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The Miraculist's Quantum Field in Tesla's Key of 3, which as Infinite Loops, Symmetry, Super Symmetry Loop Quantum Gravity, Strings (Vibration Particles), Triangles in Geometry Connects Space with Alchemy, and Everything is Energy logic proofs in its construction of the The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop + Tesla's Key of 3 as Unified Field Theory to Quantum Mechanics + The Theory of Relativity vs. Unified Field Theories

Version 5 Liebert Tiny #2 Proof

Loop Quantum Gravity + Expand Theory + Infinite Loop (The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop) + Liebert Tiny #2 Proof

Expand Theory syncs in balance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

“Personally Expand Theory is what I think because of Doppler and Proton + Proton, and that before this expansion, we contracted and the universe created itself again, much like the Creative process in versions.” —T. Katz, The Miraculist

Proton + Proton syncs (Accelerated Expansion)

Protons together… It’s another to make scientific sense of the debris that’s left behind.

Proton + Proton

The Universe is expanding faster than the Laws of Physics

“There are a billion galaxies. They are moving away from us, which is expansion” — Centered in the Universe film

Life may have emerged many times (Expand Theory of the origin of the Universe/Multiverse)

A Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies

Toroidal/Torus is the first word sync on The Miraculist in January 2014

“We live in an infinite universe with infinite boundaries. There is no beginning and no end.” – Nassim Haramein

Physicists Create Incredible ‘Quark Soup’ Droplets That Expand Like Little Big Bangs

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory have been producing this liquid for a decade by colliding atomic nuclei. But more surprisingly, evidence is beginning to mount that they can create this quark-gluon plasma with smaller systems, even just protons, something previously thought impossible. A new study from scientists at RHIC’s PHENIX experiment is the next step in understanding this strange fluid and how it forms.

Some proofs have the individual Unified Field Theory, and some proofs are combined with multiples

Unified Field Theory #1 Quantum Gravity returns with Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Gravity, Protons, Gravitational Waves, Light, Sound, Light, Metaphysics, Phenomena, Fuller, Einstein, Quantum Mechanics

“In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”…/black-holes-are-nothing-…

Quantum Gravity

Nassim Haramein has calculated a geometric solution for the gravitational field. In his latest paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” he describes gravity in a classical algebraic way by calculating the density of the space both within and on the outside of the event horizon of a proton.

The seemingly “empty” vacuum of space is actually a nearly infinitely dense super-fluid medium made of tiny tiny tiny little frothing bubbles of energy. Sometimes called the “quantum foam”, each of these miniscule vibrations represents a spherical wave form, or quanta, that is the diameter of the smallest possible measurable distance, the Planck length. Haramein calls these tiny spherical information bits Planck spherical units or PSUs. The PSUs on the interior of the proton’s event horizon pack together in a perfectly space-filling overlapping “3D” Flower of Life structure with each sphere’s center being connected by a tetrahedral lattice geometry. The PSUs within the proton volume holographically project on the proton surface event horizon as “flat” equatorial circles in a “2D” flower of life tiling pattern.

In this image, the first equation describes the ratio between the proton surface area and the surface Planck circles showing that the number of equatorial circles on the Proton surface equals 10↑40 (10 to the 40 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Planck length diameter circles)

The second equation shows the number of Planck spherical units contained within the proton, which is 10↑60. In the third equation, the external surface horizon is divided by the internal volume and then multiplied by the Planck mass to give the total value of the proton mass. With a simple classical geometric calculation, Haramein obtains the mass of the proton according to the standard model, as measured from the outside, in the laboratory: 10↑-24 gm.

Haramein then calculates the external Planck circles divided by the internal Planck spheres to obtain the gravitational mass of the proton, which equals 10↑14 which is the exact amount of mass needed for the proton to obey what is called the the Schwarzschild condition of a black hole.

Protons are quantum scale black holes.

Gravity is a ratio of volume to surface area.

