to give you strength and courage and take that important time for you for setting healthy boundaries.
When you set clear and healthy boundaries for yourself and others you have more time and energy to accomplish the things that are important to you.
Your Angel Guidance is to become more comfortable Setting Healthy Boundaries:
Finding your balance in setting healthy boundaries is an important part of creating ease in your world. It is the recognition that you respect yourself enough to say no when it is too much for you and know your own limits. If there is something you could learn from all of this, what would it be? Let go of any fear, or stress, or worry and bring balance and harmony back into your life. Do not worry that others will be unhappy with your new boundaries, as some surely will. That is their issue for them to work through. For you and your life, the best path is to focus on your own well-being, sense of self and what feeds your spirit.
Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox