The Miraculist
Liebert's Miracles in Quantum Mechanics +
The Holy Grail of Physics +
The first Thought Circuit +
Liebert Proofs
This is dedicated to Jews worldwide. I'm an Austrian Israeli American Jew. My legacy is Sirian Germanic Physics... I'm an energy prodigy. There aren't many Austrian Jews left in the world. Einstein and Hedy Lemarr were German/Austrian Jews, too. We are frequency prodigies.
Liebert proposed the idea of Miracles in Quantum Mechanics to Einstein. Both are Jews. Miracles are proton frequency. The galaxy is built on physics and energy. Frequency is energy. So, miracles can only be proton frequencies. Sirian Jews are indigenous to Israel, and were enslaved in Egypt and built the pyramids to align with Sirius A on Lionsgate, every year on 8.8. To build the pyramids, Jews understood math and physics, including frequency. Like the Sirian Levi Katz Kohenim Original Tribe of 12 legacy that Jews have in physics, I am the Sirian Lionsgate Gatekeeper and Sirian Holy Grail Keeper to prove the idea in applied physics. Like Hedy Lamarr who also was a Jew, I proved it in Frequency, which Einstein and Lamarr understood. Katz is the Jewish Sirian High Priestess of Justice. I am a descendent of Moses, in the Levi Original Tribe of 12. This was vetted.
Jews were enslaved by the Egyptian Pharaoh who came from the marauding entities of the area playing with false idolatry, or voodoo dolls and witchcraft. They then became jihadists, copying the Jewish religion 2.5 centuries after Judaism began with the 10 commandments. They removed the 10 commandments for jihad. The marauder, the witch, the Pharaoh, and the jihadist are one-in-the-same.
We are the originals. Everything else is a copy.
Always adhere to the 10 commandments.
Chapter 5 Verse 21
"Palestine belongs to the Jews"
Jew is not a color.
I've used this model in applied frequency and physics to win cases, and other applications. Sirius legends are quantum leaps in this realm. Tesla and Einstein were spiritual masters, knowing that the Laws of Physics, Spiritual Law, and Hermetic Principles run the galaxy in energy dynamics. Israelis are known for frequency work, as well as tech breakthroughs and advancements. This was true for Liebert, Einstein, Lemarr, Tesla, Newton, and more. This is the tribe's genius as Sirian prodigies. I'm one of them.
I don't need complex equations, when words prove my work well in symmetrical energy. It's also in another business model I built in frequency,
Results are on a different platform