Resonance Science Foundation • Resonance Science Foundation – Français • The Connected Universe • (post by Jamie Janover)

Gravitational Waves return with Light and Sound

Gravitational Waves

“Omnitriangulated geodesic spheres consisting exclusively of three-way interacting great circles are realizations of gravitational field patterns. The gravitational field will ultimately be disclosed as ultra high-frequency tensegrity geodesic spheres. Nothing else.” –

R. Buckminster Fuller

“Metaphysical has been science’s designation for all weightless phenomena such as thought. But science has made no experimental finding of any phenomena that can be described as a solid, or as continuous, or as a straight surface plane, or as a straight line, or as infinite anything. We are now synergetically forced to conclude that all phenomena are metaphysical; wherefore, as many have long suspected–like it or not–life is but a dream.” – Buckminster Fuller

Einstein’s theory confirmed again: Scientists detect gravitational waves for second time – LA Times –

The gravitational waves stretched and compressed space around Earth “like Jell-O.”

Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein in his general theory of relativity in 1915. However, in order for us to detect them, they needed to be created by a mammoth event — like, for example, the collision of two black holes.

Gravitational Waves and Soundtrack to the Universe

Gravitational wave kicks monster black hole out of galactic core

Gravity wave detection with atomic clocks

Einstein’s theory confirmed again: Scientists detect gravitational waves for second time – LA Times –

The gravitational waves stretched and compressed space around Earth “like Jell-O.”

Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein in his general theory of relativity in 1915. However, in order for us to detect them, they needed to be created by a mammoth event — like, for example, the collision of two black holes.

Spacetime geometry in quantum mechanics

In Nassim Haramein’s recent paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” his physics describes how every proton is connected to the field around it by 10↑40 (10000000000000000000000000000000000000) quantum scale worm-holes coming off of it’s tiny event horizon, as protons are themselves, miniature black holes (wholes).

Everything is connected to everything else by the structure of space itself…

Read more:…/quantum-gravity-and-the-holographic-…/

The Resonance Project • The Resonance Project em Português • The Resonance Project – Traduction Française • The Resonance Project – Página Oficial Hispana • Quantum World: Awaken Your Mind • Quantum Physics • From Quarks to Quasars

Hybrid Unified Field Theory #1 Quantum Gravity with Triangle Theory (Geometry Connects Space Proof)

Spacetime geometry in quantum mechanics

Geometry with Triangle

The Miraculist

November 27, 2017

Interesting Pythagorean Harmonics and Pythagoras sync with Triangles and Harmony as beginning of the Universe and Theory of how the Universe is

How the universe is in harmony, according to one big thinker:…/the-universe-is-a-symphony-of-vibrati…

Triangle/Geometry Theory

ICYMI: The story of the universe’s birth could be found in triangles and myriad other shapes in the sky.

Unified Field Theory #2, #3 and #5 Hybrid: String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and Super Symmetry

The string-loop theory that might finally untangle the universe

Could two rival theories of the make-up of the cosmos really be the same thing? Pulling at the threads could reveal a deeper reality

But string theory does in fact makes one prediction: supersymmetry. A mirror symmetry in the string vibrations means that our familiar particles should all have heavier, supersymmetric twins. But we have so far failed to spot them at the world’s most powerful particle generator, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. The absence of supersymmetric particles may not have killed string theory, but it has injected a dose of humility, says Carlo Rovelli at the Centre of Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France. “This has not been said yet, because people are afraid of saying it.”

Rovelli is a pioneer and supporter of the underdog theory, loop quantum gravity. It got into the competition in the 1980s, a decade later than string theory, but likewise promised to tackle the mismatch between general relativity and quantum theory.|NSNS|2017-Echobox#link_time=1489411187

Unified Field Theory #3 Loop Quantum Gravity, version 1: Loop Quantum Gravity with The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 50 with Consciousness

Loop Quantum Gravity and Consciousness syncs with Animal Kingdom, Circular Loop from Cells, Humans, Universe (The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop), Mechanisms, and Ladybugs

The Unified Whole: Conciousness Is A Circular Loop made from Cells, Humans and the Universe

JP May’s Infinite Loop and Loop Quantum Gravity

Something similar could be said of Carlo Rovelli’s pet idea. Author of last year’s bestseller Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, Rovelli is a leading light in loop quantum gravity, a theoretical endeavour which, after string theory, is the second most popular route to reconciling quantum theory and general relativity.…/2114398-physics-may-be-a-s…/…

Miracle #29850

Infinite Loop Space Theory JP May 1977 Thank you!

Loop Quantum Gravity, which syncs in Tesla’s Key of 3

Miracle #29872

Loop Quantum Gravity — Albert Einstein

In 1986, Abhay Ashtekar reformulated Einstein’s general relativity in a language closer to that of the rest of fundamental physics. Shortly after, Ted Jacobson and Lee Smolin realized that the formal equation of quantum gravity, called the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, admitted solutions labelled by loops, when rewritten in the new Ashtekar variables, and Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin defined a nonperturbative and background-independent quantum theory of gravity in terms of these loop solutions. Jorge Pullin and Jerzy Lewandowski understood that the intersections of the loops are essential for the consistency of the theory, and the theory should be formulated in terms of intersecting loops, or graphs.

In 1994, Rovelli and Smolin showed that the quantum operators of the theory associated to area and volume have a discrete spectrum. That is, geometry is quantized. This result defines an explicit basis of states of quantum geometry, which turned out to be labelled by Roger Penrose‘s spin networks, which are graphs labelled by spins.

The canonical version of the dynamics was put on firm ground by Thomas Thiemann, who defined an anomaly-free Hamiltonian operator, showing the existence of a mathematically consistent background-independent theory. The covariant or spinfoam version of the dynamics developed during several decades, and crystallized in 2008, from the joint work of research groups in France, Canada, UK, Poland, and Germany, lead to the definition of a family of transition amplitudes, which in the classical limit can be shown to be related to a family of truncations of general relativity.[2] The finiteness of these amplitudes was proven in 2011.[3][4] It requires the existence of a positive cosmological constant, and this is consistent with observed acceleration in the expansion of the Universe.

Thank you!

Loop, Quantum, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity

“…it could essentially resolve some crucial conflicts between Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Physicists have proposed that the main reason we can’t find out what happens to matter once it passes over the edge – or event horizon – and into a black hole, is because there is actually no ‘inside’.”

“For a new way of looking at this this problem, Pranzetti and his coworkers used a theoretical method called Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to clarify a concept known as quantum gravity.

In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”…/black-holes-are-nothing-…

The basic mechanisms of consciousness can be found in creatures of an enormous variety

Ladybug and Mechanisms return

Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings

The basic mechanisms of consciousness can be found in creatures of an enormous variety


Ladybug Wings

Ladybug Wings

Unfolding the folding mechanism of ladybug wings

Unified Field Theory #3 Loop Quantum Gravity, version 2: The Organic Infinite Positive Feedback Circuit Loop, Version 25


IIII. Gravity with Newton and Hawking

Gravity returns in 6 weeks with Gravitational Waves and Quantum Gravity with Einstein, Fuller, Newton, and Hawking

Gravity in Principia

“Omnitriangulated geodesic spheres consisting exclusively of three-way interacting great circles are realizations of gravitational field patterns. The gravitational field will ultimately be disclosed as ultra high-frequency tensegrity geodesic spheres. Nothing else.” –

R. Buckminster Fuller

Gravitational Waves

The past five years have seen three great experimental advances: the discoveries of the Higgs boson and gravitational waves, as well as the Planck satellite’s meticulous measurements of the cosmic microwave background. But all have served to confirm existing pictures of reality: the standard model of particle physics based on quantum field theory, and the standard cosmological model of a big bang universe rooted in Einstein’s theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity.

Einstein’s theory confirmed again: Scientists detect gravitational waves for second time – LA Times –

The gravitational waves stretched and compressed space around Earth “like Jell-O.”

Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein in his general theory of relativity in 1915. However, in order for us to detect them, they needed to be created by a mammoth event — like, for example, the collision of two black holes.

Gravity returns as part of the Quantum Physics equation

…Stephen Hawking showing us in the video that because Gravity is imperfect, we are here, and meta connect to Sir Isaac Newton.

“In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”…/black-holes-are-nothing-…

Quantum Gravity

JP May’s Infinite Loop and Loop Quantum Gravity

Something similar could be said of Carlo Rovelli’s pet idea. Author of last year’s bestseller Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, Rovelli is a leading light in loop quantum gravity, a theoretical endeavour which, after string theory, is the second most popular route to reconciling quantum theory and general relativity.…/2114398-physics-may-be-a-s…/…

Miracle #29850

Infinite Loop Space Theory JP May 1977 Thank you!

Loop Quantum Gravity, which syncs in Tesla’s Key of 3

Miracle #29872

Loop Quantum Gravity — Albert Einstein

In 1986, Abhay Ashtekar reformulated Einstein’s general relativity in a language closer to that of the rest of fundamental physics. Shortly after, Ted Jacobson and Lee Smolin realized that the formal equation of quantum gravity, called the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, admitted solutions labelled by loops, when rewritten in the new Ashtekar variables, and Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin defined a nonperturbative and background-independent quantum theory of gravity in terms of these loop solutions. Jorge Pullin and Jerzy Lewandowski understood that the intersections of the loops are essential for the consistency of the theory, and the theory should be formulated in terms of intersecting loops, or graphs.

In 1994, Rovelli and Smolin showed that the quantum operators of the theory associated to area and volume have a discrete spectrum. That is, geometry is quantized. This result defines an explicit basis of states of quantum geometry, which turned out to be labelled by Roger Penrose‘s spin networks, which are graphs labelled by spins.

The canonical version of the dynamics was put on firm ground by Thomas Thiemann, who defined an anomaly-free Hamiltonian operator, showing the existence of a mathematically consistent background-independent theory. The covariant or spinfoam version of the dynamics developed during several decades, and crystallized in 2008, from the joint work of research groups in France, Canada, UK, Poland, and Germany, lead to the definition of a family of transition amplitudes, which in the classical limit can be shown to be related to a family of truncations of general relativity.[2] The finiteness of these amplitudes was proven in 2011.[3][4] It requires the existence of a positive cosmological constant, and this is consistent with observed acceleration in the expansion of the Universe.

Thank you!

Loop, Quantum, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity

“…it could essentially resolve some crucial conflicts between Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Physicists have proposed that the main reason we can’t find out what happens to matter once it passes over the edge – or event horizon – and into a black hole, is because there is actually no ‘inside’.”

“For a new way of looking at this this problem, Pranzetti and his coworkers used a theoretical method called Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to clarify a concept known as quantum gravity.

In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”…/black-holes-are-nothing-…

Each has required sometimes cherished preconceptions to be reconsidered. Loop quantum gravity is no exception. Again, you have to unpick space-time, the unified fabric of reality that Einstein’s relativity stitched together. At the infinitesimal level of the Planck scale, space becomes a pixelated, rough, quantum foam. That, incidentally, also supplies time with a new guise: the direction in which it flows emerges from the order in which processes happen on unobservably small scales within this foam.

Gravity with Newton and Hawking including a video on why Gravity made the formation of our planets because the Universe is imperfect. Hawking has the same position as Newton.

Gravity returns

“Love is metaphysical gravity.”

— R. Buckminster Fuller

Newton Gravity returns

…Stephen Hawking showing us in the video that because Gravity is imperfect, we are here, and meta connect to Sir Isaac Newton.

“One could conclude from our understanding of information and spacememory (time) that the universe is expanding and accelerating because it is learning about itself and thus it requires more surfaces to store the holographic Planck information.” – Nassim Haramein

The Resonance Project • The connected universe • The Resonance Project 共振企劃 • • Universe Explorers • (post by Jamie Janover)

The Theory of Relativity and Gravity

100 syncs with Einstein

Einstein’s birthday syncs with Pi Day of the Century, with 100th Anniversary of The Theory of Relativity

Happy syncs for 156th day consecutively

Happy birthday Albert Einstein

March 14, 1879

Happy Pi day of the century

100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity syncs with the math that helped him prove it, the flower petal orbit of Mercury, with the sync of 17 planetary orbits

100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity with the orbit of Mercury which was how he figured out the Mathematics for the Theory. It took versions, but he didn’t give up.

Mercury, discovered by Einstein, in figuring out the mathematics for the Theory of Relativity

“Einstein began to look at a mystery that had puzzled Astronomers for generations. According to Isaac Newton, the planet Mercury should be around the sun like this, but it was known for quite a while that the orbit of Mercury deviates from Newton’s Laws of Motion. It tilts a little bit, so the orbit instead of going like this begins to tilt, and it begins to make a pattern, like the petals of a flower.”

Einstein History (minute 55)

November 18, 1915

On this date in 1915, Einstein submitted the third of his four papers on general relativity. #ThanksEinstein

November 11, 1915

On this date in 1915, Einstein submitted the second of his four papers on general relativity. This paper is an addendum to his very first paper on general relativity, which was published on November 4, 1915. #ThanksEinstein

November 4, 1915

On this date in 1915, Einstein submitted the first of his four papers that together created his famed theory of general relativity. 100 years later, we celebrate Einstein for the indelible mark he made in physics and science at large. #ThanksEinstein

17 planetary orbits (in 8 sets), with Mercury (orbit around the Sun) which proved Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Planet orbits sync for Earth, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars

Planet orbits in a flower pattern sync in 2 years

Mercury, discovered by Einstein, in figuring out the mathematics for the Theory of Relativity

“Einstein began to look at a mystery that had puzzled Astronomers for generations. According to Isaac Newton, the planet Mercury should be around the sun like this, but it was known for quite a while that the orbit of Mercury deviates from Newton’s Laws of Motion. It tilts a little bit, so the orbit instead of going like this begins to tilt, and it begins to make a pattern, like the petals of a flower.”

Einstein History (minute 55)

Miracle #2866

If you track the relative positions of Earth and Venus over an 8 year period, this is the resulting pattern!

This animation by Yukterez Foundation depicts the geometry formed by the relative motions of Mars and Jupiter over time…

Explore the connected universe in an interactive online learning community with Nassim Haramein and faculty with participants from around the world in The Resonance Academy –>

The Delegate level 1 Course: Exploring Unified Physics is a comprehensive, self-paced online multimedia course packed with 30 years of research and the latest information on this topic. This material can literally transform the way you look at the world as it helps you to better understand our universe. Come join the thousands of people who are engaging with each other and our progressive faculty team in this co-creative learning community. Registrations are open now.

The Resonance Project • The connected universe • The Resonance Project – Página Oficial Hispana • The Resonance Project – Polska • The Resonance Project – Traduction Française • The Resonance Project 共振企劃 • (post by Jamie Janover)

Miracle #29872

Loop Quantum Gravity — Albert Einstein

In 1986, Abhay Ashtekar reformulated Einstein’s general relativity in a language closer to that of the rest of fundamental physics. Shortly after, Ted Jacobson and Lee Smolin realized that the formal equation of quantum gravity, called the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, admitted solutions labelled by loops, when rewritten in the new Ashtekar variables, and Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin defined a nonperturbative and background-independent quantum theory of gravity in terms of these loop solutions. Jorge Pullin and Jerzy Lewandowski understood that the intersections of the loops are essential for the consistency of the theory, and the theory should be formulated in terms of intersecting loops, or graphs.

In 1994, Rovelli and Smolin showed that the quantum operators of the theory associated to area and volume have a discrete spectrum. That is, geometry is quantized. This result defines an explicit basis of states of quantum geometry, which turned out to be labelled by Roger Penrose‘s spin networks, which are graphs labelled by spins.

The canonical version of the dynamics was put on firm ground by Thomas Thiemann, who defined an anomaly-free Hamiltonian operator, showing the existence of a mathematically consistent background-independent theory. The covariant or spinfoam version of the dynamics developed during several decades, and crystallized in 2008, from the joint work of research groups in France, Canada, UK, Poland, and Germany, lead to the definition of a family of transition amplitudes, which in the classical limit can be shown to be related to a family of truncations of general relativity.[2] The finiteness of these amplitudes was proven in 2011.[3][4] It requires the existence of a positive cosmological constant, and this is consistent with observed acceleration in the expansion of the Universe.

Thank you!

Loop, Quantum, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity

“…it could essentially resolve some crucial conflicts between Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Physicists have proposed that the main reason we can’t find out what happens to matter once it passes over the edge – or event horizon – and into a black hole, is because there is actually no ‘inside’.”

“For a new way of looking at this this problem, Pranzetti and his coworkers used a theoretical method called Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to clarify a concept known as quantum gravity.

In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta – the ‘atoms’ of space-time.”

Unified Field Theory #4: The Theory of Everything

Miracle #33525

“What do we worship? One single unifying equation that explains everything in the Universe.”

“What’s the equation?”

“That is the question… and a very good question. I’m not quite sure yet. I intend to find out.”

— Stephen Hawking, The Theory of Everything

Everything is Deductive Logic Proof by T. Katz, The Miraculist

Unified Field Theory #5 Super Symmetry with Noether’s Symmetry Physics Theorem with Higgs Boson

The string-loop theory that might finally untangle the universe

Could two rival theories of the make-up of the cosmos really be the same thing? Pulling at the threads could reveal a deeper reality

But string theory does in fact makes one prediction: supersymmetry. A mirror symmetry in the string vibrations means that our familiar particles should all have heavier, supersymmetric twins. But we have so far failed to spot them at the world’s most powerful particle generator, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland. The absence of supersymmetric particles may not have killed string theory, but it has injected a dose of humility, says Carlo Rovelli at the Centre of Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France. “This has not been said yet, because people are afraid of saying it.”

Rovelli is a pioneer and supporter of the underdog theory, loop quantum gravity. It got into the competition in the 1980s, a decade later than string theory, but likewise promised to tackle the mismatch between general relativity and quantum theory.

Higgs Boson, also the Oh-My-God Particle syncs for the first time on The Miraculist

The Higgs doesn’t quite fit in with the other particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

The Miraculist works on Rotational Symmetry and Toroidal Flow and Code

Sum of all Motions (sphere) with Toroidal Flow and Rotational Symmetry with Noether’s Symmetry Theorem

Rotational Symmetry

Sum of all Motions

Toroidal in Motion

Toroidal returns with Motion

Something as simple and common as a drop falling into liquid can reveal the fundamental toroidal structure of everything from atoms to galaxies: Torus

Nassim Haramein • THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • The Resonance Project – Polska • The Resonance Project – Romania

Torus Motion

When we were 2-cells-old we had a similar dual-torus structure as the galaxy we inhabit…

Nassim Haramein • The Resonance Project 共振企劃 • The Resonance Project – Проeкт Резонанс • פרוייקט תהודה – The Resonance Project

Toroidal/Torus returns with Toroidal original sync, the Torus Code, and Toroidal Flow sync in 5 (Fifths)

Toroidal Flow syncs in 33 days. Toroidal is the first word sync of The Miraculist in January 2014.

Toroidal Flow…/tumblr_o20kakzo3e1tl8u0ko1_40…

Toroidal flow: the most fundamental energy patterning in the universe from the quantum to the cosmological…

Nassim Haramein • Physics-Astronomy • ScienceAlert • The connected universe • Physics is Awesome • The Tao of Physics • Science & Technology

“We’re traveling in this boundless sea of infinite torus flow.” – Nassim Haramein

The Resonance Project • The Resonance Project – Проeкт Резонанс • The Resonance Project 共振企劃 • The Resonance Project – Italia • Physics-Astronomy • (post by Jamie Janover)…/…/s540/torus%2Bfield.gif

Toroidal, the first word sync on The Miraculist, is the code to understanding the Universe and Self

The Torus is The Code.

It is the only known shape

in our known universe

that exists at all scales.

What I mean by this “Scale Invariancy”

is that the torus is the shape of all protons,

as well as being the shape of the iris’ lens of the eye,

of the human field, of the dimpled north and south poles of our precious planet Earth,

and our extraordinary Milky Way Galaxy.

They are all torii or toroidal fields.

It is what defines all life

and assists our enquiring minds to comprehend the invisible structure of space.

Top scientists today

still believe that space is structureless, ie: they call it a vacuum,

a nothingness,

yet, it is absolutely laden, like tree with fruit, with hyper-dimensional Geometries.

Jain 108

Here’s the original Toroidal sync from 1.3.2014

“Toroidal” synchronizes. Wow, utterly unbelievable in less than 12 hours.

Toroidal crest via Visual Alchemy

Thank you!

So this connects to Infinite loops and Sacred Geometry. This is a huge bridge.





adjective: toroidal

1. of or resembling a torus.

: of, relating to, or shaped like a torus or toroid : doughnut-shaped <a toroidal resistance coil>

Toroidal Heart with Symmetry of Mind, Body, Soul and Quantum Computer

Heart returns as the first Quantum Computer with an Electromagnetic Field, and the Heart is Toroidal

Heart as a Quantum Computer syncs with Toroidal, the first word sync on The Miraculist in January 2014

The heart is a toroidal electromagnetic fractal resonator…

Nassim Haramein • The connected universe • HeartMath • HeartMath Institute • Fractal Enlightenment • Expanded Consciousness • The Resonance Project – Traduction Française • Jamie Janover

Symmetry returns in 3, with Tesla’s Key of 3 with Mind, Body, Spirit/Soul in a day

“Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind, and spirit. Honor your body. Keep it in good shape. It is the most important physical tool that you have.” — Neale Donald Walsch

Self-Healing: Proof It Works And 9 Key Steps To Doing It Successfully…/self-healing-proof-it-works-and-…/

Symmetry returns

Rotational Symmetry…/tumblr_np2c7whZsQ1sfkghmo1_500…

What is SuperSymmetry?…/…

Symmetry returns with the alphabet

Symmetry returns with Brain Cells and Universe, Food and Body


According to mirror symmetry, our Universe has a parallel Universe of antimatter, related to ours by means of a CPT symmetry, with 2 Planck lengths distance between them, one on each side. By using gravitational waves, they are coherent and ordered. The formulas used to obtain Planck length and Planck mass in our Universe, are always represented by two roots: (+) which corresponds to our Universe, and (-) which corresponds to the antimatter Universe. The geometrical relation is hyperbolic; or a hyperboloid, if we consider the 3rd spatial dimension.

Core of Speed of Matter and Antimatter with Symmetry

Considering the fact that even a empty dark space has vacuum energy, which is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe I would say a cubic meter of free space is 10^−9 Joules with the quantization of a simple harmonic oscillator requiring the lowest possible energy, or zero-point energy of such an oscillator being E=1/2 hv.

CERN Symmetry Measurement Confirms Matter And Antimatter Are Mirrors Of Each Other…/cern-symmetry-experiment-confir…

“Surfing” Antimatter Breakthrough Could Accelerate The Hunt For Exotic Particles…/surfing-antimatter-could-lead-b…

“Zwicky’s observations were based on the measuring the mass of planets and galaxies. But how do you weigh stuff in space? You don’t go and put the Sun on a scale, that’s a little bit hard, but what you can do is measure how fast the planet is moving around the Sun. The more stuff there is in the Sun, the faster the planets have to stay in their orbits. Both Newton and Einstein said, the more mass, or stuff you have in an object, the more gravitational pull it will have, and the further the object is from the center (image of Jupiter’s orbit), the slower it should travel in orbit, as the gravitational pull is weaker. According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or according to Newtonian Gravity, all of the galaxies are pulling on each other. It’s the like Sun’s influence on our solar system. The mass of the Sun pulls Mercury faster than Pluto because Mercury is positioned closer to the Sun. Likewise for a galaxy, as you go further and further away, they’re moving more and more slowly to stay in their orbits. But Zwicky didn’t observe that. Neither did a young scientist named Vera Ruben 50 years later. She observed rotational curves of the galaxy, similar to the Milky Way (spiral)…. As rather the galaxies moved away, the velocity of gas and dust remained constant (E=MC2). If a city was like a galaxy, and every car on the road was a planet or star, and despite the amount of traffic, every car traveled around the city at the same speed. This same consistent rotation speed, or traffic, was what Ruben observed.”

— The Universe TV Series, Dark Matter


©2010 to 2025 + ∞ by Sirian Light Tech Master Tova F. Katz

Tova Katz Enterprises LLC

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